11. Kill or Be Killed

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A/N : omg my second book is going to end...and it's shorter than the first omg!!! Oh my sequel is going to end soon...*sighs* and less read from the first. I know this book is not that good.

I hope you readers have a nice time reading this book. And i realize my plan of tweaking the manga this time wasn't used at all. LOL

Anyway Enjoy~~
Ever since the Red Devil's case starter,you've been trying your best to hide your identity. While Haise was trying to remember anything he knows about you from F/N. Right now he was talking to her.

"You want to know more about Y/N?" She look at him,who gave her a nod.

"I guess i could tell you a bit." She sighed.

"When you're still with the Quinx she joined about a year or two ago. You two were quite close."

"She join the quinx?" He looked at her

"Yeah,before she got moved to the squad."

They talked for a while,but then F/N had to leave for a mission. Haise started to remember more things about you,but he act as if he didn't. He would think of the words you said back at the festival. 'Why would she said that she didn't meet me before?' He thought.

You on the other hand were busy with the case and your job as an underdog. You had a to do today the evening. You excused yourself and leave the building. All four of you drive to the location.

It was around 9pm by then. You guys were fighting the ghouls. You thought that your qinque might not cut it,so you hand it over to F/N and you use your kagune to kill them.

'Besides,it's not like someone is going to see me or something.' You thought.

You put on your mask. Then you lure them into a dark alley and finnish them off. It took a while but you manage to do the job.

"Well,that was pretty quick. I better go back." You said to yourself.

(Me : get ready guys shit is about to go down. Huehuehuehuehuehue)

Haise's POV

I just finnish my work for today. I pack my things and on my way to my apartment. Y/N were still on a mission. I hope she's alright. I never knew what the mission was so i didn't know the location.

When i was on my way i hear a sound. I'm not sure what it was since it was faint. I decided to take a look. I peek from outside to see F/N,Ito and Io. What are they doing here? Could it be the mission?

I hear anothrr faint sound of a battle,and some scream from an alley nearby. I decided to look at it as well. I got there and saw someone.

Your POV

I'm done with my work here and i was about to go back to the others. I didn't retract my kagune yet,thinking it's not that nessecary. Then i saw someone. I take a good look at who it was,and when i know that person...

Shit it's Haise

I quickly use my kagune to run away. Of course,he chase after me. I could see he pull out his qinque and he's after me. We both run around the alley for about a few minute. I thought that it's useless try to outrun him. So i just had to face this guy.

I stopped my running and i turn around to face him. There were a moment of silence before he attack. Then we both got ourselves into a fight.

Normal POV

Meanwhile,the other three just finnish their work. F/N looked around for Y/N. But she couldn't find her.

"Hey, where's Y/N?" F/N asked.

"I don't know. She should be back by now." Ito said.

"Yeah,about that..." both of them looked at Io.

"What?" Ito questioned.

"I saw Haise just peek from the door a while ago...

and he went to Y/N's direction." He gave them the nervous laugh.

"What the fuck. Why didn't you tell us earlier-!?"

"But you two were so serious i thought you wouldn't listen to me." Io whinned.

"Ugh...let's just get to Y/N." Ito groaned.

"C'mon." As F/N said the three of then rush to the alley.

Haise's POV

Well i didn't expect to find the red devil on my way home. I thought it might he good to try and finnish her of here before anyone else gets hurt. Especially Y/N. Just thinking about it was already bad enough.

I took out my qinque and we both fight. Minutes had passed and not a scratch on either me or her.

She is quite a challenging one to fight. It took longer than i thought it would be. Thinking i might need help i called some others to come over and help. But i didn't call Y/N. She should just stay put in the office.

Your POV

I'm still in the fight. It dragged for a while and he was still trying to land a hit on me,which i all dodged. That's when i saw F/N,Ito and Io. They were about to jump in when i gave them some sort of a signal not to interrupt me.

They gave me the 'be careful' look and hid behind the walls,just in case i got myself into something they're ready to help. I'm fighting him right now without him knowing who i really am. There's some possibility to the end of this battle.

Either i'm the one who got killed


I'm the one who kill

We were still trying to hit one another. I can't stop fighting and talk to him. That'd be useless. He'd probably just cut my head off. So i just had to defend myself while i try to find a chance to run away.

We both harm each other once every a few minutes. I got my arms and kness scratched,i manage to made quite a big cut to his arm. I don't want to hurt him but that's my only choice.

I thought of the possibilities that could happen during the fight. Even the worst scenarios. Just when i'm lost in my thoughts while fighting,something happened.

He swing his qinque uprwards,while i was letting my guard down for a moment. I tried to dodge it. His blade almost got my neck. Thankfully it didn't. But the thing is, it got stuck in my mask. And as he pulled it up,he tore the mask and it flew into the air. Revealing my face that i hid under that mask.


He looked at me in shock. While i...let's just say i know i messes up. Real bad.
I told you guys shit is about to go down >:D

Okay so how was that? Next chapter will be the last one for this book. Again thanks for all the support,comments and votes you have given to this book. Although the view isn't that much.

I understand. It's not a great book. I'm still pretty new to the whole wattpad world so my works aren't that good. But i'm really happy to have some friends who loved this book. Thanks soo much guys!

See u on the final chapter for this books guys. MS is out~~

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