Chapter 3

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I decided to pair this with a song from "The Princess Bride". If you choose to listen to it, I recommend starting like twenty-five seconds in. Enjoy. 


Dear Hayden,

I really miss you. Do you remember when we used to be friends? We were so young. It was a long time ago, but surely you remember. You must. You used to sneak into my backyard, always pinning a flower to my window and singing my name to call me outside to play. I always did come out. How could I resist you?

You were my best friend. I think that you always will hold that status. Hayden Shaw: best friend. It almost sounds like a detective name. Yeah... Hayden, do you remember holding my hand as we ran around school? I do. The first time you did it was in second grade. Emma Burns - do you remember her? - was mad at me for being friends with you. I think that at the time she had a crush on you, too. So, as she passed us, she thrusted her shoulder into me, knocking me to the ground. You grabbed my hand to pick me up, but you never let go. From then on, you held my hand whenever we went anywhere. I was thrilled, ecstatic even. I mean, how could I not be? The adorable, cute, hot guy that I loved held my hand!

But, Emma wasn't the only one to push me down. There were so many people, Hayden, who tried to knock me to the ground and keep me there... so many people. They would have succeeded had it not been for you. You didn't let them beat me. I still don't know why, though. You never told me. But, every single time that someone would knock me down, you would always be by my side to pull me back up.

In fourth grade, Amy Turner once slapped me. I couldn't do anything. I was in shock. All I did was stand there, holding my face and trying to keep the tears at bay. Not you, though. No, you took action. You immediately got in her face and began to yell at her. You told her that what she did to me was no way to treat a person. You told her that I was a better, smarter, more beautiful version than she was, and I always would be. You defended me until she cowered away. You came behind me and wrapped your arms around me. You held me together until I could hold myself together.

From then on, everytime I needed you, you would be there with your arms around me. Whenever I wasn't able to hold myself together, you were there to do it for me. Every time that I needed you, every time I called, every year until high school, you held me in your arms when I needed you. Then, something happened. What happened between us, Hayden? I was never sure. I always wondered. I wondered many things, actually. Hayden, I always wondered whether or not you meant what you said to Amy. Did you, Hayden? Actually, I don't even want to know. It doesn't really matter now. That was four years ago.

Hayden, I don't know what happened to you. I want to know what happened to us. I don't really remember the last day that we spent together. Everything from that day is just kind of hazy. There is a thick sheet of fog in my mind, hiding those memories from me. Like you, my mind is overprotective. All that I can clearly remember from that day was that it was in eighth grade. It was right after my father left. After all these years of building up our trust, he just walked out on us. My mother was really shaken up.

I remember that the kids in our class thought that it was hilarious. It was the joke of the day: even my father didn't like me. If my dad couldn't stand to be near me, who could?All of the kids were laughing about it. At first, they shunned me. Then, they grew bored, and a group of about ten boys circled me. The girls cheered them on from the sidelines. Amy and Emma were there, telling them to "mess me up real good". Hayden, you bursted right into the scene and began throwing punches left and right. I remember that you took down at least three of them , but that's when my memory begins to get foggy. I remember that you looked at me. I remember the look of horror that crossed your face. I remember you screaming as you ran towards me, your lips forming a word that I never got to hear, for just then I felt a sharp pain go through my skull and I blacked out. When I awoke the following morning, you were nowhere to be found. You were never at my side when I needed you. You were never there to hold my hand in the halls and help me up. I cracked without you and I had no one there to hold me together.

I miss you, Hayden. Even though you'll never know how I truly feel, I wish for you to return to me. Please, Hayden? I need you. 




So, here is chapter three. I hope that you enjoyed it. 

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