Chapter 6: Plans

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      "how many kids?" I asked as zayn ran the shampoo through my hair, I mean I really didn't need someone to wash my hair for me, but it was a nice gesture and something I may take advantage of more often. "four" I said quickly and with confidence. "two girls two boys?" he asked and I nodded, we already went through this months ago, and we were already on the same page then, but it's good to go through it again when your life may be cut shorter than you thought. "big wedding?" I nodded and grabbed the shampoo to shampoo zayns hair, two weeks have gone by and we don't talk about it directly unless we have to, they've started me on medication for my headaches and surprisingly for having a brain tumour, I'm not doing too bad. "honeymoon in the Bahamas?" I nodded once again but added something this time "babe we had this planned already nothing has changed," he just smiled at me "nothing has changed" he repeated and I nodded "I'm still me" I said although I'm sure he knows that "you're still you my love, just have a harder fight each day that's all" and that was a good way to look at it, zayn always had a way with words, and it always got my heart beating much faster than it should.

       We became quite the stay in bed, take too many snapchats and post them on our story type of couple, but why should we be any different than other couples? if they can make out on their snapchat story so can we, at least that's what I said to myself. My Instagram feed became mostly zayn, and zayns became mostly of me, something that we both knew would happen anyways. "babe why'd you post that!" it was a picture of my bare ass in a hospital gown from yesterday's scans, the last scans before my surgery with the caption "babes got a swell 🍑" half of the comments were confused fans who hadn't heard the news asking why he was in the hospital, but luckily the other half was comments about how cute we were, I wanted to get zayn back for posting that, but I did have to admit I'm sure that's not the last picture of my bum that'll come out. "you've got a swell bum why else would I post it babe, get with the program!" I saw the playful direction this was going and wanted to use my last bit of time before I had the surgery and was stuck in bed with have fun, and take advantage that I was feeling pretty good for the situation I was in. "I'm gonna get you mister!" I said and he pinned me down, I could tell he was being a bit gentle but I appreciated it, he was always gentle with me, and then the look on his face changed, "you're so many things, amazing things that I can't even express, your eyes light up each and every space you grace with your presence, each part of you that makes you who you are is so incredibly perfect in its own way, you're truly a work of art, someone spent a little extra time on you making you who you are, and they did an amazing job, inside and out you are truly an amazing person, and you're so strong and I love you." I just looked at him for a second, his amazing way with words had memorized me and before I could say a word his lips were pressed on mine.

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