Chapter 21

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So... Another different P.O.V. Hope you don't mind a little anal probing guys. This dude has like nada to do with this story... Well, yet anyways. But he will. Eventually. I think... So... Enjoy ;)

Also sorry for lack of updates, I'm on vacation!! I know, me? Vacations?



Here ya are


Ryan's P.O.V (Alec's brother for those who have forgotten. Myself included... What kind of author am I? Neglecting my RyRy... I even second guessed if I got his name right... Okay imma shut up.)

I can't get the damn smell out of my head. It smells like crab apples and caramel. I know, odd, but it smells fucking delicious. I've gone down to the kitchen 5 times already and asked the cook if she was making some so when she said no for the 5th time, I demanded she did.

Maybe I'm smelling weird stuff because I'm hungry. I haven't eaten in awhile. But I've just been way too busy since we have these new recruited warriors in. Being as I'm the commander of my fathers army, I have to overlook them all and make sure none are spies. I also have to make up their work out schedules which require me to be in my office a lot. And today is no exception.

As day turns to night, I get up from my chair, my half eaten caramel apple still sitting on it's plate from earlier. And yet the smell of crab apples and caramel over powers it, like it's it's own unique smell.

I decide to head down to the gym to work out for a few hours since it is empty and I haven't been there in awhile. I really need to tone up.

I go to my room, throwing off my shirt and pants to swap out for some shorts and headphones. I like to jam out when I work out. But I don't know very many people who don't.

I plug the head phones into my iPod, deciding on a little Three Days Grace this time. Hopefully it will help me push my self and get a good burn going.

Jogging down the stairs, I slide past those who are practically limping to their room in exhaustion. See, vampires can get physically exhausted if worked hard enough. But it takes a lot of hours and physical labor to even get a sweat going.

I open the doors, glad to see it's empty, and get going on the treadmill. I run, not even needing to use my vampire speed to keep up, and pound out a solid hour of going 30 miles per hour.

I then go over to the weights, putting 1,000 pounds on each side. Now I know what your thinking, you're just showing off. Well... You'd definitely be right.

I lay down and wrap my hands around the cold metal bar, my music blasting in my ears being the thing keeping me going. I keep pumping the bar until that damn smell becomes stronger and even through all the music, I hear the door to the gym open.

I look over and my eyes connect with a shirtless guy who's looking straight at me. Our eyes meet and that's all it takes for me to know that this man is my mate and makes a bulge appear in my pants just by looking at him.

I throw the bar into the wall and stand, never taking my eyes off of him. I use my vampire speed to appear in front of him after ripping out my head phones and I'm awarded with a gasp of surprise from his pretty little mouth.

"Hey Alex?" Someone from behind him says, making me confused. "Are we still-"

The other boy stops when he sees me glaring at him and throws his arm around my mate. I growl, the arm falling immediately and fear flashing in his eyes. Good, that little twit should be scared.

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