Chapter 4: The 1st Meeting

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We walked solemnly to the office. We had very little evidence, and no suspects other than some crazy split personality guy. 

We walked in and saw it was no ordinary office. It had a long table set with 16 chairs.Behind each chair on the wall was a picture of the guests. Barney's showed a red "X" through it. At the end of the table sat a traditional principal's desk, except normal desks don't have a giant flat screen behind them.

We all sat down at our designated seats, It was set up exactly like our rooms.

"Welcome to the first ever school meeting! Why all the long faces? Are you despairing already? This is great! The more despair, the more murder!" EM appeared out of nowhere.

"We're not despairing, we're mourning." Aph said.

"Potato, potato! Anyways, you may now present all of the evidence!"

"What did you guys find in the kitchen?" I asked.

"We'll let the Dr. explain." Squid said.

"Dr. Earl?" Jen asked. He was spaced out staring in two different directions. "DR. EARL?"

"Hm? Who? What's happening? Last I remember, we were opening the last door. Where are we?"Dr. Earl asked.

"Uh, hello! We're at the school meeting! Remember?" Mitch replied.

"No. What are you talking about? And where's Barney? Surely he's not still asleep."

"Guys! I get it! That's Ross! Dr. Earl must have switched with Ross again!" I said.

"Dr. Ea-NO! He didn't come out! Did he? Did he hurt someone? Oh god, I never meant for you guys to find out like this!" Ross was breaking down.

"Ross! It's ok, buddy." Adam said.

"Where. Is. Barney?" Ross asked through gritted teeth and tears.

"Barney...he...uh...Ross...Barney was...killed..." Max said quietly. I have a feeling this was the first time he's ever been quiet.

"WHAT? Oh god! Why? This can't be happening? I can't believe he killed Barney!" Ross was in complete tears right now.

"ROSS! It wasn't Dr. Earl!" Dan yelled.

Ross looked up. " It wasn't?"

"No, that's why we're here. Now, Max and Squid, what did you find in the kitchen?" Pat asked.

"We found a recently washed knife in the drawer. We also found these in the trash." Max held up two bloody bandages.

"Who would need to use bandages?" Jerome asked.

"Dr. Earl said Barney had scratched his killer! I'm willing to bet those are the killer's!" Stampy said.

"Ok, now who has scratch marks?" Dan asked.

Everyone showed their arms and legs. Their faces were clearly seen. No one had any scratches.

"Wait a minute." I got out my tablet and went to the guest files. "Just as I thought."

"What?" Jin asked.

"Ty, don't you usually wear your hair covering your left eye?" I said, showing everyone the photo next to his profile and pointing to the picture on his wall. In both his left eye was covered, but now his right eye was.

"I decided to change it up." Ty said quickly.

"Yeah, and Ty would never kill Barney. Right Ty? Just show them." Adam said. Ty looked down. "Ty? Show them you're innocent." Ty didn't move. "Why aren't you showing them?"

"Because I can't." Ty said quietly.

"Can''t what?" Jerome asked.

"Show you guys I'm innocent."

"No, Ty, you didn't..." Adam started.

"I did. I heard him exploring the halls early this morning. The confinement was already getting to me. I was scared and I just wanted out. I didn't even realize I had gone to the kitchen and grabbed the knife until I was already getting ready to plunge the knife into his chest. He scratched my cheek, but I still stabbed him. Once I realized exactly what I did, I quickly ran and bandaged up my wounds. I washed the knife, put it away, went to my room, changed into a new set of clothes, and changed the bandages, as there was already too much blood. Barney's nails were sharp. I through the bandages away, and by the time I was back in my room, I heard people waking up for breakfast, so I covered my cheek and went with you guys. I'm SO sorry for what I did! I just wanted out!" Ty yelled.

"Well, that's a confession if I ever heard one! Voting time!" EM said cheerfully.

Little voting devices appeared in front of us. Each button had our faces on them. Barney's was dark.

"Press the button of whoever you think killed the Ultimate Goat Milker!" EM smiled.

We all, even Ty, clicked Ty's face. The TV turned on and showed a how many votes each person got. Ty got 15. The screen changed to just Ty's face and then flashed to show a green checkmark over it. I guess that means we got it right.

"Ty, you have been found guilty of the murder of Barney! Any last words?" EM said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry for what I did, but I believe you can make it out. And Sky, I want you to take these." Ty handed Sky his headphones. "Get out and share them with the rest of Team Crafted. Remember me, and Skylox." Ty laughed a little.

"Execution time!"

A/N Yep! It was Ty! Congrats to Riverpaw13 and DinotheCat for figuring it out!

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