Chapter 8: We're Here for You

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"Hey Ash, can we talk to you a minute?" Squid called me over to see him and Stamps.

I walked over, still slightly shaken up over my dream from earlier. It was right after breakfast, and everyone was getting ready to head up to the gaming room for the tournament. "Yeah?"

"We know the dream wasn't nothing, Ash. You were practically screaming murder in your sleep, saying stuff like "No! I would never do this!" and "I never killed anyone!"." Stamps said with a worried expression. Squid's face mirrored his.

"What exactly happened in your dream?" Squid asked.

I put on a fake smile and said. "Nothing! Now come on! Everyone's waiting!" I went to walk away, but Stamps grabbed my arm, tight.

"Ash, we know and want to help you." Stamps said.

"Please, I really don't want to talk about it. Just let me go..." I felt  tears well up. Just thinking about it brought the image of the two of them, lying o the floor, dead. And it was my fault.

"We want to help you! Just tell us! We can see it's hurting you on the inside!" Squid yelled.

"You really want to know?" I questioned tears rolling down my face now. By now, everyone else was here, watching everything unfold. "I dreamed you were dead. And not just the two of you, everyone. Mitch and Jerome were stabbed multiple times, I could barely recognize Sky, Pat and Jen were holding hands as their hearts bled, Max and Jin for some reason wrote and "O" and "W" in their own blood, Jess was still holding he gaming controller, Dan was hung up on the wall with knives, and Jordan was lying dead reaching for the door. And you Squid and Stamps, were in the center of the room, looking shocked and scared even in death with a pool of blood around you. Dr. Earl was against the wall, and with his last few words he told me I did it. Then EM came and told me I broke the rules,so he put me in a car, tied up, and at the end, it blew up. Then I woke up. Happy now?" I walked away from everyone's shocked faces and to my room, wishing I could lock it, but seeing as I no longer had a door...

I just sat on my bed, wishing for nothing more than being able to go home.

"Hey Ash." Stamps and Squid walked in. I stayed silent.

"Look Ash, we're sorry for pushing you." Squid said.

"The others are afraid I plan murder in my sleep?" I asked.

"What? No! It was the opposite actually. They were worried that this was affecting you the worst." Stamps said.

"Well, I'll be fine."

"Even so, just know, we're here for you."

A/N What is with me and the feels?

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