chapter three - Lessons (editied)

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3rd pov

After Percy had said that Lin was in all houses , Hermione was completely speechless. Well what do you expect when you've just been told that a fellow student and teacher was in all four houses.

Let's just say none of the trio got much sleep. But Harry was very eager to start class. And his first period was Defense Against The Dark Arts. He was however very unhappy that Lockhart was to be there. Hermione on the other hand was extremely eager to see professor Lockhart.

this git. Thought Harry as they made their way to D.A.T.A. (Defense against the Dark arts)

"Hey Harry do you think that Lin will be teaching any time soon? "asked Ron.
"I don't know." he really didn't know.

"well I personally don't think that she will know enough magic to teach the class." snapped Hermione.

"well aren't you salty today?" said Ron, who poked her side.
She just huffed.

As they walked into the class room, they immediately sat in the front seats.

Harry looked around the room. It was just like a normal classroom except along the walls were a few class cases. One held a very ornate looking spear. although it looked like it had just been freshly polished, Harry could tell it was an ancient thing. And in the other cases were bits of armor and a few swords of the same style

Suddenly there was a harsh clapping that made the whole class jump. Harry looked to the front. And there stood Lin.

"Good morning, students. I am as, Professor Dumbledore said the student teacher for Professor Lockhart. You will address me as Professor Jasper when I am present in the class room. And I am sure you are all ware that I am in fact a second year, but I will not tolerate any disrespect shown to me or your fellow students," she paused to looked at the class. Her eyes were harsh and calculating.

she had a totally different air about her than before. she seemed more....well she seemed as if she was older. she almost seemed hostile in a way...

"and I will be teaching you a spell that will conjure your familiar, you all have one do you not?" at this the whole class started to murmur, Even Hermione had joined the band wagon.

"but Professor Jasper, I don't recall ever reading about wizards being able to summon their familiar, objects yes but not a living creature ." responded Hermione. Lin looked directly at Hermione with a stare that could rival McGonagall.

"I do suppose you are a little young to be learning this spell, then lets start with something simpler. instead of learning to transport living things, lets start with something inanimate"

"Remember this. Magic is limitless, lets not weigh it down." she said in the direction of Hermione,

"but first who would like a demonstration of the former?" she questioned with a smile. The whole class including Harry raised their hands.

"very well.... "

Lin walked to the front of the classroom as she mumbled something to herself. she took her wand and traced something into the air. soon in the air a sigil appeared, the sigil floated for a second be for spinning and moving so that it was just above the floor.

it began spinning faster and faster, sparks began to fly. and soon a form appeared, it was vague at first but became firmer. and there in all its glory sat a very large snake. the snake itself seemed to be a mix of a cobra and a viper.

it was mostly white with black pattern running along its spine. and on its forehead was an upside down crescent moon.

Lin picked up the large snake and let it curl around her.

the whole class applauded loudly, some were even pointing with astonished faces. some seemed as If they just woken up. harry and Hermione included.

Harry spotted Professor Lockhart at the top of the staircase that led to his office. His eyes were locked on Lin's figure. he couldn't quite describe the look that Lockhart was giving lin.

"Professor Lockhart,is there something you need?" lin inquired. she hadn't even turned to look at him.

she hadn't even turned to look at Lockhart and as far as harry saw hadn't even registered that he was there until just now.

Lockhart jumped a bit. he stuttered. trying to collect himself,
"n-no my dear Lin, j-just checking on the new students is all..."
harry snickered at the normally confindent and smug man stumbling over himself.
Lin on the other seemed both amused and quite annoyed, she still hadnt turned to look at him.

" Professor, I must ask you that if you do not need something important of me then," she paused clearly annoyed

" please do me the courtesy of not inturupting my class while I am teaching" and with that she no longer paid him heed.

he looked absolutely insulted. he gave a defiant huff and walked back the way he had came, trying his best not to stomp in anger and only half succeeding.

Class continued as if nothing had happened, positively fasinated with the idea of summoning objects out of thin air.

Lin explained and showed proper form and posture. she had then practicing sigils, drawing them on parchment.

Time skip~

By the end of class Harry had only been able to correctly draw half of a sigil. ron only got a third correct. and hermione....had gotten the whole thing right on her second try. which didnt surprise the two males.

and for homework they had been assigned a two foot research paper on summoning.

"I just have to say that I can't believe that "professor" Lin would be so disrespectful to Professor Lockhart!" Hermione humbled.

"to be fair hermione, he was the one being all weird and creepy. I mean who just stand there without saying a word and just watches another Professor teach" said Ron who was tired of her whining. And to be honest Harry was too.

"still she had no reason to say that. im sure he doing just what he said he was. besides I dont understand why shes even teaching to begin with!"

"Im sorry you feel that way Hermione." said a voice behind them. Harry turned his head to see Lin standing there.

"o-oh l-in. I mean Professor Jasper. how much did you hear, I didnt mean anything by it!" hermione was franticly trying to apologize or cover for herself. harry didnt really know. Lin just smiled.

"its okay. your sentiment is understandable, given the circumstances."

"wait Lin, shouldn't you be teaching? "asked Harry.

"not at the moment, albums said I only had to teach once a day. I understand stand that you have quidditch practice next? Can I watch?" asked Lin.


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