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I stare at the tweet in disbelief. "You what?" I ask Brendon.

I put my phone down, turning the wi-fi off. His gulps. "I-I'm in love with you." He bites his lip, attempting to hide his nervousness.

I sigh and run my hands through his hair, he stares down at the ground. "I really like you Brendon, but I can't say the same just yet."

He lets out a sigh, it sounds like relief to me. "It's fine. But I hope you're aware that I won't stop saying it." His lips curl up into a smile.

I giggle. "I'm fine with that."

Of course I wasn't bothered about the fact that Brendon was in love with me – or at least he says so – It's just good to catch a break from being treated like shit.

Brendon pulls me into a hug, slightly pulling away after a couple seconds to look at me. "If I ever do or say anything that makes you uncomfortable, just say it right ahead."

I smile. "I will. Don't worry about it."

He kisses my forehead, and I pull away from the hug to grab my phone. Putting the passcode in, and turning the wi-fi on. My phone instantly explodes with notifications, to the point where it freezes and I'm forced to restart it.

I look at Brendon and he just laughs. "I think you should turn your notifications off, baby girl." He runs a hand through my hair.

"You think so?" I sarcastically reply.

My phone turns on again, and I quickly turn off the notifications. I'll deal with twitter tomorrow, I thought.

I place my phone in my pocket and hug Brendon. "I'm tired." I mumble into his chest. I'm shorter than him, his chin always lands on top of my head.

"Do you want me to leave so you can sleep?" He kisses my head.

"Noooo!" I whine. "Stay with me tonight, please?" I pout my lip, staring at him.

He smiles. "Okay, only because I love you."

I roll my eyes and take his hand, leading him into my bedroom. I open my door, and turn the lights on, closing the door behind me.

"I expected you to have something artistic or messy in here, but it's just a nice, tidy room." He looks around.

I cross my arms, staring at him. He laughs and pecks my lips.

"Let's get ready for bed, weren't you sleepy?" He crosses his arms as well, mocking me.

I raise an eyebrow. "Not if you keep mocking me-" He picks me up.

"Brendon, put me down!" I whine. I'm too tired for fun.

At least this kind of fun.

He put me down in my bed, and takes his shirt off. Thank the heavens Brendon sleeps without a t-shirt on.

"Yeah, good job getting ready for bed, but I still have to put my pyjamas on." I get up and take out a pyjama set from my dresser, walking to my bathroom.

I put the pyjamas on, and Brendon was laying on my bed, wearing only boxers, using his phone. My hormones shot up to the sky, but I chose to ignore it, as he said he wanted our first time to be special.

Hey, that gives me an idea.

I walked to my side of the bed, Brendon looking away from his phone to me. "You look cute." He smiled.

I Hate You, Brendon Urie.Where stories live. Discover now