A/N So

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Hey my little kits. It's been awhile I guess. Sorry I've just had a major writer's block for basically everything. But I want to get back to writing since it is something I enjoy doing and I kinda miss it. Just maybe not writing as much.

By this I mean I want to limit the number of books I write at a time. I think I started way too many at one time for one person to do. Writing all these story lines, in addition to school, burned out my  mind I guess you could say. So, I want you  guys to vote. For now I'll write two of my chapter stories and my oneshot books only when I get something requested. The other main books will be placed on hold until I finish one of the others and so on. 

So please vote for which books you would like to see updated now, k? Options are:

A Past Revealed-Part 2

Forgotten Past (I'd be continuing from where xXShadowWillowXx left off)

No Ordinary Game

Best Friends (Garroth x Reader)

What's Poppin'? (Jinbop x Reader) (And yes I am well aware he was arrested. I don't want to discontinue a book)

Phoenix Drop High

A Tale of 6 Kings

Dangan Ronpa Minecraft

Who's a Yandere Now? (Ayando fanfic)

Vote for the two you want to continue now and the others will be placed on hold.

My oneshot books will be updated if a request is made(Yes I will be finishing the Garroth x Reader in my MCD/MS x Reader book) and my art book will be updated whenever I have art to show. And my dare book I am actually considering redoing my dare book as I find some of the stuff I wrote really cringey.

I apologize for not being on here typing for awhile, but I'm going to try to have a schedule:

Saturday/Sunday: Oneshot weekends. I'll try to type some requests for the weekend.

Monday: One of the chapter books.

Friday: The other chapter book. 

I will try to stick with this as best I can.

I appreciate and am grateful for you for sticking with me even without updates. But if you want your fav book, don't forget to vote. I'll close voting Sunday the 23rd of April. So this Sunday. 

Anyways, thank you again. And this is bye for now and stay #Owlmazing! BOI!

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