How My Life Was, Before I Met, Her . . . Chapter : 1

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Hi, my name is Takumi Sega. I'm sixteen years old, junior in Hisokawa High school. I don't have much of an interesting life, because I don't go through much drama that's mostly given to most of the girls, and maybe some boys too. I'm a more of a "cool" type guy. I don't have sex with girls like most of the boys at my school did or do, and most of them lost their "V card". Some of the girls at my school regret it, and some of them don't. Most of the teens at my school have dated somebody.

Now, I know you must be wondering if I've ever dated anybody? Well, the answer is, yes. I have. She was one of the most popular girls in middle school, cause she was the first in the school to have big boobs, butt, firm figure, and a round, plush, soft face. I've gotta tell yah, she was very Kawaii!  Her name was, Yuki Hikari.

Well, how we got together, is when she saw everyone rampaging towards "pretty boy". Which is me. Screaming, crying, and blushing all over. And she set her eyes on me. 
Trust me, I was the hottest boy in school, and I was very popular too. People called me a "Prince", or an "Angel That Fell From The Sky", er' something like that. I guess people really like my looks, and pick up lines. Which are great by the way. 

Well, Yuki spotted me, and fell for me just like that, and as for I did the same. Of course, all the girls were jealous and sad that they didn't get to be with me. But, I didn't really care, really. I wanted to date Yuki, was it wrong to choose her? 
Anyway's, so we hooked up, and we were dating for five in a half years. People were commenting that we looked so cute together cause we're both the popular ones in school. Which, I surely agree on. Yuki agreed on it too.

Well, right now. I'm not dating her anymore. And I'll tell you why. How we broke up is when she wanted to have sex with me. At first, I thought she was joking, then I realized that she was serious. I didn't want to have sex with her cause I promised her parents that I wouldn't. It was sad that she didn't care about her parents rules. The reason why she wanted to do it with me is because, she didn't loose her virginity yet and she wanted to loose it with me because, she wanted to fit in with everyone else, I guess you can say that she was in 'Peer Pressure'.

SO, I didn't accept her offer and she left me, just like that. 
I was a nice, happy, fun type guy. But, now I'm depressed, lonely, cold-hearted, and heart-broken. I hated everything and everyone. I wanted to die. I truly, hated my life. I never wanted to get with anyone, ever

I then, like always, started having way worse problems with my dad and his gang of thugs. It's like, every time I'm happy, he has to come home and ruin it for me by arguing about the most stupidest things possible. One time , he annoyed me so much that I punched him in the face, having his nose and cheek bleed out and leaving bruises an hour later. He makes me more depressed than I already am. 
That's why I'm always grouchy to everyone. 

My older sister is lucky. 
She's married and has a rich life down in the millionaire area. I wish I was like her, she's strong, smart, and she doesn't cry, EVER. Once she had a baby, which she's never told me about. I guess she wanted to keep it a secret from me and other people. I really wanted to know though, cause I'm part of the family, right? But, oh, well. I'm not gonna have my sister get out of her comfort zone to just tell me about it, I'm not that type of guy to be doing those type of things to people, especially girls. I'll just stop thinking about it then.
My sister's name is, Misaki  Higurashi. But, we call her 'Misa' for short. She's twenty-five years old with her husband, Takashi Higurashi, which is twenty-eight years old. I never truly liked him, but sooner or later I've got to. 

I've just realized that I've never told you what I looked like! Okay, I guess you could say I that I look like, 'Yamato Hisoka' from the Anime show called, "My Imagination Comes True!". Trust me, it's true. Striking resemblance, right? Except my hair is purple-ish pink, with hot pink dyed at the ends on my hair. I know what you're thinking and no, I'm not gay. It's just the new hair trend going around social media and I like the color. You know what they say, 'Real Men Wear Pink'. And I have light blue eyes. More like baby blue if you look close at them.

Anyway's, girls still like me cause my charms and sexy quotes, and because they think I'm cool, and sometimes sweet. Some 'Otaku' girls said that my personality seems like I could be a . . . 'Tsundere'? 
Whatever that means? I just started getting into Anime, so I don't know everything I'm suppose to.
Some girls even said that I'd be a sexy ass, 'Yandere' guy. Obviously, I know what that means. That word has been linked all over You-Cube called the, 'Yandere Simulator'  and I have to say, that's a really good quality game
But seriously, why would they think that me, killing people, would be A.O.K? I don't know what to do with these girls anymore. Well, I do sort of try and kill people anyway's, so one of their wishes of me sort-a came true. . . 

Heh . . . 

Anyway's, let's get to the bombing stuff, literally, Bombing. Well, on the west side of Kishigawa City, there is this big, deep, dark woods that nobody temps to go through, or even set foot on the property of it. Because, there has been strange un-none explosions going on in the middle of the 'scary' woods. Nobody knows what it is causing it, or where the electric blue and white lightening bolts are even coming from, all we citizens know is that there are demons coming from the woods, sometimes they come into the city of Kishigawa, having the whole entire city go on complete lock down. Kishigawa is sometimes a dangerous place to live in. But, no one has the money to move anyway's.
There was a legend that when the whole city of Kishigawa went on lock down, a guy, teen, was till' out in the open during the attack, and he saw the people that were killing the monsters, and everything! I wanna meet him some day, and ask him some questions about it. 

Anyway's, enough of this . . . . Lets get to the actual story . . . 

To Be Continued . . . ~

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