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The titles I am labeled with
That I carry




Everything that has to do so I am bound to get married someday

But why do you see me as that .....

Why do I have to be someone's wife

Why do I have to become a mother

That may be how you see me

That this is what I was made for

To go to school, get a not so good job,
So one day I could get married and have children

And it's sad how you compare me

Because I don't want to be that person you say

I want to have a career

Travel the world

Make my mom's dreams come true

Help all the children in need of a change

So tell me why I have to be what you say I am

Tell me why I have to be what you think I will become

Tell me why that is all you think I will ever be

The one thing you forgot is that everyone is different and I don't want those labels in my life

Not because they are bad, but because
I want to be someone greater and live a little

And I will prove to you that I was not raised to eventually become your labels......

Authors Note
This update came a little early, just because :)

Another thing, I don't know why, but I feel like I offend some people by writing this and that was never my intention, (hopefully I didn't) and I am very sorry if I did :(

Hopefully this poem wasn't that bad though.


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