Chapter 28

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Katerina's P.O.V
With trembling hands I begin walking down the stairs. I know this is going to sound totally insane but I feel uneasy about something and my body is just reacting. Something not good is probably going to happen and soon.

I go to the front door, walking outside just as the alarm sounds, alerting all warriors that there is an intruder in our midst. Oh shit I better help out. Hopefully Alex doesn't freak out on me later.

I follow the camo clad warriors, thanking god I convinced Alex to change their outfits, and keep running. Good god it smells like wet dog out here. Usually it smells so fresh and actually beautiful but now my nose hurts from the putrid smell.

I almost run into a warrior as they all stop, growling profusely at who ever or what ever is in front of them. I shove my way past them and almost go behind them again as I see the horror before me.

My mother. And apparently a pack of wolves. Ugh no wonder my nose is burning. They smell so damn bad I'm not even sure how she does it honestly. I can sense she's different than before though and I'm pretty sure she isn't just human at the moment.

"Well this makes things easier." She says, snapping her fingers. I shriek a little as I'm drawn up into the air in a net. Honestly it reminds me of a very cheesy movie but whatever. She did love those types of things when I was a child.

"Ah that's refreshing. Two down, one to go." She says. That's when I realize my dad is in another net and he's been trying to get my attention. Wow I'm dumb. How could I not see him or hear him when he looks like a damn chicken over there? I don't bother speaking to my mother as I know it's useless and instead try to read my fathers lips. Is he saying 'red clown' or 'look down?'

I decide to look down for said red clown. Nothing interesting happens as my mother looks at her nails and I certainly don't see any red clowns. But then there's a flash of leaves right before Alex is in front of her. Damn not this again. We are so fucking dumb, no wonder we're getting trapped.

"Let them go." He growls. Ah that makes more sense. He must have felt my distress and used our mind link to see what was going on. I swear I'm a ditz sometimes. Okay, most of the time.

She smiles at him and then whistles, all of the wolves snarling ferociously before attacking. I watch with fearful eyes.

I try to break free from my confines but then my body slumps out of no where and my eyes roll to the back of my head. I try to understand why I'm in massive amounts of pain and I try to decipher what's happening until I finally open my eyes.

Only it's not my eyes. It's everyone's except my own. How I managed to enter every body here except my myself? I'm not sure. But I'm rolling with it.

I immediately make all of the wolves attack each other and have Alex cut us down. I have the warriors tie up my mother and as Alex finally finishes I feel my self growing weak.

As I fall unconscious from the power drain, so does everyone I've left alive and I almost sigh in annoyance. Of course I'll be the first to wake up but I don't like waiting. Especially when it's a dangerous situation like this.


I finally wake up and don't expect to see a wall in front of my face or feel ropes tied around my ankles. Blood is dripping down my forehead onto the floor and my fangs burn from lack of feeding.

I look over and see my handsome Alex in the same predicament. His eyes open slowly after a little while and I feel the panic in our bond as he looks at me. He's scared. Damn I'm scared too...

A viscous pain rips through my stomach at that particular moment and I growl loudly, feeling almost as if something is swelling within me. The hell?

I'm pushed back forcefully into my mind and feel someone take control of my body just as I've done so many times. Woah... This shit is weird. I've never been on this end of the spectrum before.

I watch as someone with white hair in my mind begins controlling me and helping me and Alex down. Then with a power they possess they kick down a steel door and begin pouncing on other vampires and werewolves, slashing through them just as quickly as I devour my food. I come to realize they are the attackers from the school that day for-like-ever and a day ago but I manage to kill them all with ease. Even if it technically isn't me doing all of the work but whatever man.

When we are safe and I'm covered from head to toe in my enemies blood, I ask the person in my mind. "Who are you?"

They look at me with a cute baby face and piercing green eyes. Woah this kid looks like Alex almost. Wonder how the hell a damn kid is so freaking powerful like this one. Oh well...

"You'll meet me soon mommy." He responds.

And then we begin running again towards the castle. He didn't even give me a chance to respond. How rude. I try to think of what the hell is happening but I black out once more.


I wake in incredible pain as I look around the white room. It looks very clean in here and I can't help but wonder if I'm in a hospital. I fucking hate hospitals. I decide to close my eyes again as the bright light stabs my eye balls. That was like pure hell honestly.

Someone comes into my room and I recognize it as Alex as he takes me into his arms and sparks erupt into my being. I hold him tightly as we breathe each other in, grounding each other with our smells.

"Katerina, baby, you've been asleep for so long... I was afraid you would never wake up."

"What happened?" I whisper, letting him climb into bed with me and look deeply into my eyes. Thankfully he claps his hands and the damn lights go out. I can see just fine without light, thank you.

"Our baby used the power he gained from you to take over your body and use a power he gained from my heritage. I wasn't really aware of it but as royals apparently we have the power to command our subjects to obey commands with something we call a Greden command. Only white haired princes' and princess' can use it and he used it on your mother, considering she used a witch to turn into a vampire werewolf hybrid, and she immediately turned into ashes. The werewolf Alpha saw our child's power through you and something triggered him and his pack to bow down to him. It was beautiful really and now they are our allies for, I'm hoping what is, forever."


"Would you like to see our child?"

I nod and in comes a little boy with bright white hair and piercing green eyes. "Momma!" The child exclaims.

He runs to me and jumps into my arms, crying into my chest. "I didn't think you would ever wake up mommy... I'm so sorry..."

"Jesus Alex he's so big... How long was I out?" I hold onto my baby tightly, whispering that it's okay and that it wasn't his fault and that he did so good. I was actually really proud of him already.

"Only a few months dear. But since he's like me he's grows and learns much faster than other normal vampire children. So far he's about 7 but he will slow down here soon and stop looking any older when he looks 19 or 20."

"Oh my gosh my baby..." I whisper, rocking my beautiful child back and forth. Even though he wasn't small anymore, I would always refer to him as my baby. Because he was my baby no matter what.

"I haven't named him yet. He refused to let me without you awake so I've been referring to him as son." Alex says, wrapping his arms around both of us and kissing my temple.

"How about... Jace Alexander and we can give him your last name? What do you think baby?"

"I like it lots mommy." My child says, grinning cutely at me. I already love him so much.

"I like it too baby, Jace it is." Alex says. We all just lay there, happy and finally at peace with everything that's happened.

Ah, peace at last.


Yah so that's the end guys. Thanks for all the support for those who stuck around. Love y'all. This story is going to go through editing though.

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