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A/N: I'm already starting to think that this is y'all's favorite!!!:):):) all these comments and votes make me happy!!!:):) so, I try to update as soon as possible, but authors do need sleep too, lol!;) anyway, on with the story!:)

Bella POV

Mom's arm was a sure and silent reassurance around my waist even as Daddy tucked my other arm through his with a small smile; glancing between us, he raised a brow in silent question. "Ready?"

Sighing, my gaze slipped between them as a small smile tugged at my own lips. "As long as I've got you two, I can do anything! I love you guys!" Wrapping my arms around them, I pressed quick kisses to each of their cheeks as ooh's and aah's echoed from below; pulling away with a quiet giggle, I replaced their arms like they were before with a grin. "Let's get this over with!"

If it hadn't been for Mom and Daddy, I know I would've just run right back up to my room; the weight of 200 pairs of eyes was a lot to carry for someone as shy as me, but Mom and Daddy were there, just like always. Soon enough, we'd reached the stage at the bottom of the staircase and the crowd went wild. Goddess, please let this ceremony be short...!

The goddess, and my Daddy, must have heard my silent prayer... Raising his hand for the crowd to quiet down, Daddy tugged me along beside him as he walked to the edge of the stage. "Famiglia, amici, membri del branco, grazie a tutti per essere qui per aiutare la mia famiglia celebrare il diciottesimo compleanno di mia figlia. Alzare una famiglia viene hardware crescere una figlia è ancora harder- ma tutti voi hanno aiutato nel proprio modo speciale. La mia famiglia e io vi ringrazio dal fondo del nostro cuore. Ora, chi è pronto a far festa?!?" ((Family, friends, Pack members, thank you all for being here to help my family celebrate my daughter's eighteenth birthday. Raising a family is hard- raising a daughter is even harder- but all of you have helped out in your own special way. My family and I thank you from the bottoms of our hearts. Now, who's ready to party?!?))

The crowd went wild as Daddy hopped nimbly off the stage, arms coming up around Mom's waist to pull her off the stage, as well; the crowd parted for them as Aemilio made his way closer to me, a grin on his face. Then, his arms were around my own waist as he too pulled me off the stage and into his arms, chastely pecking my lips. "Happy birthday, Bella!"

Wrapping my arms up around his neck as he settled me on my feet, I smiled shyly and leaned in for one more kiss. "Thank you, Milly..." Giggling at his pet name, I combed my fingers through his dark hair with a small smile. "I can't believe I'm finally 18! I'll get my Wolf soon!"

"And find your Mate..." His voice was soft as his eyes shone sadly, his arms tightening around me. He'd yet to find his own Mate, but we both knew that we were just for fun; yes, there were feelings involved, but we were in mutual agreement that, once we found our Mates, we could only be friends. Still, I wasn't in the business of hurting him, or anyone...

"And find my Mate..." My voice was just as soft as his as I spoke, head on his chest as he ran his hands along my bare arms; picking my head up from his chest, I flashed a small, hopeful smile and pressed my lips to his. "But we can still be friends!"

"Friends," he agreed, tipping my chin to steal my lips once more, arms tight around my waist. Of course, what kind of friends agree to be just friends, but keep kissing each other?!?


"One, two, three, drink!" Tipping the shot glass back, I grimaced as the Wolfsbane burned its way down my throat, then promptly reached for another one. "One, two, three, drink!"

My head was finally beginning to cloud, but it was my 18th birthday, and I wasn't about to stop anytime soon... Throwing my head back, I howled to the rising moon and downed yet another shot of Wolfsbane; goddess, that stuff is good! "I'm gonna swing from the chandelier!"

"First, let's open your presents!" Mom took my elbow with a laugh and led me back into the Pack House, back up to the the stage; before I could stumble my sexy, almost drunk ass onto it, I squealed as Milly's arms wrapped tight around my waist and lifted me up, right into Daddy's arms. "Make sure she doesn't fall down; I'll go get her some water and food."

Aunt Mary and Filomena began bringing presents over to the stage, the crowd of dancing couples easily parting around them. Milly hopped onto the stage behind me and pulled me against his chest, kissing the side of my head with a chuckle. "Need some help, Bella?"

Shaking my head furiously no, I unwrapped his arms so he couldn't reach my presents before digging around in the first bag and pulling out about ten pairs of panties and five bras; they were all from Intimissimi, which was basically the Italian Victoria's Secret. The crowd wolf whistled as I rolled my eyes, stuffing everything back in the bag and reaching for the next one. Goddess, I loved Intimissimi, and most definitely needed some more!

The next several bags held clothes and shoes, several cards held money, but my favorites were the ones from Intimissimi; I'd gotten more bras, panties, and nightgowns to add to my collection, but you could never have enough intimates...

"Daddy," I wailed, tears pooling in my eyes as I held my stomach, "I'm hungry!"

Milly wrapped me in his arms with a smirk as Mom finally came back with a plate full of Chocolate Love Italian cake; seeing it reminded me of Luc... Goddess, I hadn't seen him in such a long time; would I even know what he looked like, if I were to see him again?!? Did he even know it was my birthday, that I was turning 18?!?

A/N: not sure about this chapter, but here it is anyway.....;) y'all wanna send some comments my way, make me feel better?!?;);)

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