Chapter Three//Back

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I've been staring at the ceiling for the past hour. Just realizing that the sun has started to rise.Today is my first day back at school.I have this feeling inside the pit of my stomach.This is the worst feeling in the world.Thinking of school makes me nauseous I'm not ready honestly I'm terrified of going back to school and the worst part is that it's a whole new school that I didn't even know.

I mean I know Ashton but that doesn't really count, does it? Oh yea and that Michael guy but I bearly know anything about him so doesn't count as well.

After laying in my bed for a half hour I decide to finally get up and get ready. I look at the clock and its 6:15 I remember that Anne told me yesterday school starts at 7:30. I have a little over and hour to get ready. I look through my closet to see what I'm going to be wearing, I should have gotten my cloths ready since yesterday but I just didn't have the head for it.

I decide to wear some black ripped jeans and a white T-shirt that Anne bought me yesterday. Once I figure out what I'm going to wear I set it on my bed and walk to bathroom to take a shower. When the warm water hits my tense body It seems to take a little stress of of me.

When I'm done changing I get some bracelets and slide then on to cover my scares. I brush my hair and decide I'm just going to leave my natural curls. I put on some eyeliner on my top lid and put on some mascara. That's as much makeup I wear.

I look at the clock it is now 7:00 I hear a knock on the door. I open it and see its Anne.

"Hi Ellie Ms. Claire is calling." She says and hands me the her cell phone.
"Hi Ms.Claire" I say in a soft voice.
"Hello Ellie how's it going? I was going to call you yesterday but didn't get the chance, So today after you come out of school I'm going over to talk to you." "Uh okay?" "Aright see you later Ellie."

"Let's go down stairs to eat breakfast." Anne says with a heart warming smile. I nod and follow her down stairs. Ashton was already downstairs. We all sit at the little coffee table and eat breakfast. This is new to me I have never eaten breakfast at any of my foster homes. But what is so different about this family?

"We should get going Ellie." Ashton says. I look at him and we both head up stairs to get our backpacks. Then head back down stairs. "I hope you have a good first day at school Ellie, Ashton will go with you to the office to get you schedule and show you around the school. Well I'm going to be heading out now cause I don't want to be late to work" I look at both Ashton and her as we head out the door.

Anne gets in her car and we get in Ashton car. "Is the school far?" I ask. "No, it's like 10 minutes away, Ellie if you have any questions about the school or a class ask me I will be happy to help." He has a smile on his face that can light up the mood very quickly. "Thanks."

I'm so terrified right now! It feels like my first day to kindergarten. I've been to about 4 schools this past year and I still haven't gotten used to the fact of having to meet new people and be in a new environment.

"We're here" I look out the window the school looks huge, this makes me even more nervous. I look back at Ashton and I think he notices the fear in my face, cause he gave me this 'it's going to be okay' face.

Once we step into the school I see tons of people moving from one place to another. Ashton starts walking toward the office that is in the left side entrance. We greet the lady at the front desk and she hands me my schedule.

Ashton takes my schedule to see if we have any classes with him and I do I end up having 1st period which is English and 5th period Chemistry. Once he is done showing me most of the school we head to our first class. Ashton ends up sitting in the back I follow and sit next to him.

My first hour goes by pretty smoothly. Ashton head to his next class. I start walking to my next class which is a little farther, its my art class. On my way there I decided to listen to some music I take out my iPod from my backpack and put one ear bud in and let the other one dangle.

Turing at the corner to head to my art class I crash into a couple making out I end up dropping my English book and a notebook. Wow I'm already making a fool of myself today and it's still morning.

"Damn watch it!" A girl with black hair says. "I'm so sorry" I say while trying to pick up my stuff. A tall boy with blonde hair crunches down and picks up my notebook and hands it to me. I look up at him and he has the bluest eyes ever. I stare at them for a few seconds. And am interrupted by a familiar voice.

I turn around and see Michael standing behind me "Your Ellie right? We met at the park yesterday."
"Oh yea your Michael." He seems surprised that I remembered his name.
"That's me. So I see you've met some of my friends." Yea. I guess but they already don't like me,cool. "No,actually I was heading to my art class and I bumped into them by accident." The black headed girl looks at me with hateful eyes. Like if I had just taken something from her.

"This is Jess and this is Luke" he tells me, the girl rolls her eyes and starts walking down the hall I just came from.  "Hi I'm Luke." He says with an amused face. "This is Ellie" Michael says. Luke's eyes meeting mine and I quickly break the eye contact and look at the ground.

When I say nothing to Luke he seems confused. I know it seems really rude of me not saying hi back but I sometimes seem to say the wrong thing so I just don't say anything at all.

"Well anyways I think we should get going so you aren't late to your class." Michael says. I look at both Michael and Luke and nod and head off I look back to see if they were walking the other way and they were. Luke looks back as well and I quickly look forward to head off to my art class.

My second and third period class go by quickly and now I'm going to my fourth period class and I have History I walk into the classroom a few people are already sitting in there seats. When the bell rights I see Michael and a boy with dark brown hair and some sort of highlights in his hair.

"Hey Ellie." Michael says with a small smile. I look at him "hey" I glance at the guy standing by him."Ellie this is Calum, Calum this is Ellie.

I have met three of Michaels friends and it's only forth period. Honestly I hope I meet no more of Michaels friends. They don't seem like bad people but I just can't manage to get close to anyone ether they hurt me or I end up hurt them and I am not willing to take any chances.

When the bell rings for lunch I try to walk out as quickly as I could so Michael wouldn't follow me. Thankfully he doesn't. I don't know what I am going to do for forty minutes during lunch I still don't know the school well enough, I guess it's time to look around and get to know it more. I just hope I don't get lost. I start walking and see a stairwell so I decide to go there and see where it leads me. While walking down I crash into the blond headed boy again. We both fall to the floor and he looks furious thats until he sees its me his face looks amused once again. Great twice in one day!

Decided to upload for you guys today, I was supposed to upload this a few days ago but never did. Left you guys with a little cliff hanger I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far, not much has happened yet but I promise it will get better. Anyways hope you guys have a wonderful day/night. Will update another chapter by Friday.

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