Chapter 22

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James and I got to the hospital and I was taken into a room immediately as James waited for me to change into a hospital gown in the hall. I changed and walked out of the woman's room where They had a wheel chair and a nurse with James out in the hall for me. I sat down as the nurse was going to push me to the prep room. We got to a room with three other bald people sitting in beds. The woman wheeled me over to the empty bed as James helped me into the bed and covered me up. He must've felt like being close was necessary because he ignored the metal folding chair next to the bed setting our duffle bag on it as he sat on the bed with both his arms around me.

"James I know you're worried." I told him. He nodded looking down at my feet covered by the blankets. I looked around the room to see three male cancer patients. An elderly man about fifty or sixty, a younger man maybe James's age, then a ten or so year old. That one made me feel sad. He was alone, no family, but he was closest to me so I decided to talk to him.

"Hi!" I said. He looked up from his hands and smiled at me.

"Hi." He said. James must've caught onto what I was doing because he smiled too.

"What are you here for cutie?" I asked him. He smiled at the name.

"I have a brain tumor. I have surgery in a couple hours." He said.

"Me too. I have surgery in about thirty minutes though." I told him.

"Really? Girls get those too?" He asked sitting up taller. James smiled at me as I chuckled.

"Yep they do. I'm one of them. I've had cancer three times before. When I was a little older than you." I smiled at him.

"Wow. And you're a survivor? That's so awesome!" He told me. I smiled thanking him. James then started talking to him about super heroes and soon the little boy was told by a nurse that he should get some sleep before his surgery. I prayed a moment for that little boy to make it. Out of anyone in this room, the little boy deserved to survive.

"Melody, look at me." James said ten minutes before a nurse was suppose to be in to come get me. I looked next to me to the man of my dreams. Growing up I never dreamed of living very long, and I certainly didn't think I'd be in love at twenty one to a boy band member.

"Listen to me. I don't know the statistics, all I know is that people die from this type of surgery. I had no intentions of ever loving you when I saved you that night. I thought I would be a nice guy, maybe make a new friend, and stay all day with you in the hospital, but once you realized my voice, I saw that look in your eye you have when you talk to Bianca about girlie shit, and how you look at Axel, and how when Carlos calls you pretty lady when you're feeling down. That's the look you had. I fell for you. I fell for you hard babe." He said. I felt tears in my eyes. It was as if we were saying goodbye. I never wanted to say goodbye to James. He had tears in his eyes ready to fall but he didn't let them. The nurse soon came in, in the middle of his speech to me.

"Excuse me sir we need her in surgery." She said popping the brakes off the bed.

"Can you just wait a minute?" He asked annoyed. She shook her head.

"We have a strict schedule sir. We need her in there now." She said about to push me away. I clung to James's hoodie he had on.

"Please. Please one minute please." I pleaded crying. She saw my tears ad sighed.

"One minute." She said walking over to the other patients in the room.

"James, James baby, I love you. I never thought I'd live to be twenty one little lone meet someone like you." I said. He started to cry with me and hugged me to his chest.

"I'm in love with you Melody. Please fight. Please come back to me." He whispered in my ear. The nurse was back and was pushing me away. James walked with my bed and when we were three feet from the double doors he kissed me like he's never kissed me before. So filled with passion, worry, love, and... A possible Goodbye.

"I love you!" We both yelled as I looked back at him and he was at the doors slowly closing. I leaned back and tried to breath normally. This would be one hell of a ride.

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