Chapter 12

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Normani's POV


It took a lot to wake me up the next morning. I had barely gotten any sleep after the last words Ally said to me before she dozed off. "Why would we run away from the truth?" 

So it was true. I was bi... Last night was the first time I had actually thought about it. I couldn't figure out whether or not it was okay and if my parents would except it, but I knew that my heart wasn't wrong. I used to really like Arin, and now I was pretty much in love with my best friend. I wasn't going to give up Ally so that I could change my sexuality to something "acceptable".

"Mani, come on we've got to go! Chicago awaits!" Dinah yelled, shaking me violently. I sat up, hoping that Ally was still laying by my side. "She's already in the kitchen." 

I nodded, sighed, and climbed down from the bunk. As soon as my foot hit the floor, I was tackled with an enormous bear hug. "Morning, ManiBear!" I laughed and looked down to see Ally's adorable face beaming up at me. She kissed my cheek without waiting for an answer and led me to the kitchen.

"She's alive!" Camila shouted, throwing her arms in the air. 

I stuck my tongue out at her and then turned to face Ally. "How late did I sleep?" 

"Only half an hour; I told the girls that you sent me a text at around two in the morning that you couldn't sleep." She answer as she starts to prepare scrambled eggs. 

I leaned closer to her and lowered my voice. "So only Dinah knows that we've been sleeping together?"

She nods and nudges me with her elbow. "Now go sit down! I'll bring you your breakfast." She winked at me and I blushed but obeyed her.  

1 Hour Later at the Hotel

Ally's POV

"You guys!" Dinah whined, staring out the window. "It's raining!" She turns to the make up artist who was busy curling Mani's hair. "You're going to have to use at least two bottles of hair spray on this!" She says, motioning to the ball of frizz on top of her head.

We all laughed as the make up artist finished with Normani and started to comb out Dinah's wild mane. I was already seated on one of the two beds in the room and Mani walked over to join me. 

She moved a strand of hair out of my eyes and left a light kiss on my forehead before placing me in her lap and wrapping her arms around me from behind.

Dinah took a long at us and crossed her arms over her chest. "Ya'll are seriously making me miss Siope right now... Somebody hand me my phone!" I tossed it to her as watched her carefully as her eyes filled with love. She sent a quick tweet to her boyfriend and threw her phone back to the bed in satisfaction.

"Do you think we'll be like that when we're apart?" Mani whispered from behind me.

"We'll never be apart ManiBear." I whisper back. I shivered when I felt her soft lips on the skin right below my ear.

Normani's POV

"Time to take over The Windy City!!" Camila shouted as she and Lauren burst through the door. Ally nearly fell off my lap in surprise and stood up to pretend she was occupied with something else.

"NO!!" Dinah cried. "There's rain and wind here?! Ugh, how can this possibly get any worse?!"

"Woah, Dinah! Nice hair!" Lauren teased as she made her way to one of the many mirrors in the room. 

"Stop it, Lo!" Dinah demanded, stomping her foot. "This is NOT FUNNY!!!"

"Dinah, if you don't calm down, your hair will be frizzy and burnt!" Who knew that the make up artist would have the last word?!

A/N: I'll probably do two chapters tomorrow too cuz I'm writing chapter 25 right now and it doesn't get interesting til chapter 15 sooo yeaahh comment vote and read byeeee:-) :-P ;-) O:-)  

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