Ch. 14

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[Hello Lovleys! I'm back with another update! This book is mostly about Gratsu, so that's why none of the other ships have much light shed on them if you were wondering. But I'll get to them! Anyways, Enjoy!]
"Hey Gray, you never told me how you and the others found us." Natsu blurted out. It had been a couple days since what happened and the pinkette still hasn't gotten an answer.

"Oh right. I forgot about that." Gray sighed. "Gray, what happened?" Natsu said a little louder. The ravenette seemed to always be avoiding that topic and the fire Mage didn't know why.

"Well, here it goes."
.•*Flash Back*•.
"Guys, I'm worried about them. It's been 2 days and we've heard nothing from them!" Lucy shouted.

"Yeah, I'm getting worried about Natsu. It's not like him to be at a job this long. Normally he'd set everything on fire and the job would be done." Gray stated.

"You're right. We need to go and check to see if everything's alright." Erza said. "Okay, I suggest that all the mates and S-class females go to look for them. It's probably the most reasonable." Makarov instructed.

"I disagree." Erza crossed her arms. "How come?" Lucy questioned. "If some of the most powerful people in the guild have not come back yet, then if the mates go, they might not be able to handle it." Erza said simply.

"Do you think we're weak or something? Because all you seem to do lately is push everyone who isn't S-class or a dragon slayer back!" Gray yelled in Erza's face. People gasped. No one ever talks to Erza like that.

"You're not going and that's that." Erza shot back. "YES I AM I WANT TO SAVE NATSU-" Gray was cut off from the hard punch in the face delivered by Erza.

"You wanna go save Natsu? Then go ahead, if you think your so strong, then go right ahead to risk your own life and die alone." Erza said with venom in her voice.

Those words were like a stab to the heart. Gray never knew that Erza could be so cruel. "MAYBE I WILL." Gray yelled. He was walking out the door, but he stopped. "And maybe I will die. But I'll die trying. For Natsu, and the others sake."Gray continued to walk out of the guild in search for his Lover and the other dragon slayers.

"Who said he would be alone?" The ravenette heard someone shout. He looked back to see a dumbfounded Erza, and serious looking Levy, Freed, and Romeo. "Be safe out their son." Macoa[?] said to his son. "I will dad." Romeo reassured his father. The group walked out to catch up with Gray.

"Why did you guys come?" The ravenette asked. "We are all fighting for the same thing right? Our lovers?" Freed replied. "Yeah, I guess you're right. But we have to stick together no matter what. Got it?" The ice Mage said seriously. "Aye!" They all shouted.

Everyone laughed and was trying to stay positive on the journey. "I think this is it by the looks of it." Romeo gagged. The whole town was covered in blood. "Indeed. Do you see anyone around?" Freed looked high and low. "Nope. Looks like the place is all cleared out." Gray concluded.

"Hey what's that?" Levy pointed over to a figure walking down a cellar like tunnel. "Don't know. Let's check it out. Stay by me okay?" Gray directed. The group nodded and followed the ice mage's lead.

They came across a big iron door that lead to somewhere under ground. "How do we get in?" Romeo scratched his head. Gray just shrugged.

"And who might you young kids be?" A voice spoke behind them. The group turned around so see a short man with a wide grin on his face. "Who are you?" Gray asked avoiding the man's question. "I asked first." The man smirked.

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