Just a quick little author's note before the chapter but, More Than This is almost at 1K reads which is so surreal! For 1K reads I wanna do something big (I feel it happening out of my control! Sorry) so I want you lovely readers to comment ideas! It can be anything from a sequel to a book trailer. You guys get to choose but it has to include this book!
"Piper baby please calm down, Daddy will be home with your 2 grandma, your auntie Mali, your auntie Lauren, Keith, your uncles Jack and Ben, and everyone from Michael's family, Ashton's family and Becky's family. Please baby girl. Daddy will be home any minute now." I say trying to calm down a screaming Piper.I'm the only one home right now because everyone else went to get their families but, I decided to stay home because of Piper. I'm also watching Thomas but luckily he's asleep right now.
"Pip-pip please calm down." I try using her nickname but it doesn't work. I can tell she misses Luke because she hasn't gone 1 hour without either one of us which is kinda bad.
Luckily, Luke gets back with his family.
"Thank goodness your back. She missed her daddy." I tell Luke as he takes her and she calms down.
"Aww it's okay Piper, Mummy and Daddy are right here." He says to her. She has a mix of mine and Luke's skin tones and she had sandy blonde hair like Ashton but a bit darker.
"So this is the famous Piper." Liz says smiling at her grand-daughter.
"Liz was Luke ever hitting people as a baby?" I ask.
"All the time. Jack and Ben used to have bruises from him. Why do you ask dear?"
"Oh well Piper learnt that she can hit people and I know I wasn't like that so I was wondering if she got it from her dad."
"Yes she did." Ben says.
"Hey Ben. How are you?" I ask giving him a hug.
"Good." Then Calum walks in with mum, Mali, Lauren, Keith and Dad???
"Dad?" I ask in shock. He's never here in Sydney. "What are you doing here?"
"Well I'm about to meet my grand-daughter for the first time."
I just give him a hug before he walks over to the play pin where Luke put Piper.
"Hey Laur, how's Keith been?" I ask my sister.
"A handful as usual but he's learning his schedule slowly."
"That's good. Here let me take your stuff to your room." I say taking it from her.
"Thank you." I bring her stuff upstairs to her room and just place it on her bed because I don't know where she wants it.
The rest of the families show up and we all have dinner before they have to go.
"Bye." We say as they leave. Then we shut the door and Thomas screams bloody murder.
This chapter is really bad because I've had a terrible day but I knew I need to update!
Like and Comment please!!!

More Than This //Luke Hemmings (Wattys 2016) **Editing**
Hayran KurguHadley is Calum's twin sister and Luke's best friend. He happens to have a crush on her even though Calum has told him many times a) she has a boyfriend and b) no dating his sister. Will Luke and Hadley break Calum's rules? Found out in More Than Th...