Alternate Ending

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because I beg for your forgiveness and I want to mend your broken heart


Brendon's POV

Today has been uneventful.

Luna and I had an argument – which was my fault – then we talked it out, I felt absolutely embarrassed at myself, until she was about to tell me that she loved me. Until she got shot, that is.

So now I'm here, at the ER. And to top everything off, this psycho Vicky keeps fucking with my relationship.

You know what? Enough is enough. I dialled her number, not forgetting to block mine, and she picked up immediately.

"Hello?" Her annoying voice was on the other line.

"It's Brendon." I speak into the phone.

"Oh my gosh, Brendon! Hi! I'm so glad you decided to call!" She says, excitedness showing through her voice.

"Listen Vicky, and listen carefully, because I'm only gonna say this once. Leave me and Luna alone. I'm madly in love with Luna, and not your psycho ass. Stop filling up my twitter, stop making up lies, stop harassing and hurting Luna. And I swear on my Grandma's grave, if you come back and fuck with Luna, I'm calling the cops. Leave. Us. Alone." I hung up, sighing.

I'm so fucking frustrated, and I don't know anything about-

"Mr. Urie?" A nurse approached me.

"Yes?" I stand up from the chair.

"Ms. Solange is in critical condition, she's still alive, but she will only be for two more days tops. She needs an emergency heart transplant, and it's very unlikely we find one at such an early notice. You did a really good job stopping the blood flow." He explains to me, empathy present on his features.

I slowly nod, running my hands through my hair.

"Can I see her?" I ask the nurse.

"Yes, of course." He escorts me to her room, she was laying in a bed. She looked weak and pale, her lips chapped and her body bruised.

I sit down next to her, thanking the nurse on his way out.

I grab her hand and run my thumb along her knuckles. I use my other hand to caress her hair and eventually cup her face.

Her eyes flutter open and she lightly smiles as she sees me.

"Hi." She breathes out.

"Hey, babygirl. Are you feeling okay? It's alright if you can't talk." I stroke her cheek.

"I'm fine-" She pauses to breathe. "I love you." She says. My stomach flips and my heart rate speeds up. Hearing her say this – completely – is beyond describable.

I had the stupidest grin on my face when I told her "I love you too, babygirl."

She smiled. "I'm gonna rest a bit more, I'm really tired." She closed her eyes.

"Okay, sleep tight, love." I kissed her forehead. I couldn't help but worry in the back of my head. What if she doesn't wake up?

I took my phone out and tweeted:

We need a heart donor for my girlfriend, Luna. If anyone can help me find a heart for the love of my life, I would be forever thankful.

I hope it works.

I started to read on my phone to pass the time, because all I could do is wait. Of course I'm immensely worried about her, but all I can do is wait for a heart. There's no other choice.

I eventually got tired and went to bed in a couch next to Luna, staring at her with a thought lingering on my mind:

If she doesn't get a new heart tomorrow, she'll be gone forever.

I don't remember the last time I prayed. I don't even believe in God, but I prayed before I went to bed. I considered getting up and doing one of those old rituals – like the rain dance – but that would be upsetting for the patients at the hospital.

The next morning I woke up to a nurse furiously knocking at the door. Luna seemed too tired to move.

I rush to open it, and the first thing he says is: "Mr. Urie, we found a heart."

And so Luna was rushed into surgery, which took took 11 hours, but they did it. I was the first person they allowed inside, then Kayla came around an hour later, along with her boyfriend Brad.

"Oh my gosh, Luna, sis..." Her eyes water at the sight of Luna, while Brad sits in a corner, arms crossed.

I've always had a weird feeling about Brad, but maybe he's just one of those people who are impossible to read, or he just has a lot on his mind, I don't know.

The nurse comes back in to tell Kayla that she and Brad have to leave around an hour later, and we say goodbye to eachother.

The nurse checks Luna's vitals, crouching. "Well, she seems to be adjusting to the new heart just fine, and she's recovering fairly fast, too."

He stands up. "Well, I think that's all for today. Have a great night, Mr. Urie. I'll be back tomorrow to check on her, but for now, we need to let her rest."

He starts to head for the door, but I stop him.

"Wait." I stand up.

The nurse looks at me, waiting for me to talk.

"Do you know who the donor was?" I asked him, curious. Maybe I could comfort whoever's family that was.

He starts to look through his files, eventually stopping at one, and reading for a moment.

"It says here that the donor's name was Victoria Hughes, her signature being "Vicky"." He answers my question, oblivious to what it meant to me.

My eyes widen. "O-oh, okay."

I guess the comforting is no longer an option.

"Would that be all, Mr. Urie?" The nurse asks me.

"Yes, that's all. Thank you."


that's it

thank you so much for your support <3

- Vi

I Hate You, Brendon Urie.Where stories live. Discover now