Chapter Fifthteen//Might tell you

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Ellie's POV

Its been quiet for a good 4 minutes. Walking from home to school took about 25 to 30 minutes, so this should be a long walk.

"Have you practiced?" Luke asked me breaking the silence. I look at him confused for a few seconds.

"Oh uh kind of. I just finished it yesterday but I think I might do alright, well hopefully" I tell him.

"E I wasn't talking about the presentation for our writing class."

I look at him even more confused than before, cause at this point I had no absolute idea what he was talking about.

"You know, played...sung?" He looks at me with a smile.

"Nope." I say popping my P.

Why would I, last time was a mistake. I shouldn't have done that and I don't plan on playing or singing anytime soon.

"Why? If you want to practice and you don't want Ashton knowing or anyone else knowing you can come over and I'll lend you my guitar. Your really talented, you might not see that but you are!"

The comment made my heart flutter.

"Look who's talking, Thanks, but I really shouldn't. I have given up on that part of my life a while ago now."

"If you don't mind me asking, why?"

"I really hate talking about this. Its something I might tell you someday, but for now I don't think I am ready to tell you about it. But please Luke don't say anything to anyone about this." I say bring back memories that I don't even deserve to have.

Luke does a complete stop. I stop a few steps away from him and turn to face him. His face expression, he looks hurt. His eyebrows are scrunched up together, it seems like he is looking at me but he isn't he is looking straight passed me, after a couple more seconds he looks at me. He opens his mouth in attempt to say something but closes it back up. Opens it back up and words come spilling out of his mouth.

"You might tell me someday? So what does that meaning -- that you don't trust me? I honestly don't know what I did, for you to not trust me. Its really hard for me to get to know you when you don't let me get to know you." He closes his eye's and takes a deep breath.

In that moment all I wanted to do was hug him, tight. I know he is right and I can't help it, I can't help being like this.

I fill in the space that separated us and wrap my arms around him and rest my head on his chest hearing his heart beat. "I'm sorry for being so difficult."
I hug him tighter. I don't know what my sudden action towards Luke were. Maybe I felt sorry since I have't told him anything about me, haven't told him the truth about me.

His arms then wrap around me. He sighs once again. "I'm sorry for over reacting, I know you will tell me in your own time... I just -- I'm sorry for being such an ass sometimes."


Pitiful Tuesday came just to quick. I was presenting my letter today and I thought I was ready but I am now 99.9% sure I am not. I can take talking in front of a couple people but right now I was not ready to present in front of a whole class room. Its crazy to think that before I was so comfortable performing and talking In front of a whole crowd and now I can't even thinking about it without feeling extremely nervous.

I sat in my usual seat, Luke sat behind me. He seemed fine about presenting. Wow I sound like such a dork for getting nervous over this.

"Good afternoon students, so I hope you guys are ready with your letters. We will start in alphabetical order by first names."

People read there letters they were interesting most of them talking about there parents or a brother or sister, some talked about there best friends others talking about there girlfriends, boyfriends and some just talking about there hobby and how important it is to them.

My turn came up sooner than I thought it would since some people weren't here. Luke saw I was kind of freaking out and pull my hand under the desk and squeezed it tight.

"You'll do great." He whispered before letting go of my hand.

I look up for a second then start speaking.

"My letter is kind of short, uh- yea."

"Dear parents,
You two are amazing, so supportive and understanding. I'm extremely sorry for what I did to you. Maybe if I gave up on this sooner you two would be fine. I wish I could change what I did, but its to late I can't now. Maybe you are both somewhere better. I know you are both somewhere better. Thank you for doing as much as you could for me. Thank you!"

I feel my throat tear apart from the inside, my view soon becomes blurry. I look at Mr.Smith and he nods realizing that I need to step out of the class room for a second. I walk to the corner of the hall way sliding on the lockers. I sit while crying then bring my knee's close to my chest.

Luke's POV

I see her sitting there curled up into a little ball. It breaks my heart seeing her like this, I can't believe she blames herself for whatever happened to her parents.

I slid down the locker, sitting next to her.  I let her cry for a bit more until I pulled her closer and wrapped my arms around her. She pulled her head from her knee and hugged my arm, crying quieter. I run my other hand on her back, and let her cry.

She then started breathing heavily and fast.

"Ellie look at me." I say while tilting her chin up, to make eye contact. "Breath."


New chapter whoop, I hope you guys liked it even though I don't know how I feel about the first part, but I think I like the 2nd part.


^Gives me a bit more motivation to write

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