Tiny Toes & Big Arguments

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Bella POV

"Yo- you- you're pr- preg- pregnant!?!" Poor Luc, it took him three tries before he could even get the words out of his mouth correctly... His jaw hit the ground so fast that I thought it had come unhinged, eyes following right out of his head.

Giggling sarcastically with a shake of my head, I picked his jaw up from the ground as it slammed shut, his eyes roving over my figure; my clothes hung in tatters from my body, somehow managing not to tear to complete shreds after I'd just Shifted. His heated eyes lingered on my stomach, filling me with warmth, as he rose a brow down at me. "Well, we haven't exactly been careful, Luc!"

Shaking my head, I blew out a slow breath and instinctively cupped my stomach; I didn't have a bump there, but that didn't mean there wasn't a little human inside of me somewhere that needed protection and reassurance. "My, uh, my Wolf told me..." My tone softened as I looked away from him, anywhere but at him, hands still firm around my stomach. "She told me the night that you left me, Luc, that night a week ago..."

"You're pregnant," he whispered slowly, eyes flickering between my face and my stomach, as if I was the first woman on earth to ever get pregnant. His eyes locked with mine as he slowly backed away, hands raised in front of him in surrender - more like to keep me away. "How is this possible?!?"

Shaking my head, I giggled sarcastically yet again and slowly followed after him, practically chasing him in circles around the clearing that we stood in. "Well, Luc, when two people love each oth-"

"I know how it happens, thanks for that Bella, but how did this happen!?!" His eyes were wide, frantic, as they once again bounced restlessly between mine and my stomach. "You're 18! I'm a whole decade older than you! Your parents don't even know we're Mates, much less can they even stand my guts! Your father hates me, your mother only acts like she likes me to keep you happy! How did this happen!?!"

Practically blurring towards him, I threw myself at him in a tangle of limbs just long enough to cup his cheek, trying to get him to look at me. "If I didn't know any better, Luc, I'd say that a) you either don't believe me, b) you don't want to have anything to do with me now or the baby, or c) all of the above."

"Are you serious right now, Abellia?!? Of course I want to have something to do with you and the baby, but goddess, woman, you just told me you were pregnant for goddess sake! Let a man take a breather!" His words were just as hasty as his movements as he pulled away from me, backing away. "You're pregnant."

"Yeah," I growled, lips twisting into a scowl, "that's what we've been trying to work out for the past five minutes..." Rolling my eyes, I ran a hand through my hair and blew out a breath. "Look, Luc, I'm scared too, okay!?! For goddess sake you've only been here for two and a half weeks and you've already gotten me knocked up! My parents hate you, I just turned 18 two and a half weeks ago, and you're a whole decade older than me- of course I'm scared!" Giggling sarcastically, I splayed my hand across my belly even as he took my other hand, fingers lacing with mine. "What are we gonna do, Luc?!?"

"I don't know..." His voice was soft as he gazed down at me, my head pillowed against as his chest, and a small smile played on his lips. "I do know that if I'd hadn't have just gotten you back, I wouldn't be here right now..." Cocking his head sideways, his fingers grazed my cheek as he cupped my chin, eyes boring into mine in all seriousness. "I don't deserve you, Abellia, you or this baby." Shaking his head, he chuckled sarcastically with a tight lipped frown and continued: "Surely today proves that...

I'm a killer, Abellia- killers don't deserve families, or Mates, or happiness. I take what I want when I want how I want, and I don't care who gets in my way. I'm either angry or horny all the time, there is no in between." His lips melted into a sad yet sweet smile as he gently kissed my lips, tongue probing my mouth slowly. "I run away when the going gets tough, and hurt the ones I love."

"Luc," I murmured slowly, raising my hand against his to twine our fingers with a slow smile of my own, "you kill people and run away, all to protect the ones you love. You're so selfish with everything around you, but more selfless than anyone I've ever met when it comes to me; you're a hothead, sure, but who isn't?!? You have a terrible past, one that you ran from, but now you're trying to make everything right; you're trying to be a better man for me, Luc- everything you've done has been for me."

Talk about a complete role reversal!


"I can't do this right now." He pulled his chin from my grasp and looked anywhere but at me as his voice carried a note of regret and sadness. "I'll be here for the baby, but I can't do this right now... I've got too much on my plate right now; I've still got that damn rogue to track down, I've gotta kick that pup's ass again- I've got a bunch of personal shit that needs doing before I can play Daddy Alfa."

His words were a bunch to my gut, forcing the air straight out of my lungs as I practically choked; my heads searched for his even as he turned his back on me and walked away, not even sparing me a glance. But I was not done yet! "Oh, and you think I don't have personal shit to deal with, Luc?!? I just found out that I'm fücking pregnant at the age of fücking 18! My parents would sooner kill you than see us happy together! You fücking left me, just came back, knocked me up, and now what- you're running away again!"

Running after him, I grabbed both of his hands and jerked him to a stop; he must not have thought I'd come after him, because he stumbled against me in surprise, as his head whipped around to glare at me. "You think I'm ready for this, Luc, to be a mother?!? You think I can do this parenting thing without you?!? What'll I say when our child asks where their father is, or why he isn't here?!? Better yet, what'll I say when my parents realize that I'm pregnant?!?" My eyes  were wide and frightened as I gazed up at him, feeling the building tears, hands clutching at him desperately. "I have baggage, too, Luc- I need you to help me carry it, and I'll help you carry yours..."

"You still don't get it, do you, Abellia?!?" His words were soft yet clipped with anger as he continued to glare down at me, even as he gently tipped my chin to look at him. "I don't deserve you, or this baby! I want you to be happy, and if that's a happiness without me, then so be it. I won't be around to kill anyone else, or get angry over the smallest thing.

You can be happy with your perfect little family in your perfect little home with your perfect little overprotective parents who don't give a damn about me. You won't have to worry about your parents finding out about us because there won't be an us. There will only be me and you." At this point, tears poured down my face at his words, the look in his eyes freezing the blood in my veins; what was he saying?!? Didn't he want me anymore, or our baby?!? "I'm doing this to protect you, my sweet precious little Abellia- my Mate."

Then, he walked away.

A/N: it's relatively short, I know, and Luc is being a dick, I know that too, but don't kill me..... There's a lot more drama where that comes from!

madlittlecriminal and Sara_Mikaelson46

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