Chapter 13

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Katerina's P.O.V
"Dammit Alex." I grumble. "Why does math have to be so damn hard?"

I rub the back of my neck for probably the one millionth time today. Why the hell am I so sore!? I feel like an old woman or something. Should vampires feel anything? I know I can feel Alex but... Have I really felt anything else? I need to pay more attention.

He chuckles and places me on his lap. He slides my book in front of us and looks at the problem. I can feel the heat from his chest on my back and feel practically every muscle of his thighs and stomach.

"Oh babe you accidentally put a negative." He says after a few seconds of analyzing my work. "Once you make it positive you should be able to work the rest out and end up with an even number."

I erase the negative and get to work, ending up with an even number. I smile lightly. I really hate math. So doing it right has an accomplished quality to it.

"Thanks Alex."

"You're welcome." He whispers on the skin of my shoulder. We're at lunch and since we always have so much time, I decided to do my homework so I didn't have to do it at home.

Alex and I have a dinner date on Thursday because I told him that was my favorite day of the week. It's only my favorite because it sounds the prettiest. And he felt we weren't spending nearly enough time together. Which honestly we weren't. Not lately anyways.

The bell rings and I gather my stuff. Alex tried to do the whole 'babe let me carry your stuff' ordeal, but I wasn't having it. I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself.

We go to my locker and I switch out my stuff. I really wish I would have stayed home with him. I'm really tired and I just want to puke. God am I sweating? Can vampires even sweat?

We go through the rest of our classes and I kept falling asleep on Alex's shoulder. He would put his arms around me and growl lowly if the teachers would wake me up. It would have been funny if I wasn't sleeping.

I haven't smoked for awhile now since Alex has been around. I'm trying to quit and I really haven't had the urge to. Alex says I can have cookie dough pop tarts with ice cream if I go one more week without one. I have never been more determined in my life.

He holds my hand now while we walk to his car. Even though I got his, he still insists that he drives me to school. I'm not complaining. Okay maybe slightly. Can you blame me!? I miss my baby! That car is fucking sexy!

He opens the door for me but I stop in my path as a wave of nausea hits me and I cover my mouth. He leaves the car, coming to me and putting a soothing hand on my back. His touch helps soothe my stomach but it's still painful.

"What's the matter?" He asks. I close my eyes, trying very hard not to barf everywhere. Especially not on him. But I guess my stomach has other things in mind.

I turn from him, puking up tons of blood. The people around us gasp in fear but I'm not done yet. I keep barfing until I feel so weak that I fall to my knees.

What the hell is even going on right now? Do vampires get sick? Do I have the fucking flu? I hear Alex shout for everyone to move away from me and feel him take me in his arms and put me in his car.

Once he gets on the other side we're pulling out of the parking lot. I grumble and can hear all the thoughts racing in his head but I can't keep up with them. So I give up and clutch my stomach. My body feels like it's on fire.

"Where are we going?" I ask once I notice we passed my house. Where the fuck else can we go? We can't go to the hospital.

"We are going to pay a visit to my mother." He sounds very worried. I'm too tired to feel the same. I don't argue either. I just close my eyes from how exhausted I feel. I feel my fangs come foward. I feel like I'm starving right now.

"Hold on baby." He says, putting his hand in mine. "We're almost there."

After a long 5 minutes we make it and I'm in his arms instantly. I try not to focus on how good his blood smells but I can't fucking help it. It's making my mouth water. My fangs are burning.

He carries me in and calls for his mother who is by our side in seconds. My eyes are fluttering from the effort of keeping them open.

"Put her on my bed Alex I will be up in just a minute." She says. "And don't let her fall asleep."

He nods and runs me up stairs. He places me on the bed and I grab my stomach that is killing me right now. He wipes hair from my sweating face and holds my hand that is now holding his hard.

His mother comes in, smelling the air deeply. A light smile traces her lips. I can't help but wonder if she's gone insane. But I soon push it away as I grunt at the unexpected sharpness of pain.

"Now, what's going on?" She asks, suddenly all serious.

"She just started puking and she's been tired all damn day." He snaps. "Is she sick? I thought vampires can't get sick."

His mother smells deeply once more. She looks like it's taking a lot for her to stay rooted to that spot. Is she angry or something? Or hasn't she fed in awhile?

"Alex when I tell you what you need to know you need to get her as far away from every female vampire as you can."

"Okay." He answers, nodding.

She takes another deep breath. It's almost like her body is humming and shaking. It's pretty scary to watch.

"She's pregnant. I can smell it in the air so vividly." She gulps. "She won't be able to stomach anyone or things blood except for yours because you're her mate." She closes her eyes, looking pained. "If other female vampires smell the royal child growing within her they will try to kill her. It's an instinct all females, even I, posses."

I keep my eyes shut, too weak to freak out at the news of being pregnant. It feels so surreal right now. Everything keeps blurring away as I drown in my own pain.

"So you mean... It's like me? It has the white hair?" He asks. His mother nods.

"It will be the next king or queen after you man up and claim it. Now please leave before I go crazy Alex."

He scoops me up in an instant and runs me out to his car. We peel out of the driveway and head down the road to my house. We charge inside and he takes me to bed, curling me in to him. We're all alone. I wonder how my dad will take all of this.

I can feel how protective he is of me. It's probably a vampire instinct of some kind. I wonder if it will be like this until birth...

"Baby?" He whispers, pulling me out of my thoughts. My eyes are still closed. I've been trying hard not to bite him.

"I need you to bite me. Alright?" His thumb strokes over my cheek but I shake my head. I really don't want to feed off of him. It seems weird. I mean when we were doing it out of lust and love it was different. But he isn't a meal. That's just too much.

I hear him sigh lightly and then I smell his blood so much better and feel him press his bleeding neck against my lips. I can't help myself. I bite into his neck as lightly as I can and feel his warm blood explode in my mouth.

He grunts in pleasure and pulls me closer, cradling me to his neck. His hand goes to the back of my head to prevent me from pulling away. So I drink deeper, not able to help myself.

I feel so much better as his blood trickles down my throat and lands in my stomach. It settles the aches and rumbles. I no longer feel the pain I did earlier.

He pulls his hand away and I pull back, licking the two bite holes to stop their bleeding. I lay my head back down, feeling warm and tired. But so much better.

He kisses me lightly on the lips. My eyes open as he licks his blood from my lips. When he's finished he looks down into my eyes with a smile so full of love and happiness.

"I love you Katerina." He whispers. I smile lightly, still very tired.

"I love you too Alex."

He kisses me once more before laying down and pulling me even closer. I bury my face in to his neck and my body is engulfed by his that keeps me so warm. I fall asleep. This nap is well needed.

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