Platinum Wings Academy: Transfer Day. Yay.

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It was officially transfer day. Kids were everywhere and it looked like rush hour on a highway. I started to walk toward the stable. Even though not many kids got accepted on transfer day kids that already go to PWA were everywhere.
I walked into the stable. There were lots of girls and boys walking around in there. I stopped at Picasso's stable.
"Hey boy! How are you?" I ran my fingers through his mane. "I can't stay boy. I have to get out of the madness." I kissed his muzzle and Stars as well. Once I turned around I bumped into someone and fell to the ground.
"I'm so so sorry!" I stood up and helped the girl up.
"Its okay. It was my fal-" She stopped talking. "Emma? Emma Eaststone? I'm pretty sure that's you. You probably font remember me."
"Ya I'm Emma. I'm not really sure... You look fimiliar, but... Omigod!"
"You do remember me! McKenzie Cull! We both went to Legacy Equine Academy!"
"Omigod yes!" We both squealed and hugged each other. "You have to ce with me there's some people you gave to meet!" I started to walk and Mckenzie followed. I pulled out my phone and texted Heather.

Meet me @ the trac MAJOR e meeting!

Once Mckenzie and I got to the track (not the race track for horses) Heather, Harley, and Jayda were sitting on the bleechers. We went up and sat by them.
"So Harley remember how you said Mckenzie Cull was coming here."
"Ya why?"
"Well... This is Mckenzie Cull my best friend from Legacy Equine Academy!"
"Omigod! She has to join the Easties! She will fit in perfect!" Heather said with a huge smile.
"What is the Easties?" Mckenzie asked.
"Oh the Easties are a group of girls aka Emma, Harley, Jayda and I. You would be perfect I mean seriously! Your rich and you ride horses just like us so you would be perfect! Plus you are on of Ems besties!" Heather explained.
"Okay! I'm in!" Mckenzie squealed. "So what's first?"
"Well since today is transfer day nothing really. We could probably all hang out of my dorm so you can meet Analeigh on of my other besties." I exclaimed.
"Sounds great! You know what we should do though," Mckenzie winked, "we should all go riding!"
"Yes!" Jayda shouted. We all stood up and started to run toward the stable.
We all put our horses on the crossties and tacked up then mounted. We all sat on our horses outside of the stable in the outdoor arena.
"So what is your horse's name?" Asked Harley.
"Her name is Indy." Mckenzie exclaimed.
"Cute!" Jayda smiled.
"Thanks!" Kenzie smiled back. Just then Ava can trotting in on her horse.
"Kenzie just a hint don't talk to that girl right now." Heather whispered. Kenzie nodded.
"Hi guys..." Ava said.
"What do you want?" Jayda snapped.
"Uh... I was just coming here to practice a little." Ava looked at Kenzie."Who's this?"
"As if you need to know. That is Kenzie. Emma's bestie from LEA." Harley smirked.
"Oh. Well I-" Someone cut Ava off.
"Ava are we going to practice or-" It was Kelli Jo. She looked right at us and trotted over. "Well look who it is. Emma and Heather with the rest of the suckers. I didn't think you actually would even be practicing."
"Get lost Kelli no one wants you here." I snapped. Me and the other Easties started to trot out on our horses.
"You always run away Heather. Your just afraid of me!" Kelli shouted. Heather ignored her and kept riding.
"What's her problem?" Jayda asked Heather.
"Don't worry about it." Heather said back as she trotted up next to Kenzie and I.
After our ride I took Kenzie to my dorm so she could meet Ana. Once I opened the door Ana jumped up.
"Who is this?" She asked.
"This is my bestie from LEA, Kenzie." I introduced her.
"Nice to meet you!" Ana said giving Kenzie a small hug.
"You too!" Kenzie said back.
"This is going to be great!"

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