WINNING WON! UHH...I mean one. Sorry.

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WINNING WON! UHH…I mean one. Sorry.

December 6, 2010

Dear Deliah,

I’m not supposed to be writing right now because I’m in health.What I’m ‘supposed’ to be doing is talking to Show-off Sid. There he is right now, looking all show-offy and Sid-ish. Anyway, even though I’m not ‘supposed to be writing’ I am because Victoria keeps making me look at you. Here she is now, pulling at my red hair. Hey-STOP IT!

Victoria! I swear, if you keep pulling my hair I’ll tell the teacher! No! No! Wait! Stop! Don’t do that! Stop making me throw things at Mr.Demon Dalinger! Victoria!!!!!!

Sorry Deliah, I have to write to you later, Mr.D.D is looking at me with his angwy face and i‘m finding it really hard to resist eating his tie right now. I mean, it has a picture of CHOCOLATE CUPCAKES on it!!!! Yummy!!!!


A hand slammed onto my book. Stopping my sentence midway.

“What is the meaning of this Miss.Cromwell!”

I looked up in shock to see Mr.D.D staring down at me. A little dent appeared in his forehead. It reminded me of jelly.Mmmm…I like jelly. And cupcakes. Chocolate cupcakes. But I also like pie. And fairies. Fairies make chocolate cupkakes and pie so I like them. Oh and I also like-


I looked up in a daze again. I could see Victoria creeping up behind me and picking up my arm, then, before I could stop her, my arm went


Right into the dent on Mr.D.D’s forehead. I felt it for a while. It was squidgy underneath my thin finger. Then I noticed something. Mr.D.D’s face was slowly turning red. Almost as red as my hair. And berries. And tomotoes.


I snapped out of my daydreaming state and knocked Victoria away from my arm. She went crashing through all the devils-sorry I mean kids in my class and smashed into the wall. After smirking in satisfaction at her for a while, I turned back to Mr.D.D.

“Ohmygoshiamsoosorry!” I spluttered. Mr.D.D just looked angrier,

“Well sorry doesn’t solve what you just did!”

I was suddenly filled with outrage.

I  did! I didn’t do it! Victoria did! She pushed my arm and made me!”

His face quickly twisted into confusion,

“What are you TALKING about Miss.Cromwell! There is no one named Victoria in our class! And I certainly didn’t see anyone pushing your arm!”

“What!? Of corce you see her! She’s right here grinning her stupid head off!”

I flung my arm out towards Victoria, who has reappeared by my side, jabbing her in the face in the process.

“OW!” She cried.

“Serves you right!” I yelled back,

“Oh yeah?”


And with that, she jumped on me. Sending my body flying to the floor. We wrestled there for a few minutes and a crowd of my other friends began to grow.

“Get ‘er!” Bellowed Daemon

“Ooh! That looks like it hurt!” Moaned Ava,

“Y-you guys, i-is this r-really n-neccesary?” Stammered Lucas quietly,

“Aw live a little!”  Laughed Astrid, while giving Lucas a playfull slap on the back. Even though I could see she was hitting softly, I saw Lucas wince slightly. I don’t blame him, Astrid is freakishly strong. Soft for her is like full force for everyone else.

Soon, I got tired and when I looked at Victoria I could tell that she felt the same way. Slowly we stood up then shaked hands smiling,

“Truce?” I asked,

“Truce.” She replied. Then we all hugged and giggled.

After our little lovey-dovey session I ducked out of the group with a huge smile on my face. Then it immediately melted when I noticed everyone in the class (including Mr.D.D) were looking at me like I was crazy. Mr.D.D carefully stepped towards me as if I had some deadly disease then quickly clamped his hand on my forehead.Also covering my mouth in the process. This annoyed me so I gave his hand a huge lick. He yelped and jumped away, looking at me like I was some sort of animal. I simply shrugged, my red curls bouncing with the motion. He stared at me for a while, stammering something inaudible. Just his look told me all I neede to know. Time to go see Judie.

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