Chapter 8

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I wake up to a door slamming. I jolt forward forgetting Phil was with me, making him wake up too. "What was that?" he says and I just shake my head in response. I check my phone to see the time, and panic as it says I've only got 45 minutes till my next class. I jump up leaving Phil on the bed. "Shit," I mumble "Shit, shit, shit I shouldn't have slept in," I say and start grabbing random clothes from my closet. Phil's staring at me as if I'm losing my mind which doesn't help the situation. He's propped up on his elbows and and his shirt looks especially tight against his chest which is a huge distraction when I'm in a panicky rush. "Listen Phil, I don't mean to be that guy who runs off the next morning but.. I've got to get to class," I say out of breath. He just laughs and shakes his head.

"Go," He says waving me off. I grab my bag and shove as many books as I can in there as I have three back to back classes today. I open the door but I'm stopped by Phil "Wait, Dan," He says and I turn around. He smiles and throws me a can of Ethan's body spray I look at the label "SexZ BoyZ body spray? Really?" I ask pleading for something different.

"Hey it's for sexy boys!" He says to me and winks before collapsing onto the bed again. I run off not saying anything else because I'm really in a rush now. I start spraying it all over me, suffocating a few people in the process, but I think it helps. I get to the art class with a few moments to spare and sit in my usual seat behind PJ. "Jesus man! What died?" He asked coughing. I start to become more self conscious than before and smell my shirt; It really does smell like something died and I rubbed it on me! "Is it really that bad?" I ask and he pulls a twisted face which says it all. I sigh and look around, getting the sudden feeling that everyone can smell me and their judgment and opinions are being poured out of them and I'm soaking them up like a sponge. "I didn't have time to shower this morning so I just sprayed something of my roommates but I'm starting to think if I'd left it it wouldn't smell as bad," I explain and PJ raises an eyebrow and smirks. he leans forward and lowers his voice so that no one eaves dropping can hear our convocation. "So did you and Phil.." He says suggestively. I look down and start shaking my head, feeling heat rise in my cheeks. "Oh sorry," He continues "It's just he didn't come back last night and I put two and two together.." He says feeling slightly awkward. I wave it off "It's okay, honestly if it wasn't for my stupid roommate being there I might have actually got somewhere,"

"So you admit you like him?" PJ says with a sudden excitement filling his eyes. As if my prayers were answered, the teacher comes in and hushes our talk. The class flies by and all of a sudden I'm on my way to two back to back Law lectures. Kill me now. I'm kind of glad I sit at the back though, at least no one can smell me. I sit down and get my books out my bag, including a small sketch pad because I need something to distract my boredom.

Two hours pass and I'm surprised I managed to stay awake for that long. I stand up and walk towards the door but I'm stopped by my lecturer. "Uh Mr. Howell do you mind if I have a word with you?" My heart drops as I walk over to his desk. My teacher is surprisingly young to be teaching law, maybe in his thirties. Apparently he was in the top classes at this uni and he's been offered so many good opportunities but he's turned them down to make our lives miseries. "So recently I've noticed you're slowly going down in class. You're always distracted and I even saw you asleep earlier!" He says in a stern tone; wow, I guess I did fall asleep. I avoid making eye contact and put my hands in my pockets. "When you joined this university, you were in the top 5 in your year! so whats happened?" My eyes widen. I was one of the top ones? I always thought I was failing. But I guess now that I'm doing art, which is something I actually enjoy then I've lost the will to even care about law. "I guess I just got a better offer," I say and walk out the door before he can say anything else.

Once I'm out, I immediately text Phil.

To: Phil

I'm starving, when do you get out? xx

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