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“Megan? Megan!”


Victoria and Logan shouted at me, trying to snap me out of my daze, but I was too shocked to reply. My head hurt. It was too surprising. So I attempted to calm my thoughts,

“Cupcake, cupcake, cupcake, cupcake…”

“What’s she doing?”

“Oh no. Chanting! That’s never good.”

Logan and Victoria seemed to grow even more worried but my eyes glazed over and I fell into my own world. The only place I knew I could get a good answer.

I felt as if my body has suddenly dropped into a never ending hole. I always loved this feeling, it reminded me of Alice in Wonderland. And she eats cupcakes too. I think. I fell through vivid colors so bright that they should have had a warning for seizures. Still I continued to fall, until finally I stopped. Suspended in midair, seconds away from the ground. I took in a deep breath and flipped myself over so that I was now hoovering, almost flying, above the ground.

 Lucas was there his red hair blended in with the psycadelic background and confused me. With a blink of an eye, the background had changed to a plain beige. Causing him, and his hair, to stand out prominantely.

“W-What’s up Meg?”

“Hey Luke. I need to go talk to…him.”

Lucas jerked backwards, surprise filling his features.

“H-Him?! Why? W-what’s going on?”

I sighed and shook my head sadly,

“Hosestly, I have no idea.”

Lucas looked like he was about to say something, then stopped himself. Instead he nodded and pointed me in the direction of his cave.

Walking there was a long and weary process through winding roads and bushy trees. SOOO, I decided to make it easier on myself and just flew over to where he lived. The cave was dark, yet heat simmered from the mouth along with the overpowering scent of cream and freshly baked pastries. I took a deep breath before stepping inside.

“I never said you could come in.”

“I-I’m sorry. But I need to know what to do.”

“Alright. Come in then.”

I took a few more echoing steps into the cave before I saw him: The Cinnamon bun of Wisdom. The wisest and most delicious thing I knew. I looked at his solemly. His crisp golden skin was freshly dipped with cream that topped him decoratively.

“I’m sorry to bother you Bun of Wisdom, but I really need your guidance.”

“Hmm…Okay then, just let me get comfortable.”

He waddled backwards before delicately dipping himself into his bath of powdered sugar.

“There. Now tell me what is troubling you.”

I took in a deep, sugary breath and explained,

“Well I have this new friend Logan. And today he made me a cupcake because I asked for one and it looked really yummy but I didn’t eat it yet. Then we were talking and I beat him because all of my intrests were more awesome. But then when I finally took a bite, Victoria showed up and he-”

“Decided not to be your friend.”


“Choked and spat jelly all over you.”


“Suddenly broke out into a bellydance.”

“NO! He-”

“Used his ninja powers to transform into a giant pickle.”

“What? No! Would you just let me finish!?”

“Fine fine. Jeez, such a picky child.”

I took in a deep breath to control my anger towards the delicious, wise, cinnamon bun and continued,

“He saw Victoria.”

“Oh. Well that’s not so bad!”

He placed one of his stubby little dough arms on his swirling stomach and let out a booming laugh. I simply stared in confusion,

“Well of course it’s not BAD. But no one has ever seen them! EVER! I was staring to think that they might even be… the ‘I’ word.”

“The ‘I’ word?”

I lowered my voice and leaned closer to whisper into his icing:


As soon as I uttered that cursed word, I could feel the edges of my world shudder. Hastily, I wiped the thought from my mind and it stopped. Thinking of such things could be dangerous. The Cinnamon Bun of Wisdom lent back slightly in his powder sugar and closed his eyes for a while in thought. Finally, he spoke out,

“I think I’m getting a little dry. Would you pass me my icing over there?”

“What?! I thought you were going to help me!”

“Well I can’t exactly help when my icing is all dry now can I. Go on, it’s right over there.”

With a sigh, I fetched his bottle of icing and handed it to him. His face lit up with glee as he rolled around, splashing drops of icing all over his body like a baby throwing food. Finally, he came to his senses and coughed akwardly, realising that I had witness his embarrasing show of immaturity.

“Um, yes. Well I suggest you figure out what’s going on quickly. Before he can do any more surprising things. That is all, you may leave now.”

It wasn’t excatly the most detailed answer like I had hope for, but I suppose it will do. I gave him a strained smile before turning to leave. Before I could however, a tinny voice rang out from the mouth of the cave.

“Cinnamon Bun. I must tell you something.”

Much to my surprise, a long, thin, blue can came rolling down to where we stood. On it, was a picture of a little dough boy and highly decorated words that read: Pillsburry Cinnamon Rolls with Icing. Beside the writing was a picture that almost made me faint. A perfect portrait of the Cinnamon Bun of Wisdom.


CBW (Cinnamon Bun of Wisdom, his name’s too long) uttered. His icing hardening in fear. The can moved closer and said,

“Cinnamon Bun,”


“I am your father.”


CBW gripped his head in utter dispair and continued to scream. I on the other hand, decided that things were getting a little too intense and waiting here would just get akward. So I flew off back to where I had entered my world and lay down.

“Well that was dramatic,” I siad to myself. Then I took a deep breath and was sucked out of the world and back to reality.


I blinked open one eye carefully to find Logan and Victoria staring down at me. Their eyes worried. Still in a slight daze, I said the first thing that came to mind:

“The Cinnamon Bun of Wisdom has a father.”

[AN: I finally uploaded! Yeah!


It’s exactly 8 days till my birthday now! So excited!

Aaaanyway, how did you guys like the chapter ;)

To the side, is a clip from family guy. My new years resolution is to stop watching it. But that’s highly unlikely. The lobster is too entrancing ;)

Vote, Comment & Fan!



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