Chapter 16

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"Hey hon," I said looking at Carlos. Axel was asleep on my lap, and the three guys were gone. "Where's James? Logan and Kendall?" I asked Carlos.

"They're getting food, this is going to be an over night session. We're on fire now, we don't want to call it off." He smiled at me. I nodded and sat up sleepily. "Oh and James wanted to know if you wanted to stay or go home?" He asked leaning back on the couch. I shrugged.

"I can stay. If y'all don't mind my weirdness." I giggled. I was in so much pain. The effects of the meds must have worn off because I felt like I was close to dying.

"It's all good, Logan had to go home to check in and sing his kids to sleep, Kendall is doing whatever Kendall does, and James is getting you comfortable clothes, getting Fox and getting me Sydney. Then they'll meet up and bring us food." Carlos said sticking out his tongue excited I assumed. He texted James my decision and James replied that he'd bring Axel food as well. I held up a thumbs up and smiled.

"What time is it Los?" I asked now fully awake. He looked down at his phone, then looked back up at me.

"Ten. You haven't eaten since this morning so James was worried." He informed me as he held up his phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"What are YOU doing?" He said back smiling to his phone. I glared at him, trying to see what he was doing. I scooted Axel off my lap and crawled to his side of the couch. A vine. Of course.

"Carlos, don't film me!" I said covering my head with my arms.

"Mel is shy, isn't she gorgeous though?" He smiled at the camera as I peeked through my arms. He then moved in front of me and sat me up straight next to him and took off his hat he had been wearing the whole time. Carlos had shaved his head.

"Awwwwwwe!" I shrieked as I hugged him. He then ended the vine with that. "You're too sweet Carlos! Oh my gosh!" I said as Axel started to wander.

"It's no big deal, a big deal will be if he goes anywhere on this carpet." Carlos said as I got up to grab Axel's leash. We walked out into the late night air and walked Axel around the building. Carlos told me how he was trying to meet this girl that shops at the same Whole Foods as him and Kendall.

"Why don't you talk to her? The next time you see her, be all 'hey, my names Carlos, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime?' It should be that easy right?" I said. He shook his head.

"Nah, Mel, it's harder for me now. After Alexa, I don't know if I could trust a girl with my heart again. I mean she's still my friend and all, but she's.... Just.... Not 'mine'." He used emphases on 'mine', he looked really torn up on the inside.

"How long ago did you and her break up?" I asked.

"Almost seven months. And we dated for five wonderful years, and two shitty months." He explained.

"Why did you break up then?" I asked as Axel stopped to smell something. We were around the corner from the entrance of the building. He leaned against the wall, and shrugged.

"Just wasn't working anymore. I mean I still love her, she's someone who knew everything about me like the back of her hand and that's when I thought she'd be the one, ya know? But then we fought all the time. About Ridiculous crap. Then we agreed to end it." He explained as Axel pulled on the leash. We walked back to the entrance to see Kendall pulling up in his car. He had organic food in a bag for himself, then we saw Logan's fancy car pull up next. He got out holding a leash as a huge German shepherd jumped out of his car following him. Then a Ford Bronco pulled into the spot next to Logan's as they were the only cars in the parking lot. James hopped out of it, smiling at me. James grabbed Fox setting him down and let him run up to Sydney, then saw his buddy and came running up to Axel. James then grabbed a big duffle bag out of his bronco and bags of food. Since my treatment had took full effect on me, I couldn't really taste food very well with chemo and my pain meds, so James always encouraged me to eat the most flavorful foods. We all made our way into the studio again as we set up a food table in the lobby on the first floor. There was plenty of chairs considering it was a lobby. We all gathered around as James pulled me aside with the duffle bag he had.

"I brought you some of your sweats, an oversized shirt, a pair of jeans and a shirt for tomorrow, that weird face wash you like that smells like apples, Cuddles, your pain killers, a pillow, a blanket, your make up bag, tooth brush, and I bought those mints you eat like candy since they stimulate your taste buds. Oh and I bought you three beanies that have those flowers and bows you saw and you said you liked so much sown in them." James said patting the bag. I smiled and kissed him.

"You know me all too well." I said. He chuckled.

"Bianca wasn't too happy with me going through your stuff when she was suppose to be sleeping though." He laughed. I hugged him and went to the lady's room, ready to get comfortable.

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