Chapter Twenty

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"Mom it is just for a couple of weeks.. okay months."

"Please... I want to adopt her, I need to. I know what it is like to be in the dark, and to feel alone and to feel as if I don't have a home."

"I can't, a child spending time on a tour- on a bus isn't healthy, she needs to start school..."


"Thank you mom... your fostering license doesn't need to be renewed right?"

"Okay, okay. That's great. I'll be by in the morning."

"Lovely, okay. Bye, I love you."

I hang up my phone and look over at Liam, "So I'm going to drive over with Lacey in the morning and my mom agreed to take care of her."

Liam stop the car, as we are at the hotel, "Drive? Ash, it is a long drive."
"I can... I'll get a bus. I have my.. you know paychecks coming in every week, I can afford a couple buses."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive, it'll be fine."

"I would have to leave in the next couple of hours though, since we are kinda are in Maine and Virginia is really far away."

"Okay," he says. "I talked to Josh and he said it's fine if you're gone under forty eight hours,"

"So I'll just leave with Lacey after she gets something to eat and come back as soon as I can."

"Speaking of eating... Have you been eating."

"I.. um. I've been trying my hardest."

He looks at me with caring and worried eyes and I look down.

"Ash, I know when you're lying..."

"It's hard, It's really hard Liam." My voice cracks and I no longer trust my voice.

"I know it is, but you have to try... if you don't.. you could end up in the ER."

"I'll try, if not for me, I'll try for you and Lacey. Lacey needs someone strong." I laugh as tears fall down my face.

Liam reaches his hand out and puts it in my face to whip my tears away.

"Yeah, Skittles?"
"What did you mean that day when I was in the ER and I asked you.. why you left and you said I wouldn't understand?"

He goes silent, "It was nothing."

"It sure of hell was something Liam."

"It really... really... really wasn't nothing."

"Liam, you know when I'm lying, I know when you're lying too."

"Ash-" he says before Niall comes up to Liam's window.

"Hey... should I come back?"

"No, It's fine." I choke out.

"Ash-" Liam starts.

"Yeah Niall?"

"Louis took Lacey to McDonald's and Josh is starting to notice something odd.. so its best you two leave as soon as they come back,"

"Okay, that's fine." I smile, no emotion.

Niall looks at Liam because I get out the car and I make my way to the hotel.

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