chapter two- student teacher?!(edited)

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( the incident with lockhart does happen but I won't really go into it cause I'm a lazy ass author and lin only has a teacher's authority inside of Lockhart's and McGonagall's class rooms)
3rd pov
The trip to the castle was over and they were now sitting at their house tables talking Merrily.
Harry and Ron had engaged in a conversation about each of their summers and what they did but Harry wasn't really listening. He was still wondering were that girl from earlier was. That is until Hermione whispered something to them,

"look up there! see that person there? in the cloak? " she pointed next to Dumbledore's seat.

There was indeed a figure was standing next to the headmaster's chair. The mysterious figure appeared to be a girl. Harry couldn't see her eyes at all. But he knew that she could see him.

He took a closer look at her cloak.

the outside layer of the cloak seemed to be black but the inside edges shimmed just a bit.

The other students seemed to notice her as well because soon the hall quieted.

The professors were almost speechless. The students were never quite when they were in the grand hall.

The sorting ceremony proceded as planned, each of the houses acquired 1st years as always. Professor Magonagal then introduced professor Dumbledore to the first years. He stood up, cleared his throat and addressed the students.

"I have a few announcements to make for this year,  again I say that the dark forest is off limits to students who are not permitted."
" And I would like to introduce our new defense against the dark arts teacher, professor Gilderoy Lockhart." Professor Lockhart stood and gave a theatrical bow before seating him self again.
Harry groaned very audibly.
"and I would also like to introduce someone who I hope will make a good addition to this school of magic," he motioned for the hooded girl to step beside him.

"my adoptive daughter,  Mandolin Jasper,  will be assisting Professor Lockhart and McGonagall as a Student teacher and substitute. She is welcome in all of the common rooms,  but she will have a room to herself." he stated proudly as the hooded girl removed the hood of her cloak.

Harry, as well as the rest of the students were astonished to see that the girl was only a second year. But Harry, Ron and Hermione were even more dumbfounded to see that it was the girl who sat with them on the train.

Her brown hair fell onto her shoulders as her glowing gold and brown eyes scaned the crowd. She smiled a wide happy smile. Boys of all ages in the mob of students simply stared at her as well as the girls.You could see her cheeks grow red.
But for some reason he saw her eyes seemed to flicker as if she had glitches, but harry paid no attention to it.

Mandolin raised her arm, wand in hand and gave it a wave.  White and silver streaks shot through the air and exploded in a flurry of color. The whole crowd clapped and cheered.

The twins started to whisper among themselves,
"I call dibs, mate. "

"you two are disgusting" hermione whispered viciously to them
And all the other boys at the table glared at the twins.

Time skip~
As they headed up to the commons Hermione ranted about how Mandolin was getting spoiled and having her "father" pull strings for her.

"do you understand how advanced she would have to be to have that position as a second year?!  This makes absolutely no sense! I bet Dumbledore is just picking favorites! After all she is his 'daughter'!" she ranted angrily.

By the time Hermione had finished her sentence they were already in the commons.
"I may be his daughter but I was raised in this castle. " spoke a voice making us jump.
We turned our heads in the direction of the fire place. To see Mandolin sitting at the fire place, face distruate.

" and as you heard him say I'm his  adoptive daughter. I'm not one hundred percent sure why he wanted me to do this in the first place. but my guess is that he thought I would be valuable to teach other kids around my age."she looked at the three of them
" I grew up in this place. the teachers have been teaching tutoring me since forever." she sighed, shook her head and turned to walk out of the commons.

"just dont judge a book by its cover." she called, and with that she left.

"nice first impression Hermione. You managed to insult the only second year in the whole school  that has the authority to put you in detention." said Ron faceplaming.

Hermione punched him in the shoulder.

"ow! " said Ron rubbing his shoulder.
"I don't know Ron I think that she was picked for something different than what you both think. " said Harry, thinking aloud.

"she did say she was raised in the castle."

"and what do you think?" asked a incredulously Hermione.
"I dont know. I just have a hunch"said Harry who was still in thought.

Then Percy came down from the boys dorms.
"well Harry your not wrong. She is a special case. She has a lot of... Differences.."he trailed off.
"why is she allowed into all of the house commons, Percy? " asked Hermione, who was extremely eager to know.

"I don't know. "

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