November 20th...
"Do you Luke Robert Hemmings take Hadley Koa Hood to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The pastor asks.
"I do."
"And do you Hadley Koa Hood take Luke Robert Hemmings to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
"Then by the power vested in me I pronounce you husband and wife, you any kiss the bride."
Luke kisses me passionately and I kiss back, our lips moving in sync.
Luke's best man was Ashton then, his groomsmen were Michael, Calum, Ben and Jack. My maid of honour was Becky and my bridesmaids were Erin, Lauren, Mali and Ashton's girlfriend Sabrina. Thomas was our ring boy and Piper was our flower girl.
At the reception Luke dances with Piper and I somehow. She starts falling asleep on him so, I take her and give her to Liz.
I go back to my husband so we can have our first dance by ourselves as a married couple.
The guys of One Direction (except Zayn) sing More Than This and we dance along.
"I can't believe I got to marry you." Luke whispers in my ear.
"I can't believe it either but I'm glad."
"Me too."
After the song was over Calum came over.
"Luke do you mind if I steal my sister from you?" He asks.
"Go ahead mate."
I put my arms around Calum's neck and his arms go around my waist so we can dance to Photograph by Ed Sheeran.
"I'm glad you married Luke and not Nick."
"Me too."
"I'm also glad you're my twin sister."
"Calum don't make me cry."
"You know, I love you so much that I did all that stuff before because I love you."
"I know and I'm glad you love me. Now I have two men protecting me. But I also need you to watch over Lauren."
"I promise you, I will."
"I love you Calum."
"I love you too Hadley."
After the song finishes the DJ plays I Feel Like Dancing by All Time Low which is one of my favourite dance songs.
"I don't care if people stare! Cause I feel like dancing tonight!" We yell the lyrics.
Soon it's time for Ashton to make the speech.
"Can I have your attention please?" He gets everyone's attention. "Okay so I would like to thank everyone for coming today to the wedding of Hadley and Luke. So I guess I'll tell you the story of how they met. Back when these two were in Year 7, Luke was the new kid and Hadley decided to be friends with him. She would keep him from fighting Michael even though at the time she wished Luke would punch him in the face. When they were 13 years old Hadley, Calum and Luke were at the park across from the Hood's house. Well Hadley hurt her ankle running up the playground so Calum ran and got Mali. Luke carried her down the playground where she asked him if it would be weird if they went out. That's when he said no sos he said she liked him and they kissed. A few years later when they were 17, Hadley had her heartbroken by a real jerk. So Luke was the one to comfort her. Around this time, Hadley remembered her feelings for Luke and on December 1st that year they started dating. Well let's just say they created a baby. Hadley ran away when she found out the news. But Luke went and found her. He has been by her side ever since they were in Year 7. So this is a toast to Hadley and Luke."
"To Hadley and Luke." Everyone takes a sip of champagne.
"That was beautiful Ashton." I say as he walks over to us.
"Thank you Mrs. Hemmings." It felt weird hearing that but, I loved it.
Later that night....
"Have fun on your honeymoon! We promise little one will be fine!" Calum says as we get into the limo.
"Wait one last thing!" Michael yells running to the limo. Since when does he run???
"Luke, if you want another child don't use protection if you do then don't use it!"
"Okay mate." Luke laughs as I blush.
"Bye guys!" We yell through the window as we drive to the airport to get on a private jet to Cuba.
"I love you." I say to Luke.
"I love you too."
"I'm glad we became More Than This." I say.
Well Ladies and Gentlemen that's the end of this book! I'm so glad you liked it and everything! So for the last time on this book. Please like and comment.If you could share this book too that would be awesome but you don't have to!!!
Bye guys! I'll see you when the sequel comes out!!!!

More Than This //Luke Hemmings (Wattys 2016) **Editing**
FanficHadley is Calum's twin sister and Luke's best friend. He happens to have a crush on her even though Calum has told him many times a) she has a boyfriend and b) no dating his sister. Will Luke and Hadley break Calum's rules? Found out in More Than Th...