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Hayden's POV

I followed Travis up the stairs and watched him push her door open. I waited a minute before poking my head in. He was leaning over her bed. I cleared my throat to get his attention 

"She asked me to get you. She seemed pretty sure that she wanted you to stay with her tonight" Travis looked over to me with hesitant eyes 

"I'm not sure, she likes being alone when she is upset" Argh would he just climb into bed with her for fucks sake "Trav... She likes you, she asked me to get you. I think she wanted to tell you herself but I guess she fell asleep" 

I could see the shock flash across his face "she likes me? She actually told you that?" Disbelief clear in his voice "yes dumbass" he was too easy "I don't believe it, she always seemed so distant when we talked, and I thought I could still see the love she had for Tate"

 oh blah blah blah, who cares just get in the damn bed "that love was for you Travis, she has totally forgotten about Tate. Why do you think she called you when that freak mouth raped her? She wanted to see if you would go defend her against the evil ex-boyfriend. 

You delivered. Congrats bone head, now you can fuck her brains out, just make sure you actually let her cum" He made a face at that last comment "but Tate said she kissed him back" "of course he is going to defend himself, he's insane and he is obsessed with her. 

In all honesty, I think Violet frightened he will try and do something to her again tonight, that's why she wants you to stay" he looked down at Violet and reached out to brush the hair away from her closed eyes. Yuck. "Okay then, I'll stay, maybe there's a blow-up mattress in the attic" no dickhead, you're supposed to be caught spooning with the slut

 "I think she meant with her.... Like in her bed" Travis' eyes opened wide, he was probably imagining all the different ways he could feel her up. Sick pervert "Really? I don't know, it might scare her if she wakes up and I'm right there?" "Oh nonsense, she really likes you Trav, if she wakes up horny and sees you there... just imagine what could happen"

 I smiled at Travis, giving him my best naughty smirk. I could tell he was still hesitant but he finally agreed "Alright then, if that's what Vi wants..." He walked towards her bed and removed the blanket that was draped over her lower body before immediately putting it back and looking awkwardly back up at me

 "She isn't wearing any underwear" That was my handy work of course. After Travis went down to try his best at being intimidating I went to see poor little Violet Harman. She was balling her eyes out over that blonde haired psychopath. I didn't even listen to her rant about how she loves Tate but she knows he isn't good to be around and blah blah blah whatever, I don't care. 

Of course, I didn't say that I gave her the most appropriate response, comforting words and a weird arm around the shoulders hug. Once she had stopped hyperventilating I offered to get her a glass of water. I had crushed up a sleeping pill and mixed it with her water. After she passed out I just removed her panties. Easy peasy.

 "Oh. Well. Sounds like Violet has something special in mind for lovely Travis" He took a step back "Oh dude, I don't know, Vi, she is cool and all but she really isn't in a good way right now, I'd feel like I was taking advantage" Jesus Travis, I don't have time for your heroics 

"Travis, baby, she has her panties off and she's lying in a bed waiting for you. How many more hints do you need?" He took my words in while looking at her, always looking at her. Why were they always looking at her, why not me huh? 

I give them what they want, I'm older, I'm hotter. What the fuck is the attraction with little Miss Depressed? He took a deep breath before speaking "don't tell anyone about this Hayden" He looked at me when he spoke my name "I'm serious, not a soul.

 If he finds out... we will have a force to deal with" "Oh you scared of a teenager's tantrum because you got to screw his ex?" He laughed humourlessly "no, I'm not scared of him. He just seems like he could use a break. Don't get me wrong, I hate the kid, but still, I think he needs time to heal and knowing Vi" he smiled and looked down at her then 

"Has moved on. I think that will be too much for him right now" "Okay, yeah I totally get it" I turned away from him to hide my smile and walked toward the door. Before I turned to face him again I wiped the smile away. Travis was busy caressing Violet's face 

"Now go have fun" With that, I bolted out the door and started laughing hysterically down the hallway. Ohhhhh man this was going to be good

Travis' POV

I can't believe it! Violet has a thing for me! Dude, this is some next level shit. Like she is a totally smoking hot babe but I never thought she would go for me.

 From what I had picked up she still was bonkers over that monster. Really, it did seem a little hard to believe. I bet this is one of Hayden's mean tricks. She wants me and my big dick all to herself, I bet she just wants me to be humiliated and thinks I'll come running to her for support. But if that were true then Violet wouldn't have taken off her knickers. Maybe she really does like me. I best keep my distance though, she seems like she's pretty out of it.

She is so beautiful, I understand why Tate loves her. I guess no harm is done if I lay here with her for a while. I started to walk forward, towards her large bed. She took up most of it, draping herself diagonally across the purple sheets. Hair spread out across the pillow. It looked like tangled seaweed in the darkness. Her cheeks were a bright red, stained from her tears. She probably cried herself to sleep. Poor thing. I longed to scoop her up in my arms.

I leaned down over her and took a deep breath. She smelt like salt and decaying flowers. A strange smell that when inhaled sent me into a high. I moved closer to her head, the source of the gut wrenchingly beautiful smell. 

She didn't even stir as I let all my weight fall into the bed. I was facing her. Her lips were a cold purple colour and her cheeks, a haunting white. So beautiful even in death. Death suited her. I wonder how she would feel around me. 

Would she be warm like Hayden had been? Or like her icy skin would she be cold? Like when you first climb into a large bed, cold but soft and welcoming, by morning it has warmed to you and you don't want to get out.

I felt myself grow hard. I let my eyes fall off her face and move to her neck and shoulders. My mind flipping through one hundred different images a second. I couldn't concentrate, I couldn't stop. I wanted her. 

Without thinking I reached out and caressed her cheek, rubbing my thumb in circles, trying to make the faint greenish veins disappear. Violet stirred then and my hand froze in place. I expected her to wake and scream, instead, she moved her head more into my hand. Her eyes were still closed but she spoke so clearly it was unmistakable "Don't leave....Tate"

My heart fell... I knew it was too good to be true. Violet loved Tate, she is broken and can't put herself back together because that selfish prick stole a piece of her. But wait, what was I doing? I had my hands all over her. I was no better than him, I was a pervert. 

I felt sick to my stomach, I was feeling her up while she was passed out. This was all happening so fast, just 5 seconds ago I was thinking of her body, the way it would shiver under my touch... NO! Stop you sick bastard. I went to pull my hand away but it was ripped away from her before I got a chance. I heard my arm dislocate before I felt the pain. 

I didn't even have to look to see who was responsible for that. He spun me around so that I could see his face, then everything went black  


Umm hey guys, so I haven't updated in ages and I'm so sorry about that. I will try to update every now and then but I am currently busy at school with my VCE and probably won't have heaps of free time to keep up regular updates. So this is a peace offering, I'm sorry it's so short, I am working on the next chapter and I will try to make that longer and with greater detail. You guys rock, thank you all my lovelies !! xxxxxxxxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2017 ⏰

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