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[A/N This continues directly after the events of chappie 6.The valentines thing was kind of a side story and has no relevance to anything… XD. K. Read on! HOOZAH!]

Victoria tackled me, wrapping her arms around my neck so tightly that I felt like I was going to die. Then, she got back up and punched me right in my gut! My gut! I don’t think you quite grasp the seriousness of this situation. I was punched. In the gut. Right between the ribs and the legs. Right where I had just digested a cupcake.

“WHATTHEFLARBARGH!” I screamed at her as I fell to the floor, rolling around in pain.

“OW! OW! OW! OW! OW!” I continued to yell. My hair was probably gonna be all mucky and gross because of the dirt on the floor, Victoria simply glared at me.

“It serves you right for freaking me out like that!”

I stopped writhing in pain and sat up to face her. Just as I thought, my hair was tangled and looked like a rabid squirrel had attacked it, torn it off to build her nest, then reconsidered it and plopped it uncaringly back on my head as she scuttled off to attack some other helpless civilian. But I only thought about that for a minute as I turned my attention back to Victoria as I slowly stood up,

“You were worried about me?”

Victoria quickly looked down. Crossing her arms indignantly as she let her brown hair fall in front of her face.

“’Course not. I just didn’t want to deal with carrying a corpse. I havent gone to the gym in a while and I’m not at my peak. I probably couldn’t carry you since you’re so chubby from all that chocolate.”

I ignored her comment about my diet. I could eat as much chocolate as I wanted and never got chubby. Trust me, I tried once. It was hilarious! I ate a whole bucketfull and threw up right on…sorry. You probably don’t want to hear that.

“Just admit it. You were worried about me,”

“Definitely not. I was worried about my back if I would have to carry you.”

“Aww your so sweet worrying about me like that!”

“I said I-”

Before she could finished I had lept onto her, my arms blocking her off.

“Aww! My little Vicky-Wicky-Ticky! I’m fine!”

“Vicky-Wicky-Ticky!?” she screamed out, but was still slightly muffled by my arms.  Finally, I pulled away and she quickly hid her face from me. Still, I could see the slow blush creep onto her face. Aww! It was so cute how she acted all tough and mean!

Just before I attacked her in another hug, a voice cut through to me.

“I’m glad you’re okay then,” he said in a low, slightly akward, voice. I turned around slowly and came face to face with Landin. Everything went silent for a moment as I waited for a cricket to start chirping. Is that what crickets do? Chirp? Or maybe they ribbit? Well, whatever they do, I was waiting for that to happenen, but was disappointed when no crickets were heard. Just akward silence. Finally, Landin let out a small cough as he looked down akwardly, letting his hair fall in front of his face. I started to follow in his footsteps and looked down at my sneakers before whipping my head back up as I realized what I should be doing,

“I may be okay, but I want an explanation. Now,” I growled in a voice filled with assertive-ness.

“An explanation? For what?” he replied. Tilting his head to the side slightly in confusion and making him look like a little kid. A manly looking, old, little kid.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2012 ⏰

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