Chapter 3

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      I shut off the car and open the door, stepping out just to be swarmed with hugs and tears. 'Great. I just love getting drowned in tears and sweat while suffocating on old body odor.' Then, there's a familiar voice. A voice that I know so well it's scary, "Hey, Kathryn."

'Jaime.' My step-brother.


 I haven't seen Jaime in 2 years because he's been so busy with his band and all that fancy schmancy shit. I pry the old people off of me and make my way to Jaime, smiling. When I reach him, I give him one of my famous hugs. I sigh, "Hello, Jaime. Glad you could make it."

Jaime hugs back and chuckles, "Wouldn't miss it for the world. I brought some friends too, if that's OK. Just don't go crazy."

I chuckle and roll my eyes, "When have I ever gone crazy for people? That's crazy." He smiles and ruffles my hair.

"Well, if you say so." He grabs my hand and starts to walk in a random direction, "By the way, where is the bitch?"

I chuckle. By 'bitch' he means my mom and that's why we get along so well, "Well, Jaime, she decided to walk in the rain and leave me with the car." I smirk.

Jaime laughs a bit and rolls his eyes, "So, she just offered to walk in the rain?" I sighs, getting my act on. I sigh again, "Oh, she insisted on it. I was like 'Mom, get in the damn car.' And she was all like, 'Bitch please, I'm walkin'.' And I was like, 'Whatever I'm gettin' Tacos.' And she was all like, 'Whatever bye.' And then I left." I ended with my smile that says, 'Whatever you do, do NOT cross me or I will slit your throat with a spoon, but I'm innocent because I say so.'

He chuckles and shakes his head, "You have changed so much since when I last say you. Seriously, blue and black hair, and your personality has went from sweet and kind to touch me and you die. It's cool." He ruffles my hair again, making me huff and try to fix it, covering my eyes in the process. I then run into Jaime because he just decided to stop by not even slowing down. Just an abrupt stop, making me run into him. He chuckles, "We're here!"

I huff again and look up, seeing a sight that I have dreamed about seeing FO DAYZ MAN!!!! FO FUCKING DAYZ!!!!!! ((((Now imagine this in a tiny whisper)))) Pierce The Veil is standing right in front of me in all of their Mexican beauty.......FUCK YEAH!!!!! I glance at Jaime with a 'THANK YOU!!!!' look. He shrugs and smiles. Jaime looks at his band members, "Hey, guys. This is my sister, Kathryn."

Mike furrows his eyebrows, "i thought.........what?" I chuckle a bit.

"It was my twin, Katelyn. A lot of people get us mixed up, but I'm not sure why. She has black and pink hair, I have black and blue. We're not that similar." I say with a small smile. Mike nods in understanding and Vic gives Mike a warning glare.

Jaime put his arm around my shoulders, "I was thinking about taking her with us to Warped Tour. 'Cause, you know, she's pretty cool and hates her mom at the moment so why not?" My jaw drops and I look at Jaime.

"W-What.....did you say?" I ask with a surprised and confused look. 'Wait.........Warped Tour? HELL YEAH!!! Warped Tour with Pierce The Veil? QUADRUPLE HELL YEAH!!!!..............This is the best/worst day of my life all rolled into one I am so confused I might die dear lord help me I'm done. Katelyn would've loved this.....' I frown at the thought and shake my head, "I'd love to, but I can't."

Jaime puppy dog faces, "Why not? Don't you love me?" He whimpers a bit, making me raise and eyebrow.

I take a step back, "Uh............." I then shrug, "I love you, but I'm just not ready." ((A/N-Oh my god. It sounds like he's asking her to lose her virginity))

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