Chapter 4

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"Uh thank you for the ride home. And for calling Bianca to bring me clothes. I would've had her drive me but she as you said had to get back to work and couldn't talk." I said sitting in James's car. He had a nice silver sports car and he was very sweet. We were parked in front of Bianca and mines apartment building.

"No problem Melody. I hope you didn't mind me staying all day, just to make sure you were going to be okay." James said smiling. I nodded.

"Thanks." I opened the door getting out slowly while grabbing my bag full of stuff. James got out as well grabbing the vase of sunflowers and Cuddles out of the backseat where they both were belted to the seat.

We walked up the stairs very slowly as James offered to carry me up the stairs. I snorted and declined. We eventually made it up to the third floor using the outside stairs. I leaned against my door frame digging in my purse and finding my keys. I opened the door and felt a wave of relief seeing some things that were familiar. "Thank God." I smiled setting down my bag and telling James to set the flowers on the counter.

"Well I should probably go back to work." James said after setting the stuff down. I nodded and walked him to the door.

"Thank you James." I said as he had stood in silence with me, and just walked away not knowing what to say. He turned around and smiled at me. "For everything." I added. He nodded and waved walking slowly down the stairs. I closed the door and saw Cuddles and the flowers in the kitchen. I smiled. Maybe I'd see James again one day. Maybe.... I grabbed the vase and bear and walked to my room in which I was staying. I set the flowers next to my bed and hugged Cuddles one more time. I grabbed some new clothes and went to go shower when my phone in my purse went off. I walked quickly into the kitchen where my purse was. I grabbed it to see a smile come across my screen with the name 'James' across my screen calling me. I wondered when he had been on my phone. "Hello?" I answered putting the phone to my ear.

"Hey! I hope you don't mind, I put your number in my phone when you were sleeping. Just so I could check up on you." He said, he sounded like he was smiling, and oddly enough, I could picture him smiling as well. "I see you put your number in mine as well... And took a picture as well." I told him pulling the hair out of my face. I then accidentally touched my eye and I felt a tinge of pain in my eye and gasped at the contact.

"You okay?" I heard James ask.

"Yeah I was just going to go shower... I should go now before Bianca comes home." I told him. We said goodbye and I was free to go shower.

I hurried as I felt faint and felt weird thinking about James in the shower. I got out and got into some over sized sweat pants and an over sized shirt. I ended up falling asleep by the time Bianca got home. She waited two hours then woke me up. I told her what happened and she felt horrible. "Oh my God, Melody I'm so sorry! I'm so damn sorry! Oh my God. I'm sorry I left with Jake. I'm so sorry!" Bianca had tears in her eyes and had her mouth covered with her hands. Jake and Bianca have been dating for six years. We all grew up together, but as soon as we graduated Jake was off to college at UCLA, Bianca following not far behind, and I had a job as a hostess at multiple restaurants in Vegas. I finally saved up enough to not have to work for awhile to come visit Bianca.

"It's fine B. seriously. You didn't know it was happening. I didn't either." I told her. She nodded in response but I knew she still felt guilty. We ordered take out and Bianca laughed at what the doctor recommended.

"You're not actually gonna wear diapers are you?" She smiled at me. I had actually considered it mainly because I never knew if it was gonna happen. Just then I hear my phone go off. I set down my Chinese food and grabbed my phone. It was James. 'Hey! :) just wanted to see how you were. If you need anything while Bianca's at work let me know okay?' I smiled at my phone and Bianca noticed.

"Is that that hunky guy from the hospital? If he's a nurse, I want you to push me down the stairs right now!" She teased. I laughed.

"He saved me." I told her texting James back. She 'awed' and then made me blush.

"He's your Prince Charming! You're blonde! You're Cinderella!" She was getting all excited over nothing. He was just being kind. Any guy would do this for a girl whom he helped to a hospital. Right?

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