Chapter 1 - Please?

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Rue's Pov

"Daddy Pleaseeeee."

"Noooo You Spent Your Money For School On A Stupid Dress. For What A Fucking Party No. Now You Must Go Out And Earn It Yourself. Daddy Is Gonna Die Soon and You Need To know how the world works sooo go get a job, buy a house, do something that will better your life."

Ughh He's Not Telling Me what i want to hear -___-

"But Dadddyyyy If YOU Die I'll Take Over."

"Yes But You Won't Know Shit when you get there so go be gone."

He Said That And Shoed Me out of his office

"Where The Heck Am I Gonna Work" I said quietly to myself.

I Shook Me Head and walked to my apartment building.

Jacob POV

"Where's My Money Jaden?"

"Please Just Give Me One Or Two More Days, My Son Needed Some Socks So I-"

I Cut Him Off

"WHAT FUCKING PAIR OF SOCKS COST $300 DOLLARS" I put the gun to his head "Jaden don't fucking play with me" I calmed down a little holding the trigger.

"I-I He- I'm Sorry Jacob Just Give Me Some Time Please." He Begged

I Sat There For A Minute And Thought.

If I Kill Him I won't get my money...

Don't Kill I... Might Not Get My money still. 

"Fine Jaden, You Have 5 Hours to get my money, You Take longer and dont come to me... Ill Have Sean, And Wayne Find You And they bring you by force and if that happen it wont be pretty got it?"

I Grabbed His Face I seen the fear on his face then looked over to Wayne and Sean who really hope he doesn't come they haven't killed anyone in a minute so yeah you'll get antsy too 

Jaden Nodded quickly.

"Now Get the fuck out my face your pressence is makes me want to kill you faster"

with that He Ran off like a bitch Ha! My Job is bliss 

My Best friends Rayan,Chres,&Craig Walked In Laughing at Jaden Running out These Boys Are My Top Sellers they never did me wrong always had my money ever since ive known them good people.

"OH God He Looked Scared As FUCK" Chres Said.

Chres Real Name Is Chresanto August. We Called Him Roc Royal Because He's Has The Best Speed... and Sells The Fastest He's Never Been Caught by the police ever.

and The Roc Part Well...... Were Drug Dealers...And We Sell "Rocks" Right Hope You Catch Where Im Getting at the my nigga you are street dumb  But We Took Off the "K" And Boom Roc Royal Roc For short though.

(Age: 24)

"You Should Have Seen His Face!!" Rayan yelled making his face i was tooo dead 

Ahhh Rayan, Rayan Lopez We Called Rayan,Ray 2wice

Ray for short. He May Be Funny,And Reall Goofy But He's That One Chance Nigga, Don't Say What he want to hear and well... youre dead so we dont let him question people unless we need to.

(Age :24)

"Oh My God He Was Crying a Little Too!" Said Craig Dying of laughter

Last But Not least, Craig Crippen My Youngest Dealer Of All. We Gave him the name Prodigy Because For A Boy his age he sell like he have been working the street his whole life he only needed to get told once and he's the first out the door. We Call Him Prod For short

(Age: 19)

I Laughed with them

"Well He Should know Not to Fuck With me" I said

They Nodded

"Iight You Guys Wanna Go Out? Maybe A Strip Club" The Boys Nodded And We Walked Out of my house and into my car.



I need The Comments Because I cant like Read Your Mind Because Youre So Mindless  I know im lame

But Comment & Vote Thanks :D

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