Chapter 12

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James and I were now official. We saw each other everyday, Fox, James's dog, and Axel, my little fawn colored Pitbull, loved each other. We found out Axel's growth had been stunted and he was also the runt of his litter so he would be almost the size of a corgi with little squaty legs and a longer chunky body. He was adorable. Bianca didn't mind having a dog, and jake loved to play with Axel when he was over. Axel was my best friend. He replaced Bianca and Carlos both, but then again, James replaced them as well.

I was now six sessions into my treatment and most of my hair had fallen out. I cried in James's arms in the hospital when some decided to fall out of my scalp. "You're still beautiful." He would whisper to me. I sat in the bed as Dr. Gregory told me when my surgery would be scheduled, to take out the tumor.

"In about two weeks we'd like for you to come back, and get this little problem taken care of okay? The tumor has shrank enormously! Which is amazing and only happens with a few people." He smiled at me.

"Oh my God that's great!" James Said sitting on the bed with me with his hands around my shoulders. I smiled and nodded.

"However, we recommend shaving the rest of your head, and possibly getting a wig or hats if you aren't confident with just your scalp." He told me. We thanked him as we got up to leave, it was now closer to fall and a little chilly so I could put on my hoodie and throw on the hood, to hide my deforming head of hair.

"So are you going to do it?" James asked holding my hand to the car. I looked up at him.

"Do you wish To have a bald girlfriend?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well I know it isn't idealist, but if you were, you'd be an amazing looking bald woman. Plus you could bring Axel anywhere without being questioned as much." He said smiling. I giggled and told him I'd think about it. That night as jake and James left our apartment, Bianca and I shaved our heads.

"You know I love you for this right?" I asked her. She smiled.

"I'm used to it remember? You, jake, and I used to do this every time you had cancer before." She smiled looking really pretty being bald. I envied her Latin beauty because I looked like a weird over grown baby wearing clothes too old for her and make up. I stared at myself in the mirror. Would James still want to be with me even if I looked like this?

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