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I arrive to the address written on the pamphlet that Brendon gave me. Opening the doors and being greeted by a lady on the counter.

"Hello! Would you like to buy painting supplies?" She asks me. I take a quick look around the place and notice the amazingly good quality of all of these painting materials. I could never afford these.

"No, thank you. I'm looking for a job, though. I hear you're searching for professionals?" I give her my best smile. I believe a smile can make things easier. Or at least I hope it can.

The lady nods and flashes a smile back at me. "Of course we are, would you like to start the job interview now?"

That was easy. "Sure, go ahead!" I smile, suddenly getting nervous.

The lady lets out a sympathetic laugh. "My name's Joan. I'm the owner of the store. This won't exactly be an interview, more like, an art test to prove your abilities." She explains and I nod.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, what exactly do I have to do?" I play with my fingers, a result of anxiety.

She lets out a small giggle. "You will create multiple paintings in different surfaces and materials, and even paint walls at one point." She smiles, yet again. She's really giggly, apparently.

I laugh, attempting to be as positive as she is. "Alright, that's awesome! I'm ready to start my 'interview' whenever." I tell Joan, trying to be my best self.

She smiles. "Alright, I want you to paint a sunset with mountains in this blank canvas. You may use as much paint as you feel you need to use." She hands me the materials and I take out multiple sunset colors, mostly warm ones, like red, orange and yellow.

I start to paint and blend on the canvas. This paint really accentuates the colors very nicely and blends in perfectly. And the brushes, oh my God, don't even get me started on the brushes. It felt like I was painting with grade-A cotton candy.

I finish my work and hand it to Joan, who analyzes it for about a minute. This only grows space for nervousness.

She smiles at me. "This is good, but I imagine you've never used these paints before, right?"

I raise an eyebrow. "How do you know?" I let out a nervous laugh.

She pats my shoulder. "I can tell by the techniques and the quantity of paint. Is Brendon a friend of yours?" She asks me. How does she know?

"Uh, we met a couple days ago, so I suppose we're acquaintances." I scratch the back of my head. "Did he tell you about me?"

She nods. "He did. He said you were a body painter and you were painting him before he asked for the pamphlet you have now." Her lips curve up in a sweet smile.

"Well, I'll tell you what, take some of these paints and practice at home. Since you're a body painter, maybe try painting on someone's body as a canvas." She hands me a bag of the expensive paint.

My eyes grow wide. "Oh my god, thank you so much!" I smile at her. I truly am thankful for the opportunity and for the paints that rained down from heaven and were placed in a tube.

She laughs. "You're welcome. Swing by whenever you think you're ready! I'll be waiting for you." She winked at me.

"Alright, thank you so much!" I head out the door and wave. "Bye!" I tell Joan as she waves back.

I close the door and walk home. I open my door and place my bag on the kitchen counter, and walk to the living room. I wonder if there's anything good on TV, there should-

I Hate You, Brendon Urie.Where stories live. Discover now