Chapter 4

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All of this is stupid. Every single bit of it. I don't want to be here. Every thing happens for a reason. Katelyn dying happened for a reason. There is nothing any of them can do. She is gone. She is gone because of me. Katelyn would still be here if I would've got to our room sooner. I just want to leave this place.

Almost as if he read my mind, Jaime nudges my shoulder, "Hey, you want me to drive you home right now so you can pack? The look on your face is scaring the birds..." I give him a weak smile and nod. He smiles, "Alright. I'll find the rest of the guys." With that, he walks away and starts looking for the rest of the Mexican band. I sigh and stand there, staring off in the distance until I hear familiar footsteps from behind me. I turn and see the most gorgeous sight in the world.

Pierce The Veil is walking towards me, the light breeze blowing their hair to the left. The sun peeks through the clouds right then, making the sight beautiful. I couldn't help but stand there staring like an idiot fangirl, a tiny, quiet squeak coming from my mouth as I stare at the hottest one of all of them- Yes, I am admitting this- Vic Fuentes. Seriously, though. That man is gorgeous. Like, damn! SHIT!

I finally snap out of my daze when Jaime starts doing "sexy" poses in front of me, making me look away and groan in disgust, "What has been seen can not be unseen." I turn and start to walk, "Lets go. I'm sick of this place already."

Jaime chuckles and puts his arm around my shoulders with a smirk, "Alright, Frenchie."

I pinch his side hard, making him yelp and squirm away. I smirk, "Call me that again and it'll be harder." I keep walking, whistling casually as I do so.

Vic chuckles, "You know, you could be a lot nicer." He shrugs and starts walking alongside me.

I raise my eyebrow and look at him, "Why would I do that?"

He shrugs, "Oh, I don't know, to make friends?"

I laugh, "You're funny. Friends aren't really my thing. Besides, I have plenty of friends!"

Vic chuckles, "Uh-huh.....Who?"

I smile, "Well, Hannah- My best friend, by the way-, and Tess, then there's Erin, but she moved away." I give him a look that says, 'Ha! You're my bitch now!'

He raises an eyebrow and glances at me, "Hm.......So, you're just going to leave these friends behind?" He goes back to looking forward, "Sounds like your not that much of a friend."

I scoff and roll my eyes, "It's not like I'm never going to talk to them again. You make it sound like I'm abandoning them forever." I look forward as we start to approach a tour bus, "Seriously? You guys couldn't of brought a more appropriate vehicle?"

He rolls his eyes and keeps walking, "You know, maybe people would be more kind to you if you would act less rude towards the world. It's not that bad of a place." He chuckles, "And we thought it would be easier to bring the bus because we are leaving right- well, right now."

I sigh, "Whatever." I stop walking and look behind me to see Jaime, Tony, and Mike walking together in a little huddle, staring at Vic and I. I glare at them, making them scatter and whistle casually. Jaime runs up to me, "Heeeeeeey. Whatcha doin'?" I give him an annoyed look and he smiles, "I'll show you around the bus!" He grabs my arm and starts running towards the bus, making me stumble a bit. Jaime pulls me into the bus, smiling, "This is the bus! AKA Your home for the next year!"

I laugh nervously and scratch the back of my neck, "Or two........Maybe three........Honestly, we never know.........It could be forever............" I shrug with a smile, "WHO CARES!?!?! Lets go get my shit and roll!"

Jaime raises his eyebrow, but then just shrugs, yelling out the door, "LETS GO GUYS!!!" Tony, Mike, and then Vic enter the bus to see me already getting comfortable on the couch. I kick off my shoes and lay down, "Hm.....Nice bus. Pretty comfy." I yawn and stretch my arms.

Tony lifts my feet up and sits down, placing them on his lap, "Yeah, well there's 5 of us now. So, make room." He yawns too and pulls out his phone.

Mike sits on the couch across from Tony and I. Vic sits beside Mike, leaving Jaime standing with out a seat. I smile at Jaime, "Sorry, kid. No more room." Jaime smirks and grabs my arm, pulling my small weight off the couch and sitting in my spot. I groan in pain and just lay on the ground. Vic laughs at my pain, causing my to glare at him. Tony takes a picture of my pained body on the floor and starts posting it to any social media site imaginable. I get up and sit halfway on Tony and halfway on Jaime, causing them to scoot over and make a spot for me. I smile in victory, "Yay......"

Jaime looks at me, "I am older than you. Don't call me kid."

I chuckle and roll my eyes, "Only by 6 years. Not that much of a difference." I smile and pinch his cheek, "You know you love meeeee."

Jaime sighs, "Oh boy.......This is gonna be interesting.........." He yawns and stretches. I jump up when I feel the bus stop, "WE'RE HERE! You guys can come in and destroy the place if you want. I'm going to go get my stuff and change." They all stand up and follow me out of the bus and inside the place I use to call home.

I ran up the stairs and into my room, quickly grabbing my large Before I pack, I get changed into a pair of . I then start packing my stuff. Making sure to grab every single item.

When I finish I top by Katelyn's room, entering it quietly. I look around, taking in a shaky breath. Her sent of coffee and fruit still lingers in the room with the faint smell of blood. I walk to her bed and sit down, opening the drawer to see her sketchpad and notebook. I hear footsteps coming towards the room so I quickly grab her notebook and sketchpad and stuff them in my bag, turning towards the door as Vic appears. He nods towards me, "Tony wants to know the wifi password. Do you know it?"

I bite my lip and nod, "Yeah. It's capital F, capital U, and then 22." I smile.

He raises an eyebrow, "What did you do? You have that look..........." I look around the room.

"W-What makes you think I did anything? I just wanted to come in here and check out my sister's room before we leave." I stand up.

Vic chuckles, slowly walking forward, "Then why is that drawer open?" He points a finger to the drawer I was snooping in. I cringe and bite my lip again.

I chuckle nervously, "Um.....Nothing. Just looking." He gets closer.

Now, he is only a few inches from my face, "Hm......I guess she is your sister so it's fine. You better hurry. We need to get on the road soon."

I don't know why, but the look he had made fear rush through my veins. I look into his brown eyes. Then, there is a small knock on the wall. We both look at the doorway to see Mike standing there, "Tony is getting grumpy. How much longer is it going to take?"

I sigh, "I just have to grab some things from the kitchen and then we can leave." I then take that chance to grab my bag and leave the room.

Only one thought was going through my mind,

'What the hell was that?'

Sorry for the boring chapter!!! I am really tired and am suffering a HUGE headache!!!! Please forgive me!!!!

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