I Save Her & She Saves Me?! Chapter: 4

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It's Morning, and I'm still knocked out cold! 
But, when I woke up. I didn't see Erika in the room at all. What a relief! What if it was only a dream? What if that 'Erika' girl isn't real? What if she's just a part of my imagination, or my dream? 
I felt a sting on my forehead, I felt for it. It hurt badly! Then I remembered that Erika, in my dream, kicked me with her foot. 
Then someone knocked on my bedroom door. I walked over to open it. And when I did, I saw HER! 
She was evilly smirking at me, with her cold golden eyes. She was wearing my school's uniform, and her hair was straightened a little to make her more decent looking for school. I gasped, "Wh-What?! I thought you're just a stupid dream! You're actually real?!" She put her hands on her hips, "Yes! Why wouldn't I be you lousy, human!?" I sighed, "Man. You can be really annoying sometimes. And that 'human' act is getting old." She chuckled, "HA! Deal with it spaghetti brains." I calmly said, "Could you please get out, Erika? I need to get ready for school." She walked over to the wall and leaned against it with a smirk on her face. I gagged and yelled, "HEY! THE DOOR IS THAT WAY YOU KNOW!" She giggled, "I know. I won't be in your way. So, just change already. I'll be waiting here."
I grunted, "Wh-What!? There's no way I'm getting un-dressed in here with you! Now, get out!" She laughed, "Hahahaha! Then... you'll just have to be late for this.... 'school'.... then!" I smirked, "I could care less about school and their annoying rules! I just wanna get ready. SO GO!" She smacked her lips and said, "Fine then..." Then she mumbled under her breath as she walked to the door and out of the room, "... Vous gênant humaine de cul. Habille-toi ... mais je vais attendre ici pour vous lancer dans vos tripes, une fois que vous ouvrez cette porte."
(You annoying ass human. Get dressed... but I'll be waiting out here to kick you in your guts, once you open that door.) 

I slammed the door and proceeded to get ready. I put my black uniform pants on, white button up shirt, my over-lapping black suit jacket, and my red tie. 
I looked in the mirror to see what I looked like and to fix myself up. I sighed, "Ugh... I don't wanna go with that freaky ass, foxy girl. She'll ruin it for me! My reputation is... over! I'm done for!" I cringed to thought of it. I sighed trying to calm myself down. After I did, I walked over to the door and I opened it, and when I did I saw something swing at me, I grabbed it in a nick of time before it hit me. I looked at it and it was a foot, I looked to my right and I saw Erika. I yelled, "Would you stop trying to hurt me all the time with your cheap attacks! That's getting old too, yah know!" She grunted, "Hey! Don't be mean to me! And my attacks aren't cheap either!" I growled, "You know what? I'm done talking to you." 
She looked to her side, "Heh... Same here." She walked away and headed to the stairs. After she walked down and stepped onto the floor/surface, I headed down. 

We met up with my mom which was standing by the door, she was smiling and blushing with joy. She yelled sweetly, "Hey, you guys! Good Mornin'! It's nice to see you two up early and ready to go. Especially you, Takumi." I scratched the back of my head and said, "Hey, don't rub it in." She giggled, "I was only just messing with you. Even though it was true." I looked away, "Yeah, whatever." 
Mother smiled and said, "Well, here are your lunches that you can eat for lunch." Erika looked at it like kid getting a new toy. She gasped surprisingly, "Wow! What is this thing?" Mother looked at her confusedly then she looked at me wondering if I could give her an answer about what she meant by what she said. I shrugged with a nervous like smile and laugh. Mother nodded and ignored it. Erika smiled at Mother, "Thank you, Mrs. Sega!" She nodded, "Yes, yes. Now you two have fun at school now." Erika walked outside and looked at the sky saying, "Oh wow! The weather is gorgeous out here in the city!" Mother smiled, "So I take it that you're not from here?" Erika shook her head, "Nope! But, I'm glad I am Ma'am!" She ran to the gate door and jumped over it, "BYE!" I was walking behind her watching her every move. My mom waved 'bye' as we left for school. And when we walked off the property, Mother walked back in the house and closed an' locked the door. 

I closed the gate door and locked it. Erika grunted and growled saying, "Hey, you." I looked at her, "What do you want, fur ball?" She looked away saying, "You know, you have to show me to that school place of yours. And if you don't, I'll kill you with my bare hands." I chuckled a-little, "Obviously, I'm taking you there. So, you can loose all of the violence now." She walked forward onto the street, "Yah, yah, yah... whatever. Now, can we go?" I sighed, "Yeah... you might wanna consider getting out of the drive way first." She looked at me confused and angry, "What the hell is a fucking 'drive way'?!" I sighed, "Never mind." 
I heard an engine, and it was real loud. It sounded like a truck. I looked behind me and there was Erika, standing in the way of the truck. I gasped, "ERIKA! GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!" She looked at me disgustedly, "AND... WHY SHOULD I LISTEN TO YOU?! HUH?!!?" I grunted, "Fine then!" I ran towards her and yelled her name as I jumped and grabbed for her to move her out of the trucks way. I fell hard on the concrete and she was on top of me, but at least she didn't get hurt, or I'll seriously be in trouble with my mom and the police. She shot up off me and said blushing while she was embarrassed, nervous, and angry, "ARGH! WHY'D YOU DO THAT! YOU NEARLY KILLED ME!" I grunted in pain, "No, I was nearly killed trying to save your stupid ass!" She put her hands to her chest still blushing, "Wha~? You... You saved me...?" I got up and sat on my bum as I had one eye closed and the other trying to stay open. My arm got scratched during the fall and was bleeding really bad. I held my arm trying to move and stand up. 
Erika looked at my arm and said, "Seems like you got hurt." I smiled, "Heh... don't worry about me. I'm fine. Lets just get to the school.... okay....?" I stud up and tried walking while I was still in pain from that tragic fall. Erika was watching me the whole walk there, seeing if I would fall. Even if I did, I bet she would laugh and say, "HAHAHA! SORRY EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN MUCH!!!"  God I wish I wasn't here right now. Erika was falling me from behind watching me with glare. I was holding my scraped up arm in my hand trying to relieve the pain from within my arm. It was working but not as much as I hoped. 

We reached the school by ten o'clock. Students were coming up the road still. That meant that we weren't late! Erika stopped and looked at the humongous white colored school with tones of windows and said, "So, this is the school?" I nodded with one eye closed and one open, still in pain, "Yes... Now hurry up and get inside." She started walking ahead of me saying with a mean attitude, "I don't take orders from you, human..." I sighed and yelled, "Shut up, an' go already! I don't need to here you complain all of the time!" She huffed and puffed and stomped down the side walk and up to the school. When she was two blocks away from me, I fell to my knees yelling in pain from my right arm. I lifted up my sleeve and saw that my arm was bruised purple and blue with blood and puss spewing out of the middle. I covered it with my bare hand and it stung badly, I shrieked. One of the girls that come up to me every school day saw me and ran towards me fast. She bent down asking politely, "Hey, senpai. Are you alright?" I looked at her saying, "Heh... Yeah. I can handle myself." She looked at my arm and saw blood on my white sleeve and saw me covering it with my left hand. She screamed, "SENPAI! YOU'RE HURT!" She grabbed my left arm and carried me to the school. Every girl in school was looking at the both of us in anger and jealousy.
I was being carried by a girl. How awkward it looked to me to see the girl, who calls me 'senpai', carry me through out the school. I don't even know this girl to be honest, she's just another one of the girls who come up and flirt with me everyday here in the school. It's sad that I don't know all of their names, except a couple of them. 
She brings me to the nurses room and gently lays me down on the bed, she runs back to the door, and slid the door shut, locking it behind her. She sighs and says, "So, how did you get hurt?" I gulped down my saliva and said, "Well, I fell trying to save this girl from a semi truck coming down the street, and when I fell, I went arm first. She looked at me in surprise and started blushing. She stuttered, "S-So... Y-You saved a girl f-from a semi tr-truck...?" I nodded to her response, "Yes."
She slowly started to walk up towards me as she was un-buttoning the blouse to her uniform, and pulling up her mini-skirt exposing her pink panties. I was intrigued in her body, and I wanted it more than anything! But, I was wary about Erika finding out I'm in here and alone with a girl. 

I started to yell in pain even more from the wound, so she stopped and grabbed some body alcohol and bandages to help my wound. She slowly walked over to me, with her chest still hanging out of her shirt. She slowly started moving my sleeve up my arm as my sleeve reveled my bloody bruise. She screamed and said forthright, "YOU'RE ARM IS LOOKING EXTREMELY UGLY!" I sighed and said, At least you're candid." She softly smiled and said, "Yeah. I'm known to be very honest about everything and everyone I see." 
I smiled and said benevolently, "I'm sorry, but can I ask for your name?" She looked at me with a sad look on her face. I directly stared at her, waiting for a response. She sighed and said soft-spoken, "Yeah... I knew you didn't know my name, it must be hard catching up with every girls name in this school. Especially for a hottie like you." I nodded agreeing with her honesty. She smiled and said nice and soft, "Well, my name is... Kyou Makato. I'm fifteen, and I'm a second year student." I nodded and said like a gentlemen, "It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Makato." She blushed and covered her face with her right hand saying nervously, "Y-Yeah... So, anyway's... I'll start taking care of your wound now." I nodded, agreeing to her suggestion, "Yeah, you go do that. While I cry in pain." She giggled and said, "It won't be for long, Senpai." I grinned my teeth thinking about the pain I'm gonna get when the alcohol hits that stupid ass bruise on my arm caused by the fall. She grabbed the alcohol and as she did I cringed a little. She opened it up and poured it on a dry cloth then she looked at me worried. I looked at her worried too. She then said, "Trust me. This is gonna suck." I nodded, "Yeah. I know. Just do it quickly to get it over with." She nodded and said, "RIGHT!" She put the wet cloth on my arm and it stung like HELL. I couldn't take it. You could even hear it sizzle too. She cringed to the noise that the combination was making. I was yelling pain, very loudly. She covers my mouth to shut me up. Then she grabbed the bandages fast and rapped them around my lower arm as fast as she could as I grinned my teeth to the pain.

After a while, the stinging stopped and I felt as good as new. Kyou took my blouse and said, "Well... this needs to be washed, I'll give you a fresh one since your arm is wrapped up." I smiled and said, "Yeah, thank you." She smiled, "Yeah... you're welcome." She then turned away and walked out side to the hall and slid the door shut. I sat there with no shirt on, just me and my bare body. I scanned my arm looking at it in every angle. Then I started looking around the nurses room. They had a lot of white cabinets that had the red 'plus' sign on it.
I smirked. Why did I save that little runt in the first place? I know it's not because she's a girl, hell, she acts more like a guy than a girl. Is it because, I like her? No! No. No... that can't be it. We just freakin' met, that can't be it. Could it?  
I kept getting confused about the topic I was thinking about. I sighed and thought... Man. If I kept thinking about her and why I saved her, my brain would turn into dust. 
I looked outside, seeing the gym class run around the track road. I saw Sakura too. Running as fast she can trying to out-run everybody. I softly smiled and blushed a-little just thinking about her personality and reactions to everything. She's a great friend. She's my 'Osana-najimi'.  

Kyou came back into the room with a new shirt that I could wear and she has my other one in a plastic bag. She slid the door shut and said, "Hey, Senpai. Um... the washer's broken so... You need to wash it at home. It probably won't come out but, you'll figure something out." I nodded as she handed me the new, nice and clean blouse, and the plastic bag with the bloody stain on it. I sighed, "Thank you, but.... You didn't have to skip homeroom to help me out I was fine earlier before you helped me out." He giggled, "Well, you looked like you needed the help and it was practically written all over your face. What can you do?" I smiled, "Yeah... Well, I got to go. See yah!" I got up from the nurse bed and walked towards the doors when...

"NO! WAIT!" 

I was suddenly on the floor. With Kyou on top of me as her hair covered the top half of her face. I blushed and she blushed too. I said nervously, "K-Kyou!? Wh-What're you doing?" She smiled with tears pouring out of her eyes saying sadly, "Y-You don't love me like I love you. I want to date you, and be with you, forever!" A chill shot down my spine as she said the 'forever' part. I sighed and said, "I'm sorry that I don't love you the same way as you do for me. And I don't wanna date anybody since my last date with, my Ex." She stopped crying and moving and just, froze. I froze too, watching her closely. Then she started moving closer towards me, and then...

The slide door slid open fast with a loud bang. Then someone grabbed me roughly and carried me outside the nurses room slamming the door closed. Then, the person threw me at the wall and I hit my head hard. I scratched my head where it hurt and yelled, "HEY! WHAT'D YOU DO THAT FOR!?" I finally noticed that it was, Erika the foxy fox! She put her hands on her hips yelling, "You stupid, human! You almost got kissed by that girl in there! What the hell were you thinking?!" I sighed and took a deep breath and said, "Thanks for that, I guess. And... I don't know. I was hurt after you un-hesitantly ran up the hill to the school. And I fell to the floor from my wound. Apparently that girl, that's also named Kyou, in there helped me out by covering up my arm and treating it properly." Erika gagged and said annoyed, "I honestly don't care about your arm, human. I just was wondering where you were, too." I stopped and said, "Erika, Wait... You're worried about me?" She blushed deeply and said, "N-No! I wasn't worried about you, you human!" I change the subject, "Erika, how'd you find me anyway's?" She pointed her finger up saying, "Oh! While that girl was walking towards the washer room, I smelt blood and I recognized that it was yours from earlier, when you 'saved' me from that vehicle this morning. So I followed it. And found you here." I smirked, "Thanks to your keen sense of smell, you saved me." She blushed, "Aw, it was nothing. Now, get up!" I shot up fast and said, "Yeah?" She grabbed my arm and said, "Come on, you need to get to class, oh! And plus also.... I'm in your homeroom, class 2-D." I gasped in surprise yelling...


To be Continued...~

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