Chapter 3

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"Oh.. sorry," I heard a deep, shy voice. The guy disappeared but I soon saw him peering around the corner of the bookshelf and walk round soon after. He seemed utterly shy as he didn't lift his eyes from the floor until he reached me. He glanced up at me and then back down at the book. "I.. Uh.. You can have the book if you want," I say breaking the silence. He looks back up at me in shock, "Thank you! I.. I won't be long with it," he said with a smile, and with that he walked away.

I decide to go back and research some thing on my laptop. I lift the lid and see a figure standing in my peripheral.  I glance up to see the blue eyed boy staring down at me with a welcoming smile. "Is this seat taken?" he asks. I simply shake my head and gesture towards the chair opposite me. He slides it back and sits in it. He looks at me as if waiting for me to say something. I simply look up and smile, to which I receive a small smile back.

He looks down and opens the book on a page about horizons; he rests his head on his hands and begins to read. I go back to typing until the guy pipes up and says "I'm Phil, by the way," . He stretched his hand out over the table and I shake It hesitantly. "Dan," I say, I scan his face for any sign of convocation, but get slightly lost in his eyes.

His sky-like sapphire irises remind me of surfing on tidal waves in Morocco. He flashes that smile again and goes back to reading. I take this as a signal to start typing.  As soon as I touch the keyboard he starts talking. I inwardly sigh and look up, slightly annoyed, but I don't show it curious as to what this boy wants from me.

"So what are you studying?" he beams at me. He looks like a curious toddler.  "Law," I reply. I look at him. He's staring at me in wonder and I begin to think, why is he here? What is it about me that is so enticing? "what a bore," he lets out a little giggle and sticks his tongue out of the left side of his mouth. I can't help but smile at him and hide my face. "I know right? I don't even know why I picked it," I say finding myself wanting to talk to him more and more.

I said I didn't know why but I really did, I just don't feel like sharing my life story with someone I just met. Just when I'm about to ask him about himself he's already answering. "I'm doing film and media studies, which is strange really because I started off doing English language and then my friend showed me what he was do.." I don't want to stop him but I catch the time in my laptop screen and notice I'm about to be late for my first art class. I think Phil can see my panic as he stops talking. "Listen I'd love to carry on talking to you, I really would, but I'm going to be late-" I'm cut off by Phil.

"Honestly it's okay, do you think we could do this again some time, you're really fun to talk you," he starts to giggle hiding his face in embarrassment. I can't help but feel a blush rise on my face. I nod, shut my laptop and go to my class.

I get there just in time and take a seat in the middle, but on the edge so that I can lean against the wall. The whole class is staring at me and there are whispers coming from every direction. I feel oddly self-conscious and pull my sleeves over my hands, trying to cover as much flesh as I can.

"Don't worry, it won't last for long," I hear someone say. My head jolts up and I'm met with a welcoming smile and a pair of green eyes from the person sitting in front of me. "I'm PJ," he says and holds his hand out. I shake it in an attempt to seem confident but considering I was scared when some people started whispering about me, I'm not sure it's working.

"I'm Dan," I say smiling back. "I didn't realise the class would be this big!" Art isn't necessarily the most popular subject but they seemed to have quite a collection. "So when did you start here?" PJ asks, and turns around fully to face me. "Well I've been going here for almost 3 weeks but today's my first day bunking in and my first art class as well,"

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