Agreement to Stay!? Chapter: 3

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When I woke up I was tied to my bed. Everything was blurry and I could barely see anything because the room was spinning around and around, non-stop. I looked to my side and I saw 'Erika Taiga the Fox Demon' staring straight at me with a cold like glare. I screamed and yelled, "Erika! Why'd you tie me up!?! Huh!?" She slowly began to smirk as my vision became clear. I yelled again, "Erika! Answer me!" Instead of an answer she got up and crawled on top of me, then she sat on my stomach. I could feel her warm ass on my stomach, and I could tell she had no panties on. And her ears and tail were gone! I blushed. "Wh-What're you doing?! And where did your ears and tail go!?" She grabbed the strap to her teared up dress and slowly pulled it down. I closed my eyes deeply blushing, "No! Stop, what're you doing!? Get off of me and let me go!" She paused. I opened my eyes and looked at her, "Huh?" She looked evil, her eyes where full of hatred for me. I said calmly, "Erika?" She finally snapped out of it, "What do you want you putrid, human!?" She gasped, "AND WHY AM I ON TOP OF YOU!? WERE YOU TRYING TO HARASS ME!?" I yelled in anger, "N-NO! YOU DID THIS TO ME AND YOURSELF! YOU'RE TO BLAME! NOT ME! HOW WOULD I BE ABLE TO TIE MY SELF TO THE BED!? OBVIOUSLY, SOMEONE HAD TO DO IT FOR ME!?!" She gasped and stared into my eyes, blankly. "Oh, no. Not again." I say confused, "What? What do you mean, 'again'?". She sighed and leaped off of me. "It's none of your business, human!" I yell, "Hey! can you get these ropes off of me!?" She takes her knife and cuts the ropes, "There, happy human?" I grunt, "Seriously, what's up with you and calling me human all of the time. I've got a real name, so please use it!" I got up and walked outside of the room slamming the door behind me. 

*Erika's Perspective*

"Oh... no. I did it again. I thought I got over doing stuff like that to boy's. What's happening to me?"
I look at the door and then my hands, "I can't go crazy now, I can't let that human know what my weakness is!" I followed the human down stairs closing the door behind me.

*Takumi's Perspective*

When I walked down stairs, the front door opened. It was my mom coming home from grocery shopping. My mom smiled and said sweetly, "Oh, hi my dear Takumi. How are you?" I smiled and scratched the back of my head, "Heh... been better. So, what'd you buy?" She giggled, "Well, I've gotten a lot of stuff, but would you be a dear and help your mom get them out of the trunk, please?" I nodded, "Yes, mother." I slipped on my slippers and walked outside with my mother to help her with whatever she got from the store. 

After that, I helped her put them away in the kitchen. 

Mom smiled and said, "Here you go, Takumi. A treat for your excellent work." I smiled and looked at what she's giving me, it was a poptart! I giggled, "Thanks, mom." She smiled, "No problem, dear. You can go to sleep, I'll take it from here." I smiled sweetly, "Heh... You sure?" She chuckled, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure. Now go. I'll tell you when dinner's ready." I nodded, "Okay, thanks again, mom!" I ran up stairs and before I can fully get up the stairs, there was Erika. I looked at her in fear that my mom would catch a girl sneaking around in my house. I whispered, "E-Erika!? What're you doing here?! Stay in the room!" She shook her head, "Since when, did I take orders from a human?!" I sighed and yelled, whispering, "Please, you can't be seen by my mom, she'll kill me!" She smirked, "Heh... Challenge excepted!" She jumped over me and ran down the stairs. I screamed, "ERIKA!" She ran towards my mom as I ran behind her. She stopped behind her as I did the same. Erika tapped my mom's shoulder softly and said nice and sweetly, "Hi! Are you Takumi's Mother? It's real nice to meet a beautiful young lady as yourself!" Mother turned around slowly, and looked at Erika. Mother smiled, "Ooh~! 'Beautiful and Young' you say? Why, I'm flattered!" I gasped, "Wh-What?!".

*Erika's perspective*  

Oh, my gosh! The human boy's Mother, is so beautiful! With her long dark black silky hair that grew down to her hips, baby blue eyes like the human boy's, she's tall, has big boobs and butt, and a tight body figure~!
Oh dear! I'll cherish this lady human, till' I die! And the clothes she's wearing a stunning!!!

*Takumi's Perspective*

Erika started freaking out over my mom. She was blushing and fan-girling! 
Mother was fond of her, she was smiling, giggling and everything! I was amazed. I thought she would freak out on me about having a girl over here during the night. I looked at my mom and she gave me a dark and evil glare. I pouted, ugh! This is not a good day for me! Erika smiled, "Hey, um... Mrs. Sega! Can I live here with you guys? I have no where else to go. Cause, I was practically banished from my home." My mom felt sorry for Erika and so did I. I didn't know she was banished from her home town? Why didn't she tell me this sooner? Urgh! this Fox! I swear! 

My mom looked at my worriedly and said, "Yes, you may stay here. But, you have to go by the rules of the house if you do, okay?" Erika smiled, "OKAY! I'm ready!" I face-palmed myself. My mom looked up and down Erika's body and said, "Um... UH. What're you wearing?" Erika looked at her clothes, "What? This? Oh, um . . . long story." Mother smiled, "Well, then I'll take you shopping. How's that sound?" Erika grinned brightly, "It sounds, GREAT! Thank you, Mrs. Sega!" I felt like I just got stabbed in the heart! Did Erika just say my mom's last name without saying 'human' all the time like she does to me?! How insulting! I guess she really hates me then. Erika looked at me with an evil smirk and said in her language, mumbling, "Vous stupide humaine de cul." and she giggled. I shook in fear of what she just said, and I'm getting a feeling that it wasn't a really nice. 

My mom smiled, "Well, I guess you'll be going to school with Takumi tomorrow. And you can sleep in our guest room, too." Erika smiled, "Really? Yay!" I grunted, "Yay, my ass." Erika glared me down. I nervously smiled, "Yeah, well. I'm gonna go back to my room. So, see yah guys!" I ran up stairs and into my room, locking the door behind me. I sighed and slid my back down on the door, and sat on the floor staring at the ceiling. 

What was all that nonsense before my mom came home? It was like she was a different person. I looked at my window and noticed it was still open. I sighed  and got up heading to the window to close it. I shut it and closed the curtains. Then I walked to my bed and sat on it having my legs spread out. I looked at my bulge and thought, was she trying to have sex with me because she maybe read more of my hentai books and wanted to try it out for her own experience?!
I laughed. Well, that's a challenge that would always be excepted.

After two minutes of silence, I heard a knock on my door. I got up saying, "Coming." I un-locked the door and in a instant I got hit in the face by a foot. I fell to the floor with a loud thud. "OW! WHY'D YOU HIT ME LIKE THAT, ERIKA!!" Erika was in my mothers pj's as she evilly laughed and yelled, "HA! You're so stupid! You could've dodged that!" I sighed, "I have had enough playing games with you!" She yelled, "Me?! Playing games with 'YOU'?! Oh~! I don't think so human! You messed with the wrong fox!" I stared at her huge double 'd' titties. I blushed. She blushed. "Wh-What're you looking at you nasty imbecile!" I gasped, "Imbecile!? You're one to talk you crazy ass foxy lady!!" She growls, "I'M NOT CALLED, FOXY!!!" She jumped on me and I fell to the floor with a 'thump'. She was on top of me again! She blushed like crazy, with her legs on both sides of my body or spreaded out. It smelled so beautiful down there, like roses and honey. She raised her hand and slapped the hell out off me, making me pass out. Again

~ To be Continued . . . . 

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