Chapter 1

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Who knew Uni was so hard? I mean I know it's a higher stage of education but I thought as my learning progressed I would as well. I've only been studying law for three weeks and I'm already falling behind with coursework, and don't even get me started on trying to fit in revision.

To top it off I've got two very successful parents that want me to follow in their footsteps. My mums a receptionist and my dads a lawyer; he's always wanted me to be like him, just to feel proud for once but in the 18 years I've been alive I've never heard him say that he is.

They're almost never home. Mums always out having a 'quick drink with the work pals' and doesn't return till around 11. Sure, dad gets home before her but he just gets a bottle of beer and sits in his office most of the time.

It's not all bad though I will admit. They always make sure we get Sunday's together, but even then they'll grill me about uni. "Education is the key to happiness!" They'll say. I've always wondered whether that was true. I mean you could argue that some of the most brainiest people were unhappy but we'll never actually know because they're all dead. Sorry to put a bummer on everything, where was I? Right, uni.

My teachers say that I've got a bright future ahead of me. Because my dads pretty well known in the business, almost every one of my teachers have read the name Howell and thought that I'd excel in my classes.. My grades harshly disagree!

Of course that's not what I'm telling my parents. They say that if  I get good enough grades in all my classes they'll let my hire out a form and live there, you know get a real sense of independence. The only downside is that if they find out that I'm the bottom of the class they'll keep me here and there's nothing I'd hate more, and they know that.

I haven't gotten the chance to even interact with anyone else! Any spare moment I have, I'm spending in the library cramming in as much information about the next class as I can because nine times out of ten, I'm supposed to already have learnt this but it's so hard not to fall asleep at the back of a lecturing hall. So, yeah 90% of my time is spent catching up on work and the extra 10% is either spent sleeping, eating or falling through a dark abyss many people call the Internet.

I didn't even want to do law, in fact I don't know what I want to do! I just picked because it seemed like the easiest option.. Boy was I wrong! And with my spontaneity came a shed load of pressure from my parents.

As you can imagine they bring in a sustainable amount so we aren't exactly living in a cardboard box, but whenever I've been really passionate about anything in the past, they've dismissed it and said it would be a waste on money to invest in. By the way they spoke about it it was like I was pitching an idea on Dragons Den when, in reality, I would have been asking for paintbrushes or camera (needless to say I am still unaware whether art or photography is what I'm destined to do).

One thing they did 'invest in' was piano lessons.. Just when you thought I couldn't sound more stuck up I know how to play the piano! Totally against my choice but I was seven at the time and didn't know how to say no, apparently. It is one of my less seen talents as its not something I like to particularly show off. Hearing that I'm the son of a lawyer, and that lawyer being Rupert Howell isn't really the best introduction to a potential friend and adding the fact that I can play piano makes me sound like I'm cultured and I think I know everything, and that's not the way i want to be seen.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm adopted because I am nothing like either of my parents. My mother is this social expert who can make friends with anyone in any situation; not to mention she incredibly organised! And my father.. Well my father is who I aim not to be. He is the epitome of pompous! He thinks that everything that he says is interesting and worth noting and it gets rather annoying after a while feeling like you need to constantly impress your father. I'd say I've given up with him but whenever I'm proud of something I can't help feeling that maybe he'll feel the same. So far I haven't had much luck.

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