Chapter Five//A Thing

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Today was a long and stressful day. I head upstairs to my room and threw my backpack on the floor and fell on my bed. I look at the ceiling for a while. This guy why am I letting him get into my head? His persistence is going to be the death of me.

I start thinking about this letter that I have to right... It's due in 3 weeks. Who am I supposed to write about? My mom & dad, of course but writing about them would bring me to much pain and memories.

I decide to take a nap to get me to stop thinking about this for a few hours. Im not usually the person that falls asleep quickly but once I turn myself over on my bed and lay on my tummy I fall asleep.


"Ellie... Ellie wake up."
I start to rub my fist in my eyes while yawning. "Ashton whats going on?" I say while squinting my eyes. My eyes burning a little from the brightness coming through the door. "Ms.Clair is here to talk to you." He says quietly. "What time is it?" "Its 6 p.m." he says while walking out of the bedroom door.

I brush my teeth before heading down stairs. I see Anne sitting on the coffee table in the kitchen."Hi sweety. Ms.Clair is in the back yard waiting for you" she says while giving me a warm smile. I smile back and look out the kitchen window to see Ms.Clair sitting on a bench outside. I walk out and sit beside her.

"Hey Ellie how are you today?" Ms. Clair said once I sat beside her. "Im alright. So what did you want to talk to me about?" I tell her. I have a feeling that I already know the answer to my question but still ask it."Well I wanted you to start seeing a therapist again. I know you don't like the idea you have told me many times but you have to start seeing one again." I let out a loud sigh. Then look down at my hands. "Why do I have to always talk to a therapist... they never help I just feel more suffocated with them around. Please can I just not go see a therapist this time, please." I don't see the point of these therapist I don't understand what makes them think I'm going to open up to them.

"You have no choice Ellie. You know this already, and maybe it could be different with this therapist open up to her it might help you." She says with a sincere voice. "No one can help me." I whisper to myself knowing Ms.Clair won't here me." You start tomorrow after school. Your going to be going to these therapy session every Tuesday and Thursday."


I wake up to the annoying sound of my iPod I felt like I had bearly slept last night. I finally decided to get out of bed and walk to the bathroom to take a shower to wake myself up.

Once I was ready I get my backpack that was still sitting in the same spot I left it yesterday since I had no homework due today. I walked down stairs and set my bag down on the couch and walked into the kitchen to see Ashton & Anne already eating. "Morning" I tell them both while walking to cabinets to get myself a mug to get myself some coffee. "Morning" they say back. "So Ellie today you have your first therapy session, its going to be at 5 to 6. Ashton will be taking you there." I grown a little of the thought of me having to go back to these sessions.

School goes by pretty quickly and before I know it its lunch time. I decide that I would find Ashton so we could walk around, I have no clue what his 4th period is so I decide to go look in the lunch room. I then see his curly hair, he was sitting at a table i was about to walk towards him when i notice he is sitting with Michael & Luke. My heart stops for a minute. Ashton is friends with Luke & Michael?

I quickly turned around to see Calum standing in front of me "Hey Ellie, come sit with us." He says with a smile. "Uh—" before I could say anything else he grabs my arm and leads me to the table where the three boys were already sitting.

"Well look who it is." Luke said while smirking. Ashton turned around to see who it was until he noticed it was me. "Ellie." Ashton said confused. "Wait, how do you guys know Ellie?" Ashton asked all the boys. "Michael introduced us to Ellie." Calum says.

I sat down beside Ashton, and the three boys glared at Ashton. "How do you know Ellie Ashton? Are you guys like a thing." Luke said a bit harshly while tugging his lip piercing in between his teeth. What, Luke thinks me and Ashton. We would never. Me and Ashton look at each and look back at Luke. "No, she's kind of my—" I push Ashton's leg under the table to get him to stop talking.

I get up from the table and start walking out the lunch room. "Hey Ellie, what was that all about back there? Why didn't you want me to tell my friends that you are like my sister."

"In first place we aren't siblings or anything. In second place they don't need to know any of my business, or anything going on in my life."

"Im sorry I didn't think it would have bothered you, they were assuming that we were going out when in reality we are going to be brother & sister."

I shrug "Sorry I'm coming at you like this. I know you don't really understand, but I don't want them to know yet. Im still trying to get used to all this." I know Ashton won't understand right now all this but I feel like if I let them know whats going on in my life there going to pity me & I don't need any pity from people I don't even know.

"Okay, how about when your ready you tell them."

We walk around the school the rest of or lunch time.

Seventh period comes around and it consists of the teacher talking a little more into details about the letter we have to write. "This letter has to mean something to you. It would be most preferable that you talk about one of your family members, a friend, or someone close to you. It could even be about a thing and object that means something to you."

I also got a few glares from Luke but I didn't care much. The bell rang I headed out the door to go meet Ashton outside so we could go home.

I just remembered I have my first therapy session today, I'm not ready.


Early update its just a little filler. I promise the next few chapters will be more exciting. Maybe you guys will find out a little about Ellie's past soon.

I love all the people that are reading my book. Still am updating on Friday.

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