Ch. 3

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[Hello lovelys! Here is another chapter!]
The next day, Natsu came back to the guild, even though he knew it was a mistake. He could feel his pants already growing tight as he walked by a Mira and Cana. He stopped as he bumped into Erza.
"Good morning Natsu." She ate a piece of her cake.
"Mornin' Erza." He scoffed. Natsu didn't seemed to be effected by Erza. She seemed completely normal.
"So how's mating season going?" She chuckled as Natsu choked on air.

"H-how do you know a-about that?!"
"We were worried about you when you ran out, so Gajeel filled us in." Erza crossed her arms. Natsu's face had a burning red blush across it. No one was really supposed to know about it.
"W-well I haven't exactly found my m-mate just yet." He twirled his thumbs.

"That's good.." Erza said nervously.
"No Erza, that's not good, do you not know what happens if I don't find my mate?!" Natsu put his hands on the back of his head. Erza went pale. Maybe the books at the library weren't the newest..

"What happens then.." Erza stared at the pinkette. He whispered something in her ear that explains why he needs his mate now. The redhead stepped a foot back. She saw how terrified Natsu was. She had to help the fire Mage.

"Don't worry Natsu, we will help you find your mate. I already have someone in mind.." Erza made a devilish smirk. She turned her head towards the ravenette who was taking his shirt off. It was going to be great.

"NO WAY ERZA!!" Natsu yelled. He didn't even like Gray and he would rather die than have him as his mate. Maybe be would rather die if he wasn't his mate too.
"Oh come on Natsu! you two would be cute together!!" Erza teased. She clapped her hands together and shoveled more cake into her mouth. Natsu looked down angrily. Gray wanted nothing to do with Natsu, so how would he have any chance of getting him to be his mate?

Speak of the devil, Gray just walked up to Natsu and Erza. Gray had his shirt opened up so you could see is amazing abs. Natsu was practically drooling. His pants were about to get tighter when he stopped himself. He felt a hard punch to his face.

"QUIT STARING AT ME YOU FLAME IDIOT!!" Gray knocked Natsu down.
"I CAN STARE AT YOU ALL I WANT SNOWFLAKE. FIGHT ME." Natsu yelled in Gray's face. As soon as that came out, everyone went quiet. Natsu knew that just pretty much gave away that he has a weird crush on Gray. The ice mage looked mortified after the pinkette had said that.

"WHAT DO YOU LIKE ME OR SOMETHING?!?" Gray bumped his confidence back up.
"WHAT THE HELL? OF COURSE NOT!! THE ONLY PERSON THAT COULD LOVE YOU IS JUVIA!!" Natsu shot back. He felt sort of bad after he said that.
"That's enough." Erza said calmly. She pulled them apart an bashed their heads together. Typical Erza.
"Yes ma'am!" They saluted. Erza walked back to the bar near Mirajane.

"They are so in love." Mira smiled. Erza cracked a small smile of her own as she watched the two rivals stare at each other. She knew that Gray had some sort of feelings for the fire dragon slayer.

Let's just say Gray talks in his sleep. A little too much.

Natsu on the other hand, needed to find his mate fast, or else it would take over. He was having trouble finding who his mate was going to be. Lisanna? Nah. That would be too awkward. Lucy? Eh. She probably likes Loke. [I'm sorry my Nalu shippers icri2].

Just then, the ravenette popped into his head. Natsu liked the way his faced looked. As well as everything else the ice Mage had out.

Natsu wondered how soft Gray's hair would be if he ran his fingers through it. Or how smooth his abs were when he touched them. Or even how his soft lips would feel against his own. Or how his mouth would feel around your dick.

"What? No!" Natsu shook his head. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nopety. Nope. Was all Natsu could think of. But then again, he still pondered the part of Gray sucking his- okay that's enough. Natsu didn't know what to do. Should I go after Gray? Or suffer the pain of what will come if I don't?

Natsu thought if this for a while. Lucy walked up to him and patted his head.

"It's gonna be okay Natsu, don't worry." She gave him a warm smile. Natsu mentally screamed. Does everyone know about this? He put his head in his hands. Natsu had told the blonde that he and Happy we're going home for the day. She waved them good bye as they walked out the door.

Natsu thought really hard for once, but it was taking a lot out of him. He wasn't used to using his brain so hard so he passed out and took a nap, while happy curled up next to him.

Natsu walked in to the guild to see Gay looking fABulous as always. Natsu couldn't contain himself. It was already taking over. He leaped onto gray and started attacking his neck while the ravenette moaned softly under him. Suddenly, they appeared in Natsu's bedroom.

The fire mage pushed Gray onto the bed and left the darkest hickys you could ever see. Gray was a moaning mess under Natsu. The pinkette put his hand under Gray's shirt. He was about to rip it off with his teeth which were abnormally sharp, when he heard Gray scream. But not in pleasure.

"What's wrong baby?" Natsu called him by a pet name.
"Y-You're a m-monster." Gray said pointing to the mirror. Natsu turned around to actually see a monster.

His eyes were blood red and his teeth were sharper than ever. Natsu could feel rough scaled on his body and face. He even saw horns growing out of his head.
"N-No Snowflake, it's okay I-I'm not gonna hurt you."

"Get away from me." Gray scowled. Natsu tried to reason with him and just caress his face, when his hand was slapped away.
"I SAID GET AWAY FROM ME." Gray was about to throw a punch but then Natsu woke up.

Natsu was breathing hard and sweating. He put his face in his hands. He needed to find his mate soon or else he would turn into that monster. Natsu knew who it was going to be. There was so stopping him.

Gray, will you be my mate?

Hello Lovelys! Sorry the chapter is out so late! I didn't have time to write it right away because of sCHOOL. But anyways the next chapter will be focused on a different ship to see how their situation is going. Each chapter is going to be about 1000 words at the leases so I'm sorry if this is too short. Anyways, that's pretty much it! I'll see you all later!
Bye! <3

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