One Little Pill

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Violet's POV

IMAGES flashed through my head as I slowly came back to consciousness. I couldn't make a clear picture of all the images. All I remember is that there was a lot of black. And a lot of screaming.

A familiar sound brought me back to my senses and all the images came back. They hit me like a ton of bricks. All the pain, terror and hate came back to me. That's when I heard the sound again.

It was a soft sound. A pathetic soft sound. A weep. A sob. It was him. He was crying. Why was he crying? Why was he still here?

I heard other voices then "Travis! Hold her arms goddamn it!" a voiced bellowed "I'm trying Charles... I can't do this. Can't Hugo carry her? I can't see her like this" Travis sounded upset. I Heard a sigh then Charles spoke again, but this time his voice was softer.

It was full of sympathy "I know Trav, it's hard for me too. But it has to be done. This has to be harder on Ben then any of us." I had no idea what they were talking about. I heard heavy footsteps coming towards me. Travis spoke then, but his voice this time was full of hatred "No" he spoke so calmly it was even more poisonous 

"you don't get to cry. You should be doing this. This is your fault after all" The soft sob I had heard before suddenly turned into an eerie cry. A cry so full of pain it sent shivers down my spine and I jolted as a result. At that moment every movement and sound in the room stopped.

I heard someone take charge and whisper instructions "Hold her down. Don't let her see it!" I recognised the voice as Moira's. With that I heard shuffles and heavy feet walking on the wooden floor.

Promptly I felt a steady set of hands on my face. Caressing it. The hands never said anything. They just soothed me.

After while the hands pulled away and another set linked under my arms pulling my torso into a sitting position "Violet baby?" I heard my mother's frantic voice and I tried to open my eyes, but they felt glued shut "What happened?" mum screamed "We had to move her... her body... It wasn't safe" I heard Travis whisper. My mom gasped and began to whimper "my poor baby"

They what?! They moved my body?! I felt myself fall into a panic. I sensed my breathing coming faster. I took a breath in. Then another one. My eyes flew open as I sucked in more and more air and continued to not find the relief I needed.

I felt like I had been winded. Immediately I had people surrounding me. Each one telling me to "calm down, just breathe, in and out Violet, it's okay you're safe, you're alright, look at me, breathe" My eyes jumped around the room, looking for the one pair of eyes they longed for.

They wouldn't settle on anyone else's worried eyes. They continued to search for him even though I knew he wasn't there. I eventually slowed my breathing and stood up. I didn't mention that I knew they had moved my body.

I figured they'd tell me when they thought I had calmed down. I thanked everyone and apologised for causing such a scene before I went to bed at 12:30 in the afternoon. I was tired from not sleeping last night. Once I was up stairs and my door was closed the tears came. I began to pace around my room.

Thoughts bombarded my head as I put my hands over my ears, to stop the piercing high pitched squeal from blowing my ear drums. It took me a second to realise that the squeal was coming from me. My dry throat was closing in on itself and as a result my breathing was high pitched wheeze.

I walked over to the wall and leant against it. I let my back slide down it and sat on the ground with my arms wrapped around my knees, holding them securely to my chest. I sat here for a while before standing up in frustration. This wasn't helping.

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