chapter four - writing on the wall (edited)

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( I know its taken me forever to update so as a treat this is extra long just for you)

3rd person pov

It had been couple months since Harry and the gang had first met Lin and now they were the best of friends.

Lin had been prone boughts of sickness through the these past month.

When these sicknesses struck, Lin would sit in the hospital wing and grade Homework. Ron once tried to convince her to give them better marks because of it.
She gave him a hard stare and he looked as if as if he would piss himself. He never asked again and claimed that her stare could tear your sould in half.

Harry chuckled at the thought. He needed to keep his mind busy so as not to smell the rotting food and stench of death that lingered in the death-day party for nearly headless Nick.

Hermione had practically begged Lin to accompany them, since Hermione herself was uneasy about being the only girl. Lin on the other hand was extatic. She was friends with many of the Hogwarts ghosts, even peeves.

Harry watched as the ghosts desperately tried to get Lin's attention. He chuckled again.

"what's got you in such a happy mood? When we first got here you were white as a sheet." said Ron. He also looked pale. That was probably because they were right next to the food table. the table that was covered in rotting, decaying food.

"oh nothing. i just thought that it was funny that all the ghosts are fawning over lin." said harry. it wasn't a complete lie.

Ron always saw the way harry looked at lin. that lost, hopeless, love-sick look that he had often looked at lin with as well. But out of friendship for Harry he had stayed silent.

Suddenly Hermione ran over with a sparkling look in her eyes,

"guys, I think Lin is going to sing. the Ghosts are begging her too." Harry and Ron both looked at each other.

Lin walked to the front of the room and all the ghosts cheered. Harry heard one of the headless hunters whisper,
" I remember when she was younger. she had the cutest voice."

As the hall silenced, all attention was turned to Lin. Suddenly very cheerful music began to play.

(the oh hello's soldier, poet, king)

'there will come a soldier'

'who carries a mighty sword'

'he will tear your city down, o lei o lai o lord'

the ghost excitedly chimed in

'o lei o lai o lei o Lord '

'he will tear your city down, o lei o lai o lord'

harry couldnt tell were the music was coming from, but enjoyed it non the less.

'there will come a poet'

'whose weapon is his word'

'he will slay you with his tongue, o lei o lai o lord'

'o lei, o lai, o lei, o lord'

'he slay you with his tongue, o lei o lai o lord

'there will come a ruler'

'whose brow is laid in thorn'

'smear with oil like David's boy, o lei o lai o lord'

'o lei o lai o lei o lord'

the music continue playing as Lin danced to and fro, playing with the ghosts.

Harry noticed that as she danced her hair seemed to get shorter and became lighter.

as the song ended and Lin stopped dancing her hair was as brown and as long as it had been.

the ghosts applauded, giving her a standing ovasion.

she gave a look of bewilderment. she smiled nervously none the less and walked over to the trio.

"did I miss something or.....?" Lin left her question hang,

"wait? you dont remember just performing?!" sputtered Harry

the hell?

"did I really?! All I remember is the headless hunt asking me if I knew I could sing them a song and then suddenly being in front of everyone getting the biggest applause I've ever heard. " she said, sounding very confused indeed.

Harry was about to tell her what happened when he was cut off by Hermione,

" I think the smell of the rotting food has made us all a little woozy, so why don't we head back." she shot Harry and Ron a look that said ' we'll talk later'.

~ small time skip

They had been walking for a little while now. Harry was staring at the ground thinking over what had happened in recent events, when he heard Hermione gasp, snapping him out of his thoughts.

" what is it?" he asked

" I just stepped in a huge puddle. " she whined, kicking her shoes to shake some water off.

Wait, a puddle?

That couldn't be right. They were no where near the bathrooms.

Lin was obviously thinking the same thing and they then proceeded to follow the trail of water.

Until they ran smack dab into a wall. They stubbled as the other two caught up. Ron froze.

"guys, look at the wall... "

On the wall in big red letters was a message:

The chamber of secrets has opened. Enemies of the heir; beware. You can not hide her from him. You can not hide the Dread Wolf

And next to the message was a furry object and soon they came to realize that it was filches cat, ms.Norris.

The gang just stood there, unsure of what to do.

That was until Lin took a meek step forward. The others gazed at her but she took no notice. Her eyes were glassy and unmoving from the wall. She took a few more steps towards the wall until she reached out to touch the red lettering.

She mumbled "...Dread Wolf ..."
Before her eyes rolled back and she crumpled to the floor in a Heep.

The last thing she heard was Harry and Hermione screaming her name.

*to those of you who get were the reference came from I applaud you*

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