Platinum Wings Academy: Welcome Charlotte!

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"Cooper I don't know what to say." So this is how it is. My sister is coming to Platinum Wings and the boy I like just asked me to be his date to a party.
"Say yes." Cooper said grabbing my hands.
"Okay. Yes I will be your date to the party."
"Okay see you tonight! I hope you will be at the game." Cooper said.
"Trust me I will." I smiled at him and then he walked away. I quickly ran to my dorm to tell Analeigh. I need something to wear to the game and party.
"Ana!" I shouted excited when I walked in,"I need the perfect outfit for the game and party."
"Why?" Analeigh asked.
"Because for one I just need something good to wear to the game and second Cooper asked to be his date to the party!"
"Omigod! He did!"
"Okay you have to look fab!" Ana jumped up and grabbed a pair of jean shorts, a turquoise tank top, and white flats," This outfit is perfect for the game, now into the outfit for the party. Since it it just a simple party we do no want to over do it so let's find just a casual dress." Ana jumped up again and started to rumage through her closet. She pulled out a Blue and white stripped dress. It was not to short or too long. It was perfect."How's this?" She asked my option.
"Its totally perfect!"I said, "Okay, let's get to that game!" Me and Ana quickly got dressed. She got into Ber cheer uniform and I got into my casual outfit. We rushed out the door and to the football field. Ana and I split up by the bleachers. I saw Heather, Harley, and Jayda sitting in front and center. Heather waved me over toward them and I sat next to them.
Once the game started it seemed as if it was flying by. We were winning against West Side Prep. on the first game of the season! Cooper was on a tool at getting touch downs.
At the end of the game the score was tied 25 to 25. All Cooper had to do was kick the ball and make it go through the goal. He kicked the ball. It was up, up, and through the goal! We won! The crowd cheered!
When everyone started leaving I walked over to Cooper,"Great game! You were awesome!" I said.
"Thanks Em! Well I will see you tonight at the party. Bye!" He walked away. I started to walk back toward my dorm. I walked into the building and to my room. Ana was already at the party making sure everything was perfect. I grabbed the dress Ana pocked for me and put it on. Then I grabbed my flat iron and straightened my hair. I skilled on my white flats and left the building. When I got to the gym where the party was it seemed like it was already packed even though it was suppose to be a small party. I looked around for Cooper, bit quickly noticed the red banner that said, Welcome Charlotte! On it. I started to get worried. What would my sister say if she saw me with a boy, but when I saw Cooper I stopped thinking about that. He was wearing black pants with a blue polo shirt. I walked up to him.
"Hey!" I said.
"Hey Em! Wanna dance?" Cooler asked.
"Sure!" I smiled. Cooper took my hand and twirled me around. We dance for awhile until it was time. It was time for my sister to come.
"Okay everyone! Get ready! Charlotte will be here any minute!" Ana announced. Everyone ran around trying to get to where they should be. We were all in big lines. Suddenly the gym door slowly opened. Charlotte stepped on and smiled super big.
"Welcome Charlotte!" Every shouted.
"Omigod! Guys this is awesome!"
Ana and I walked up to her.
"Welcome to Platinum Wings! I'm Ana! I've heard so much about you." Ana introduced herself.
"Nice to meet you Ana! Hi Emma!" Charlotte said as she hugged me.
"Hi Char." I said. After that Charlotte went off to meet new people. The party went on and I and mist of the time I just hsbged out with Cooper. Every once in awhile I would see Charlotte looking at us.
I woke up the nest day at 7. It was only Saturday, but I had to help my sister. She was moving in to a dorm room not to far down the hall from mine. She would be rooming with Kelli Jo, a rider on the intermediate team. I slipped on a pair of black leggings and my Platinum Wings Academy hoddie with my white and blue converses. I walked out of the room trying not to wake Ana. There was no need to wake her when she already knew I had to do this. I went to the drop off lane and a few minutes later I saw my dads silver truck pull up with our horse trailer attached. The truck stopped and he stepped out. I gave him a big hug.
"Hi sweety! Where Charlotte. This stuff is hers including the horses." Dad said.
"You think she would be here before me since this stuff is hers." I completely didn't even think about Char until dad brought her up. Next thing you know here she came. She was wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a yellow cardigan sweater.
"Hey dad! Sorry I was late." Charlotte said.
"Its ok sweetheart. Let's just start getting you unpacked. How about you two take the horses to the stable and I will get your luggage to the dorm. I will meet you two in the front of the building." Dad said as he started to walk toward the trailer.
"Ok dad." Me and Charlotte both said. He pulled the latch out of the hook and opened the trailer door. Whisper and Bentley both stood there nice and calm. Charlotte walked up and untied both horses then she handed me Bentleys lead.
"See ya at the dorms dad. Let's go Em." Charlotte said. We both started to walk toward the stable.
"Well Charlotte. What did you think of the party?" I asked.
"It was awesome! Thanks sis for planning it!" She said.
"No problem!" I said. Maybe having Charlotte here was going to be okay.
"So..." Charlotte started, "Who was that boy you were with at the party?"
"Oh um.. You mean um...Cooper...ya...he's just uh...uh friend. Ya totally a friend." I said awkwardly.
"Sis if your dating him you can tell ms. I'm your sister and sisters are like BFFs."
"Honestly I have no idea what we are. He asked me if I wanted to be his date to the party and I said yes, but I don't know if that means we are dating or not." I explained.
"Em I'm sure you can figure this out. Just ask him." Charlotte suggested. We arrived at the stable and led the horses to there stalls. There were two stalls right next each other. One said Bentley and one said Whisper. I opened Bentley's stall door and lead him in. Then I took off his lead rope and hung it on the hook. Charlotte did the same to Whisper.
"I rather not talk about boy issues now though. Let's just focus on getting you moved in, okay?" I said.
"Okay." Charlotte and I made our way back the dorms. Dad was waiting for us in front of the building. Dad, Charlotte, and I went into the building and took Charlotte's stuff to her room.
"Okay girls. Are you sure you girls can unpack all this by yourselves?"
Dad asked.
"Ya we will be fine." Said Charlotte.
"Okay girls. I love you both. Bye!" Dad said. He hugged us both and then walked out.
"So what do you think of platinum Wings?" I asked.
"I really like it so far! Its super fancy here which is totally perfect for us!" Charlotte said.
"Well it is perfect, but I just don't feel like I will fit in."
"Of course you will fit in! Your like a superstar!" I said.
"That's the problem."

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