Late Night Walking

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Violet's POV

I let my smile disappear when I turn the corner into the dark hall. I run up the stairs, chasing after the darker shadows hide in. I hated lying to my family. They are the happiest they've been in a long time. The truth is I can't be happy, and don't think I haven't tried to be. Everyday is a struggle. Walking these cold halls feeling so empty. Sleeping in that room. The room where he died. I looked at the ajar door. I was too afraid to look in. I might see him sitting on the bed. So I hurried past. Not daring to peep inside.

I just can't pretend everything is okay when it's not. I can't stand to be in my room. It reminds me of the life I left behind. The life I so selfishly threw away. I can't be with my family I can't walk around with a fake smile on my face. I can't step foot into the living room. I hear my body calling for me from under the floor. The place he left me to rot.

I can't even hide in the shadows of the basement. He is down there. I know he does his best to pretend he doesn't exist. But you can't forget him. No one could. No matter how hard you tried. You can't forget his innocent smile. That smile had the power to kill, and kill it did. 19 people that I knew about. You could never forget the smile that ruined your life.

Almost jogging past the bedroom door. I made my way up to the attic. I'd been visiting Beauregard quite often. He was helping me build a "secret hide out" where he could hide at night when the creaks of the house frightened him. Although he didn't look it. Beauregard was young when he died and being stuck up in the attic for all eternity would get very lonely and scary. Even for a ghost.

Climbing up the ladder to the attic I poked my hand up and knocked 6 times.... that's our password. Beauregard came running over to me as I pulled myself up and sat with my legs dangling down through the floor of the attic "Hey Beau" Beauregard gave my arm a hug "you wanna keep building the hide out?" He grunted shaking his head "well then mister what do you want to do?" I said with as best a smile as I could manage.

Beau presented me with a red ball "ahh you want to play?" He shook his head up and down vigorously "haha okay, calm down. You go stand over there" I pointed to the looming shadow in the corner of the room. Beau was quick to act, scooting over to the darkness on his bottom.

I smiled into the darkness "you ready?" I heard a grunt and rolled the ball into the shadows. I waited but it never came back "Beau? You have to roll the ball back to me" no answer "Beau?" I walked towards the dark, my eyes scanning for him. I spotted a figure in the darkness. I knew it wasn't Beauregard but I continued to walk towards it.

A sudden movement behind me diverted my attention. Beau was sitting on his bed holding the red ball. I turned back to the shadows but the figure was gone. Walking back to Beau I laughed "You cheeky thing. Scared me half to death" Hearing my pun on being dead caused Beauregard to grunt and wheeze in laughter.

I pulled him into a hug before stepping away "Hey I gotta go Beau" His shoulders slumped in response but he didn't seem as sad as usual "I'll come visit tomorrow" I tried to reassure him but he seemed distracted. I stood up and walked to the hole in the floor and took a few steps down the ladder. I looked back up to say goodbye but Beau was already walking towards the shadows of the dusty attic.

Climbing down the ladder I hear Beau's grunted laughter. I think about pushing the ladder up, but I figured that who ever was up there with him would need a way out. So I left and walked down the stairs. Then back up them. That had become my routine. Walking up and down the stairs. I just walked and walked until I was almost in a trance. That's when Moira would come and help me find my way into bed.

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