Chapter 16

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Katerina's P.O.V
Grieving. It kinda sucks. All I can think to do is cry and all I do I push people away and grieve some more.

I'm not stupid though. I eat and shower and all that. But I don't talk and I don't smile. It's too soon for me. I won't even let Alex sleep in the bed with me anymore. He's actually been at his house these past 4 weeks.

He calls regularly, checking up on me every couple hours. But he had to start calling my dad because after our argument over the phone after the second time he called, I refused to answer.

I know it was probably mean of me to yell at him and tell him to leave and that I didn't need him. But I'm an emotional wreck and I just want to be left alone.

Granted, he tried to talk to me and tell me he needed to be here for me but I just stopped talking to him after awhile and locked myself in my room when he begged to stay.

"Katerina, come out here for a minute I want to talk to you." My father says from outside my door. I thought about ignoring him but I decide to go. He's relentless any ways.

I get up, heaving a loud sigh I know he heard and throw on a pair of underwear, since I didn't have any clothing on to begin with, and some more essential clothing like pants and a bra and a shirt.

I emerged from my room, fresh air hitting me right in the face as I walk through the house and to the living room. It's so stale in my room and musty. When I get there I see Fiona and my father smile at me and I fight the urge to roll my eyes.

"What do you want?" I snap, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Katerina, your father and I just want to talk to you sweetie. You've been very glum lately." She answers for him. I growl, my vampire anger showing.

"Is this some kind of fucking intervention?"

"Katerina!" My dad warns. I roll my eyes.

"No, no. We just want you to talk is all."

I smile, chuckling at her. She looks so weak and pathetic. The make up she's caked on her face doesn't seem to be enough and she reeks of kindness.

"You want me to tell you how I'm feeling." I conclude.

"You don't have to but your father and I would love to hear your feelings dear. It might help."

I laugh. I laugh so hard that I actually get tears in my eyes. She's hysterical if she thinks I'm falling for her routine. She's just blinding my father further by getting him thinking she will be this amazing step mom or some shit.

"Oh you're too fucking funny." I say, wiping tears. "But I'm not comfortable talking about my feelings to someone who's close to my age and has slept with more men than days she's been alive. And I most certainly don't want to talk to my father about this either since he has no FUCKING clue what I'm going through. So if you both would kindly fuck off and stop trying to act like you can help me and know what I'm going through, THAT WOULD BE FUCKING GREAT."

I turn back around, aiming to go to my room, until a rumbling voice has me submitting.


I can feel my self submitting to him. But he fails to realize. I'm so much stronger than him.

I whip around, staring at him as he stands. His nostrils are flaring and his face is red. I've never seen him this angry.

"Don't tell me what the fuck to do. You or your w-"

I can't even finish the sentence as I'm slapped in the face. Hard.

I look up at my father, shock clear on his features. Did he just slap me? He promised he would always protect me.


"Don't fucking touch me." I growl as his hand moves toward me. I back away from him as tears spring in my eyes.

"Sweetie, I didn't mean-"

"You were the only one I had dad. You promised to protect me from everything and anyone. But now, I don't even wanna be near you. You're not my father. I hate you."

I let the tears fall down as I run with all my might to the back door and push past our yard. I can hear him running behind me and calling my name. But I ignore it as I run even faster and soon his footfalls sound farther away until they aren't there at all.

I stop when I am certain he's gone and lean against a tree. I hadn't even noticed I was in a forest I was just trying to get away from him.

He's changed so much. And the worst part is that I was going to say wife. And he slapped me. Even if I was going to say whore I didn't deserve that. After everything I've been through. I warned him that I wanted to be alone so many times and then when I finally tell him a little of how I feel, he goes and fucking slaps me.

I don't know if I can ever forgive him. I put all of my trust in him after we left my mom and now I'm terrified of him. I can't even stand to look at him anymore.

I begin to smell an awful stench and it begins to overpower me as I look around. It's a wolf. A werewolf to be exact. I can tell by how awful it smells. It burns my nostrils.

I hear it's heart beat increase right behind me and when it lunges I turn quickly and catch it by it's throat mid air. It tried to claw me but I keep my self out of the way. I'm sure my eyes are blood red. I haven't had my feeding today yet.

"You have 5 seconds to shift back or I will drain all of your blood. But not because I'm hungry. Just for fun because you taste like shit."

He shifts back and I soon have a naked man in my control. His body is fucking banging. Too bad I can't stand his smell.

"Why did you attack me?" I ask, setting him down so he can breathe. He falls to his knees, coughing like crazy and I roll my eyes. I open my mouth to speak again but something is knocked over my head and I'm knocked to the ground.

I faintly open my eyes as voices are above me and I know I must be hallucinating from the hit because I see my mother. And she doesn't look like she's aged a day. And that's all I get to see before I give into the dots that are dancing across my eyes and I fall asleep.


Dirty walls are the first things I see when I wake up. I know I'm on the floor from the way my back is burning with pain.

I grunt, looking around the dark room with mild wonder. Until I realize I'm upside down and I'm chained to a wall. How I realize this? Someone walks in.

I look up, or down, or whatever, at the person and nearly shit my pants in fear.

My mother.

She goes over to a table that's lined with so many torture weapons that I have to bite my lip so I don't whimper. She's going to beat me isn't she.

She picks up a whip that reminds me of Passion of the Christ and I feel my skin crawling in waves of fear as she walks over to my naked body.

"Do you know why you're here Katerina?" She asks. "Do you know why I'm going to beat the living shit out of you?"

My lip trembles and I close my eyes, shaking my head no.


The hit takes me by surprise and I yelp in pain as the sharp metal pieces on the end of the whip embed into my flesh. I let out a strangled sob.

"You ruined everything you stupid, ignorant fool!"


"Everything was fine until you told our little secret darling. Do you remember what it was?" I nod, tears rolling down the sides of my temples and off my forehead toward the floor.

Crack. Crack. Crack.

A scream leaves my lips as she yanks the metal out of my flesh as it got stuck. My stomach is on fire and my vision is so blurry. I feel my self sobbing weakly and my eyes closing as she continues her assult.

I black out from a pain I didn't know was possible, wishing the person I trusted for all these years to keep me safe wouldn't have been the one to lead me to my damnation.

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