Chapter 6

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I spent the remainder of the time at James's song writing session totally in awe as they all sang perfectly as if they weren't trying. It was difficult, but yet totally easy to not throw myself at James as I had wanted so badly to. We however sat very close to one another on the couch when Logan got a call from his wife. "Hey baby!" He said holding up a finger. "Yeah I was just about leave when you called!" He said laughing. He got up and waved at the rest of us, taking his leather jacket and keys with him. It was very cute how he was so in love.

"Dang, he's whipped." I heard Carlos say. I giggled as James laughed along with me.

"Guys come on, one day that'll be all of us." Kendall said to the other two males on either side of him.

"Not me!" Carlos said. "I'm a free man!" He said smiling at me.

"He just went through a tough break up with his girl of five years." James whispered to me. I nodded.

"Hey! No sharing secrets with your girlie friend!" Carlos said kicking James's foot which was on the coffee table.

"Alright I guess we should head out now too." Kendall said standing up. He put his guitar up in it's case and held onto the handle. James and I stood as Carlos came over to me.

"Can I get a picture with you?" Carlos asked putting up his phone without even asking. I was luckily giggling so in the picture I looked like I was smiling.

"Alright, so Melody, where do you wanna go?" James asked. We followed the two members of BTR out of the studio and into the parking.

"Uhhh, I don't know I haven't been in the sun for so long." I said smiling at James. Somehow he made me forget everything that happened to me in the last week and made me feel amazing and care free yet we hadn't even done anything yet. We climbed into the car as James said he knew where he was taking me. We drove awhile and ended up at a park. I got out and walked to meet James at the front of his car.

"I think a walk would be good for the both of us." James said. We started down the sidewalk till a path came about and headed down it.

"So tell me about your family." James said. I sighed and looked up at the trees where the sunshine could peek between the beautiful green leaves leaving the blue sky to be beautiful on it's own.

"My dad was never in the picture. He had gotten my mom pregnant in high school, at sixteen. He never wanted to see me. My mom worked herself to death. She used to do odd jobs, from computer tech, to personal chef, to clerk at Walmart. Rarely ever slept, she tried so hard to support me and my dreams to go to college. Sadly she never got a chance. She died a few years ago. She made it to my high school graduation though. But soon after I had to live with my grandparents in Vegas, and still do, doing odd hostess jobs." I told him not wanting to look at him. He apologized as I shrugged it off. I could already tell his story, so I didn't ask, he just started telling me.

"I grew up in San Diego, I always wanted singing and acting to be a part of my life no matter what." He said. I then interrupted him.

"And your parents moved you to LA in pursuit of your dreams then you got a chance of a lifetime and eventually you ended up with Logan, Kendall, and Carlos as your best friends and you'll find a hot model one day, pop out a few kids, retire with all the money in the world, divorce your model wife and then date a girl younger than your kids and then leave your fortune to her?" I asked him. This time I looked up at him as he stopped in his tracks. I felt he was different than that.

"Ouch little miss, that's cold." He joked. I smiled and touched my chest where my heart was underneath.

"I'm so sorry dear, go on tell me how I'm wrong about your superstar self." I giggled as we continued walking. He then told me he wanted to get a good career before settling down, then he'd hopefully meet a girl who would love him for him, not his looks or talent, then he wanted two or three kids, then he wanted to act well into retirement and then settle down with his wife. "Wow," I said looking up at him. His eyes had such an honesty to them that I couldn't not believe what he was saying. "You're sooo not what I expected." I told him. He chuckled as he went to sit down at a bench along the trail we were walking.

"Tell me, what's in store for the life of Melody." I set my purse down next to me on the bench and had my hands on my lap. He sat with one leg on the other and an arm on the back of the bench where my back should've been if I had not leaned forward.

"Uh, honestly I don't know. I don't have money for college, I live with my grandparents back in Vegas, I'm sleeping in my one and only best friends guest room for a year before she leaves for Mexico, I don't have any intentions of getting married any time soon, and my idea of being a virgin before getting married is shot to hell, I really don't think I'm ready to be a mom in the near future, and I'm sitting here making a pity party for myself in front of someone who has a perfect life." I said letting it all out. James looked a little puzzled as his gorgeous hazel eyes stared deep into mine. He looked as if he was searching for something on my face, but he came out with nothing it seemed.

"Having a perfect life doesn't always mean it's the best life possible to live." He said quietly. I gave a questioning look as he continued. "My life may be perfect for some, or someone like you who thinks my life is perfect. But I think others have a better life than me." He said.

"Who?" I asked.

"Okay so about four years ago, Logan pissed off his now wife and mother of his children, and she left his life for awhile, she came back and at that time about three years ago I had admired her from afar. No one knows this. But I had a hardcore thing for her. He ended up getting her back. I actually beat the crap out of him once because I was so jealous. Then we wrestled one time and I accidentally gave him a fractured skull. Then she completely hated me from then on. I barely got over but it seems like the only girls I find are materialist and they want to be with me because I'm in shape, can sing, dance, and I have money. They don't understand I want an actual relationship. Not sex." He said getting a little more passionate with every word he spoke making my attraction to him even more evident. I nodded.

"I can't say I know how you feel, but I can imagine." I told him. He nodded touching my knee. Butterflies and heat had raised in my stomach at his touch. Great. At that moment I stood up, ran behind the bench and threw up what little was in my stomach. Yep, just great.

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